Show Equitable Life Assurance Assurance Assurance Assur Assur- ance Society LOCAL OFFICES to Newhouse Building ELMER RICKER Agency Director SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL ANNUALS STATEMENT t S For Tor the tha 3 year ending December c 31 31 1917 of arh the tha condition of T the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. U S. S Name of ot the company Equitable Life Assurance Society of the theU u U. U S. S Location New York CIt City New York President William A. A Da Day Secretary William Alexander Capital paid up up- Admitted assets Total liabilities- liabilities Capital J Net reserve Other Surplus over all liabilities Total Income Total disbursements 21 Losses and matured en endowments endowments endowments en- en paid included in foregoing item Hem 3 Amount written during the year jear ear oo Net amount In force forc at tha the end of the year State of Utah County of Salt Lake Lake ga The Equitable Life Lite Assur Assurance nce Society of the United States of New York City N. N Y having complied with the laws of ot U this his s state M ran relating g to Insurance including dl ga if the filing of Its a annual n statement of 1 which the foregoing Is a synopsis Now therefore the said company is hereby ier by authorized to transact In this state the business of Insurance until the thelast thelast last ast day of ot February 1919 In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Insurance department this day of March A. A D. D 1918 Seal RULON BULON S. S WELLS Commissioner of ot Insurance Home Life Ins Co OF NEW YORK It I Iff Phone 1342 GEO CEO W. W nAI Y G Gen u. u Ast I SYNOPSIS OF TUB THE ANNUAL STATEMENT STATEMENT STATE MENT l For the Year Ending December 31 1917 of the Condition of the Home Life Insurance Company Name of the company Home Life In Insurance Insurance insurance In- In company Location New York City New York President George E. E Ide Secretary Ellis W. W Gladwin Admitted assets Total liabilities liabilities- Net re reserve reserve reserve re- re serve Other liabilities lia ha- Surplus over all liabilities lUes Total Income Total disbursements Losses and matured endowments en paid Included ed In foregoing Item Amount written during the year Net amount in force at atthe atthe atthe the end of the year State of Utah County of Salt Lake Lake ss The Home Life LIte Insurance company of New York N. N Y having complied compIled with the laws of this state relating to insurance Including the filing of or its annual statement of which the fore fore- colne is synopsis a Now Nov therefore for the said company Is hereby authorized to transact in this state the business of Insurance until the last day of February 1919 In Tn testimony whereof I have hereunto hereunto hereunto here here- unto set my hand and affixed the seal of ot the Insurance department this day of March A. A D. D 1918 Seal RULON ON S. S WELLS Commissioner 01 or oi Insurance Cannon Insurance Agency RESIDENT AGENTS EUGENE M. M CANNON Mgr 18 East So Temple SYNOPSIS OF TIlE THE ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31 31 1917 of the condition of the U. U S. S branch of the Scottish Union and National Insurance Co Name of ot the company Scottish Union and National Insurance company Location Edinburgh Scotland I U. U S. S office Hartford Connecticut U. U S. S manager James 11 H. Brewster I J U. U S. S deposit S Admitted d iu po assets eis' eis Total liabilities liabilities- U. U S S. deposit Net reserve Other Surplus over all aU liabilities Total In Income om Total disbursements Losses paid included in foregoing item Amount written luring during the tho year 00 N Net amount I In force c at the end 3 of Ut the te teI year t Il St State 0 of Utah County of Salt Lake Lake ra h t 1 if dS The Scottish c Union I and National t i In Insurance Insurance In- In I company of ot Edinburgh Scotland having complied with the laws of this state riaN relating to Insurance el including l ln the filing of it its ga annual ru rua statement a t o of which h I the foregoing is a synopsis nc s Now ef therefore f t the said company Is 1 hereby authorized to transact in this I state the business of or insurance until the thelast thelast 13 last day of February b 1919 I dt In 1 t o whereof o I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of pf the Insurance department this dy dey of March A. A D. D 1918 Ms Seas Seal h RULON S. S WELLS I Commissioner of Insurance Alliance Investment Co AGENTS Real Estate and Insurance I P. P S. S MEYERS Mgr I 18 E. E So Temple Tempi Phone Was SYNOPSIS OF OO TIlE THE ANNUAL ST STATEMENT A TE For the Year Ending December 31 1917 of the Condition of tho U. U S. S Branch of the State Assurance Company Limited Name Nanie of ot the tIre Company State Assurance Company Limited Location Liverpool England U. U S. S Office Hartford Connecticut U. U S S. S Manager James II H. Brewster U. U S. S Deposit Admitted Assets Total Liabilities Liabilities- U. U S. S Net reserve Other Surplus over all Liabilities Total Income oo 01 Total Disbursements Losses paid included In foregoing item Amount written during the ye year r Net amount in force at the tho end of the year State of Utah County of Salt Lake Lake ss The State AssUrance Com Company pan Ltd oft of Liverpool I England n having v complied with t eff nt ta the laws 0 of this state relating to insurance