Show Forty M Men n From Simpsons Simpson's By Herbert Kaufman NOTE One NOTE One half of the waiters walters and cooks forty coons forty men men employed employed by b Simpsons Simpson's in the Strand a celebrated old London restaurant responded in a a. I I S body to Kitchener's first can call S FORTY ORTY men from Simps Simpson's Simpsons ns n's 1 I i Will you ave it rare If S Try a bit of pudding sir f L 3 Yes the Cheddars Cheddar's fair f S Forty men from Simpsons Simpson's 1 Quitting in in a group in Marching off in khaki for J t Jf 14 To fix the kaisers kaiser's soup soup soup- rt s Forty men from Simpsons Simpson's I S Will U take it ot at you 7 I I I'S S 'S Eres y your ur hell served in th the sh lJ l' l Piping from the pot I W I X Forty men from Simpsons Simpson s' s i Hurry turn em loose i t They're the sort we need in ff front Pt 1 t To o cook the German goose 5 r from Forty men Simpsons Simpson's r What a thing to read sy humble I IS Forty serving men 4 2 S Serving B Britain Britain's n t am s needs need d' d S x x Fo Forty ty men from Simpsons Simpson's Dont Don't you blush with shame L. L While they play the soldiers soldier's part And you the waiting game J 1918 by Herbert Kaufman Great Britain and all other rights reserved |