Show TION PLANS Bri British ish Minister of Labor Plans Work of Recon Recon- EXETER England April 23 G. G 31 n. Roberts minister of ot labor ad addressed addressed ad- ad dressed a meeting recently at Exeter Speaking of ot demobilization I Roberts said he would rather keep the men In the tho army longer than was absolutely absolutely necessary than allow them to fall into the tho ranks of ot the plo edHe ed lie He hoped to give every man on demobilization a reasonable chance chanco of ot employment within lour four weeks of or Ms discharge and he believed that the men would use these Tour weeks I in legitimate recreation lie hoped I there would bo industrial harmony harmon during the reconstruction period He 1 would like to see that period characterized charac charac- by the tho unity which had been beena a feature of ot the first months of ot the war Referring to the extension of or the trade trado board system Roberts said he ho was going to ask parliament to enlarge enlarge en en- large his powers It was intended that after the war many of oJ the conditions conditions con con- which had hitherto prevailed should be abolished for all time and that every honest and willing worker should be able to gain a t and tolerable existence lie He hoped the j ministry of ot labor would be given j powers that would enable them to bring brini under the trade board system any trade in the country which did not guarantee a living wage to the worker Roberts also referred to the board that had been set up by the government government govern govern- ment to consider the course of ot trade after the war The ministry of ot la labor labor la- la I bor he said was doing all It could to see that the country had a all the supplies which might be available at atthe atthe I the end of ot the war |