insurance ance anee including the filing of Its Annual Statement of which the foregoing is a a- synopsis Now therefore the said Company Is hereby authorized to transact in this state the business of ot Insurance until the thelast thelast thelast last day Of ot February 1919 In testimony whereof I 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the s seal al of ot the Insurance department this day of March A. A D. D 1918 Seal RULON S. S WELLS WELI S Commissioner of ot Insurance Prudential Insurance Co OF AMERICA C. C D. D KIPP Mgr Mgt Kearns Phone Was 2656 SYNOPSIS OF TilE THE ANNUAL STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT STATE STATE- MENT For the Year Ending December 31 1917 of the Condition 9 of the Prudential Insurance Company of America Name of the company Prudential Insurance Company of America Location Newark New Jersey President Forrest I F. F Dryden Secretary Willard V I. I Hamilton Capital up paid-up 0 Admitted assets b Total liabilities liabilities- Capital Net re reserve reserve reserve re- re serve Other l 4 44 11 Surplus over r all liabilities ties ties Total income Total ll disbursements g r em is' is lUf t n Losses and matured en endowments endowments endowments en- en Included In foregoing Item industrial A Amount written r luring during the h year ordinary I ar I. I 27 Industrial Net amount In force torce at atthe atthe atthe the end of the year I ordinary State of Utah County of Salt SaU Lake Lake I The Prudential Insurance Company of America of ot Newark New Jersey having complied compIled with tho the laws of this state relating to Insurance including I the filing of Its annual statement of which the foregoing is a synopsis Now therefore the said company is I hereby authorized to transact in this state the business of ot Insurance until the last day of February 1919 I In testimony whereof I have hereunto hereunto here here- unto set get my hand and affixed the seal G c. cl the Insurance department this I day o of March I A. A D. D 1918 drS Seal I. I RULON S. S WELLS Commissioner of Insurance American Surety Co OF NEW YORK Suite Boston Phone Was 2995 W. W E. E Mgr SYNOPSIS OF OP l THE TILE ANNUAL STATEMENT For the Tear ear Ending December 31 1917 of ot the Condition of the American Surety Company of New York Name of the Company American Surety Company of ot New York Location New York City New York President l F. F W. W Yo Lafrentz Secretary C. C W. W I Capital paid u up j s Admitted Assets Total Capital Net reserve Other 1700 9 su Surplus l over r all Liabilities fl i Total Income Total Disbursements Losses Paid Included In foregoing Item Amount written during the year f too Ii 72 I Net amount in force at the end of ot tho thc year St State of Utah County o of Salt Lake ol l tc lt rJ The e American Surety Company o or New w York of New York City N. N Y having complied wIth the laws of ot this state re relating relating re- re lating to insurance including the filing of Its Annual Statement of ot which the foregoing foregoing foregoing fore fore- going is a synopsis Now therefore the said company is hereby authorized to transact in this state the business of Insurance until thelast thelast the tho last day of February 1919 In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the insurance department this bOth day Of March A. A D. D 1918 Seal RULON S. S WELLS Commissioner of ot Insurance nce THE AGE AGENCY CY COMPANY On and After May 1st O Our r New Location Will Be South Main Street 4 GENERAL MANAGERS GUARDIAN FIRE INS CO WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE AND BONDS I I SYNOPSIS OF Ol TH TIlE ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31 1917 of ot the condition of the U. U S St S. Branch of the Nationale Fire Insurance Company Name of ot company Nationale Fire Insurance Insurance Insurance ance Company U. U Location j CSt S. S office Paris af Providence France Rhode Island U. U S. S managers Starkweather Shepley Inc U. U S. S deposit Admitted assets Total liabilities liabilities- I U. U S. S Net reserve Other tl Surplus over all liabilities Total income 9 Total disbursements I II L Losses paid Included c in foregoing ol item te 2 22 Amount written during the year Net amount in force at the tho end of the year ear LOO 00 State of Utah County of f Salt Lake Lake s. s I of The Paris Nationale t France J Fire having Insurance r complied Company with I I Ithe i the laws of this state relating to ance Including the filing of ot Its annual statement of which the foregoing is a synopsis I Now there therefore tore the said company Is hereby authorized to transact In this state the business of Insurance until the thelast thelast thelast last day of ot February 1919 In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal peal of the Insurance department this day of March A. A D. D 1918 1915 Sea RULON S. S WELLS Commissioner of Insurance SYNOPSIS OF TIlE THE ANNUAL ST STATEMENT A TE For the year ear ending u- u ember L 31 31 1917 of the of the Guardian Fire Insurance Company Name of ot the company Guardian Fire In Insurance Insurance Insurance In- In Company Location Salt Lake City Utah President David C. C Eccles Secretary G. G A. A Yocum Capital paid up UI Admitted assets Total liabilities liabilities- Capital Net reserve Other lab Surplus over all liabilities 16 I Total Income Total disbursements Losses