Show I INVENTOr T TO I f FACE FEDERAL j L COURT ONI ON ON- I CHAR CHARGE I I John ohn J Van Valkenburg Declines Declines De De- De- De clines dines to File Demurrer to Recent Indictment by Federal Grand Jury Juryj R to hide behind any j REFUSING Aw technicality but expressing a desire to have have- his case ease come before a jury and alid a court of law as soon as possible John Van Valkenburg alleged pseudo I j inventor and charged with Impersonating impersonating imper- imper I I a federal official declined declined today to avail hims himself lf of ot an opportunity opportunity I to file a demurrer to the fedI federal federal fed fed fed- eral grand jury indictment recently I returned against him All preliminaries preliminaries panes are now swept aside and at 10 o'clock tomorrow his case will be beset beset set for trial He will be tried before Judge Tillman D. D Johnson in the I I United States district court DECKS ARE CLEARED A A A. a session of t the le court r running into a few hour in the courtroom I this morning considerable prelimInary preliminary preliminary nary business was taken up and the boards cleared of ot pending action preparatory preparatory pre pre- to winding up the November I term of ot court With a Jury called for April 29 29 a atrial atrial atrial trial setting session scheduled for to- to toI I mo ow moia-ow ow and most of ot the business to preliminary to actual court work wiped off oft the slate the late April session promises to be one filled with many big features The attention of ot the court at to- to toj today's j I I days day's session was occupied by the I II Case against E. E F. F Sargent accused I of f violation of the internal revenue i laws tw two mile five limit alleged II i I prostitution cases a Reed amendment amendment amend amend- amend I i ment arraignment and the entering I I or several arguments by attorneys J i SARGENT SENTENCED j Sargent the first man arraigned I I pleaded guilty to the charge and was given ten days in the city Jail Max I Florence arrested recently on a charge of ot violation o 0 the the- Rel I I amendment the federal provision prohibiting the importation of liquor I into dry territory entered a plea of ot not guilty Helen Lee arrested in 11 inthe In the government vice crusade plea pleaded ed I Inot not guilty to a charge of 1 j i tion Leone ONiel arraigned on the same Charge harge pleaded not guilty Miss Minnie Deckman who woo was to I II have been taken before the court I today failed tailed to appear illness it is j I Is Isaid I II I s said id causing her to remain in her quarters at the county jail |