Show Big Wednesday STATE BROADWAY M FOUNDED 1864 r Suburban Lun Lunche n Specials ue rte Ue 8 at Fountain 1 n The Famous Burson Hose C i a 25 Pair S SoUp Tho kind that are are Unit to fit without with with- 4 Hot Roast Beef out n n. seam Black Dlack and white while only I Mashed Potatoes Ladies' Ladies White hite Cotton Hose Hase with II his M q f 1 5 Brown Gra Oral Gra fancy stripes 0 fl n t 17 Pair 3 pair for 50 at V E Ia s d 24 Auerbach's Main Floor C ji 1 THE BIG STORE OFFERS 1 SUBURBAN SHOPPING x c Suburban Shoppers are invited to come come to to The 7 he Shopping Center and SALT LAKE I SALT LAItE j. j see the man many Wonderful bargains Auerbach Auerbach's s are offering for Wednesday d a only You can save money at The Bi Big Store as as We buy for less and sell for less y e For Wednesday Only Suburban Shopping Day The largest Domestic Linen and Wash Vash Goods d department in Salt Salt Lake City will 11 be cr crowded with one-day one Bargains Bargains' No C. C O. O D. D or phone orders taken Sheeting 39 Yard Yar Remnant lengths of ot fine tine quality Bleached Sheeting 81 inches wide L mit f 5 yards to a a. customer e s It a Dress Ginghams 25 Yard YardA F A wonderful a assortment of patterns fine Amoskeag Ginghams Limit 10 yards to A 1 customer i J Bleached Outing Flannel 19 IB Yard YardA ard A good quality Bleached Outing Otting Flannel 26 inches ir-ches in width Limit 10 yards to a customer I French 39 Yard Fine Pine White 45 inches wide for tor Infants' Infants wear and underwear Limit 10 yards to a customer White Wool Embroidered Flan Flannel el Yd Beautiful patterns for tor Infants infants' wear White Batiste 19 Y Yard YardA a d A fine mercerized tine Batiste te for tor underwear and infants' infants wear Limit 10 yards t to a customer Tissues 39 Yard t Beautiful W Woven ven Tissues 36 inches wide in stripes and checks s all woven c lors will wash and wear like gingham I Auerbach's Main Floor 7 SUBURBAN SPECIALS Silks and Dress Goods Taffeta 49 Yard Yard- Nice soft lustrous quality in all the leading shades This is an exceptional value and is a rare bargain 36 inches wide I II I and Taffetas and Satins Yard In stripes checks and other designs Just the silks for all wear 36 inches wide Wednesday only I Dress Serge English weave in five colors only Brown Tan Copenhagen Blue Black and Cream White 56 inches wide Special price for Wednesday Silk and Wool Poplin Yard Extra heavy silk sill poplin A good assortment of colors 40 inches in width Special price for Wednesday Auerbach's Main Floor Special Bargains in the Famous Crex and Willow Grass Rugs Size Size Size Small lot of Reversible Bedroom Rugs Size 7 Auerbach's Fifth Floor Auerbach's Auerbach s Continue to Flay r h. h P Prices High jt S Suits a n. n d 1495 1495 1495 I With market market conditions as they are today the yo of Salt Lake vicinity should appreciate appreciate Lq that they arc are offered SUITS and COATS COATS' in ll this sale TOMORROW for just about what we would have to pay WHOLESALE if we tried to duplicate them Come at al You will s see e plenty of your neighbors waiting for the doors to open Such coats oats tV and Suits Suit as offered at 14 1495 will equal any in town at double the price we are asking Dr D Dresses esses SKIRTS S EXTRA m SPECIAL These dresses that we offer in this sale sate are actually The Spring Seasons Season's Newest Innovations worth double and more They are silks silks' serges and All Taffetas Wool as b both both Poplins plain and striped amongst this lot Jot of dresses Specially Harlequin Checks 3 9 5 priced tomorrow Wednesday day at tt t All Wool Serges VALUES TO Auerbach's Auerbach s 's Second Floor Auerbach's Second Floor HOUSEHOLD AND GARDEN NEEDS English Curtain 1 CURTAIN STRETCHERS size FIBER SUIT CASES Net 26 inches long best nickel plated pins st steel el corners Net f 39 r y Yard ar d SOc GAR GARDEN EN RAKE ELECTRIC IRON pound C-pound size with Small lot of very fine tine English leable tooth 12 39 mal- mal cord and plug Nets with dainty lace insertion Curtain Wed Wed- Wednesday 1 98 GALVANIZED A N WASH BOILER with only well braced STEP LADDER made of hardwood gaC cover a HARDWOOD WINDOW SCREENS 24 19 PORCH SWING complete with full tull set chains SWING inches high extend 33 Inches Plain and 25 FEET GUARANTEED GARDEN HOSE figured 36 I inches n ch es Vi wide Id e. e CLOTH CLOTHES ES BAR 5 feet 3 poled well ell 5 ply 5 ply coupled Wednesday y special l' l braced Auerbach's Fourth Floor Auerbach's bach's bachs Fifth Firth Floor W I 7 r r 4 f i f Shoe Bargains For Suburban Shopping Day