paid included in foregoing Item Amount written during the year ear 2824 00 Net amount in force at the I end of or the year ea State of ot Utah County of ot Salt Lake Lake ss The Guardiani I Fire I Insurance COmpany g of ot Salt tG Lake CitY t h having I complied compiled with the laws of this state relating to Insurance Including the filing of ot Its annual an an- nual statement of which the foregoing Isa is ts isa tsa a synopsis Now Nov therefore the wild SLid company company is hereby authorized to transact in this I state tate the business of Insurance until the thelast thelast 1 last day of February 1919 I i In testimony whereof I have hereunto set 11 my hal hai ot I i and affixed the seal of the Insurance department this day of I March A. A D. D 1918 S. S Seal nt LO R 5 R. R WELLS Commissioner of ot Insurance SYNOPSIS OF Ol TIlE THE ANNUAL STAT STATEMENT For the year ear ending December 31 81 1917 of the condition of the Interstate Casualty Company Name of ot the company Interstate Casualty Casualty Casualty Cas Cas- Company Location Birmingham Alabama President Henry Heury B. B Gray Secretary D. D B. B Lightner X Capital paid a up me mea Admitted assets s rs gg g Total liabilities liabilities- Capital oo Net reserve Other lab flab Surplus over all liabilities Total income 30 Total disbursements 3 09 Losses paid Included In foregoing item Amount written during the theNet year car Net amount In force at the end of the year State of Utah County of Salt Lake Lake ss The Interstate Casualty Com Company pan of ot Birmingham Alabama having complied with the laws of or this state relating to In Insurance insurance In- In including the filing tiling of ot Its Us annual statement of ot which the foregoing Is a synopsis synopsis- Now therefore the said company Is authorized to transact In this state the business of Insurance until the last da day of February 1919 I In testimony whereof I 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of ot the insurance department this Oth day of March Starch A. A D. D 1918 1915 I Seal RULON nULON S. S WI WELLS LIs Commissioner of Insurance Occidental Life Insurance Insurance Insurance ance Co W. W A. A ZIMMERMAN GENERAL AGENT Life Accident and Health Policies Written T. T A. A ROBERTSON Supervisor Accident Dept Newhouse Was SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT STATEMENT STATE STATE- MENT 1 For the year rear ending December 31 1917 of the condition of the tho Occidental Life Insurance Company Name of the company Occidental Life Insurance Company Location Los Angeles California President Jos Burkhard Secretary Secretary- Robt J. J Giles Olles Capital paid up Admitted assets Total II liabilities a bill tics Capital Net reserve Life dept Ace Acol dept Other liabilities Life dept Acci dept Surplus over all liabilities Total Income Accident department Life department Total disbursements Accident department Life Lite department Losses paid Included in foregoing foregoing foregoing fore fore- going going- Items Losses and ana matured endowments endowments endow endow- ments paid Included in foregoing item Life department I Accident department Amo written during tho the thoI I year I Life department I Accident department Net amount In force at the I end of the year Life department department I State of Utah County of Salt Lake ss The Occidental Life Insurance Company Company Com Corn pany of Los Angeles California having complied compiled with the laws of this State re relating relating re- re lating to Insurance including the filing flUng of ot its Annual Statement of which the foregoing Is a synopsis Now therefore the said company Is hereby authorized to transact In this State the business of Insurance until the thelast thelast last day of or February 1919 1 In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Insurance nce Department this day of or orMa Ma March h A. A I D. D 1918 Seal RULON S. S WELLS Commissioner of Insurance Aetna Life Insurance Co EDWIN C. C KAHN Mgr W WALKER BANK PHONE WAS 1022 1021 SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT STATEMENT STATEMENT STATE STATE- MENT For the year ending December 31 H 1917 of the condition of the Aetna Life Insurance Company Name of the company Aetna Life Insurance Insurance Insurance ance Company Loc Location Uon Hartford Connecticut President Morgan G. G Bulkeley Secretary C. C E. E Gilbert bert et al Capital paid up Life Lite dept A. A H. H d dept pt Total liabilities Capital Net reserve Life dept Acci dept 8 Other Life dept t Acci Ace dept Surplus over all liabilities liabilities- Life department 1 13 A. A II department t n t Life department Total Income A. A H. H department Total disbursements Life Lite department A. A H. H department Losses and matured endowments endowments endow v ments paid included d in foregOing foregOing- Item life dept 1 Losses included in foregoing foregoing forego forego- ing item A. A H. H dept Amount written during the year Life department A. A H. H department Net amount in force at end of the year Life department A. A H. H department State of ot Utah County of Salt Lake Lake ss The Aetna Life Insurance Company of Hartford Connecticut having complied with the laws of ot this tilts State relating to In Insurance Insurance In- In aurance Including the filing of its Annual Annual An An- nual Statement of which the foregoing |