Women's Women Fancy Colored Boots Women's Black Kid Boots Women's Pumps and Slippers Women's Pumps and Slippers Boys' Boys Gun Metal Button Shoes JOO Boys' Boys Lace or Button Shoes Youths' Youths Gun Metal Button Shoes Youths' Youths Lace or Button Shoes Little Gents' Gents Gun Metal Button Shoes Little Gents' Gents Lace or Button Shoes EXTRA SPECIALS 1000 Pair Mens Men's Women's and Childrens Children's Black or White Rubber Sole Tennis Slippers Mens Men's sizes 6 to 11 11 priced at 69 Women's sizes 2 23 4 to 8 8 priced at Boys' Boys sizes 2 21 to 6 6 priced at 59 Misses Misses' Misses Misses' and Youths' Youths sizes 11 to 2 2 priced at Childrens Children's sizes 5 to 10 priced at Auerbach's Main Iain Floor Mens Men's Clothes for forWAR forWAR forWAR WAR GARDEN WORK WORIC Get out in the garden but dont don't ruin your best clothes Get an outfit at small cost that will last you through the year Canvas Gloves Be c Bib Overalls SISS Leather Faced Canvas Best Dest quality h heavy avy weight Gloves 28 genuine indigo dyed Split Horsehide Gloves Seamless Work Socks 10 Suspenders Chambray Work Shirts Belts Leather Youths' Youths Jumpers 19 Shirts Sport 49 Short sleeves Boys toys Overalls Khaki Pants Auerbach's Main Floor Little Girls Girls' Wash Dresses i. i 5 New and very pretty prell many styles and combinations made from frum the best washable ginghams Auerbach's Third Floor Suburban Shopping Day GROCERY GROCER Y SPECIALS SPECIAL'S U. U S S. License G Monarch lonarch Coffee lb Ib can 32 Monarch l Coffee Cottee 3 S-lb can 89 Griffons Griffon's Canned Fruits No 2 2 size can can Peaches Peaches Pears Apricots Cherries Plums and Sliced Peaches ular 3 c value can Regular Regular Regular Reg Reg- California Fresh Rhubarb lb Ib 5 Utah Green Onions 6 G j bunches for fop 7 e Swifts Swift's Premium and Puritan Hams lb Ib 34 Eastern Strong Cheese lb Ib 32 AN APRON SPECIAL Bungalow and House Dress Aprons 85 Trimmed in various ways best quality percale including pinks and blues The New Up Kover-Up Aprons Suitable for garden or house cleaning made in bl blue e and gray ginghams t Bib Aprons 49 c Cut full and md large bib wide with strap over the shoulders very good Auerbach's Third Floor I 1 1 I Suburban Shopping II CHINA SPECIALS I n PIECE 10 CASSEROLE SET brown blown and white lined gi 51 WATER TUMBLERS Colonial pattern table size G FORS fORo- ter GLASS REFRIGERATOR BUTTER JARS with mil covers holds 1 GLASS-FOOTED GLASS SHERBET OR ICE CREAM GLASSES 6 FOR 3 GLASS MEASURING CUP lipped with handle 1 THIN BLOWN WATER TUMBLERS table size size 6 FOR FORS 3 PRESERVING CROCKS sizes 1 to 20 gallons per pei gallo PIECE 42 DINNER SET t Beautifully decorated service for 6 persons made of f fi fl AS porcelain Auerbach's Fourth Floor ar s Jewelry Bargains Pearl Necklaces 79 Each Solid Gold God Pendants Pendant A beauty of an Oriental Pearl Neck Keck lace 15 and 16 inches long Set with cultured D P Novelty Earrings from 2 t to le 36 SS 98 Sale t I to Lj t Novelty Earrings in a big bid vai variety iet I neatly nearly 50 different t styles sterling I Brooches and Shell Cai Ca Can i silver set with Rhinestone Brilliants and color combinations gold filled I Solid sold Cold krs Broc kro he he and solid gold wires The priceless I Shell C Cameo meo Sale prie kind priced from 25 to to 10 Bar Pins and I I Solid Solid Gold Filed Bar Pins and link soldered s de prig t 48 to priCa 9 to 12 a. a m. m Big Thousands Sale O of of pieces f Jewelry to select t from in m. m Pit all all' one 10 p pro pru-i I If Flag Pin Pin Free Free With Each Purchase I Auerbach's Main Floor JA J- J I IA t A Tremendous Assortment of j L Sport Tailors Tailo t and and J Outdoor Hi H of Hundreds and hundred o to choose from Ever style that Dame has pronounced correct this sP Plenty of the popular black all white all the new s t shades and conventional colors Among them are t J Large Dashing Braids Straws Rough Straws China Straws Straws Peanut t Straws Braids I in styles that add to your your- tailored costumes for golfin d try club tennis boating and all play wear A Ara rare rare showing of the every-day every Hats priced every purse Prices 5 Others up to 1000 S xo Women's Night Gowns Children Childrens S Stier et 10 Each IIan made Hand made l-made Porto Porto Rican nightgowns n night sate go gowns made of ot fine mercerized Bic u Wednesday Excellent alue value Batiste t Women's Muslin Petticoats 1 00 Ladies Ladies' 1 Each b t ESC S' S 51 25 wits t Ul t s. s 6 3 S Some Someer very er excellent values In lace laco rain Main T Tor 1 or nr embroidery trimmed 1 |