Show EVENTFUL L lefes I 1 FES TRAGIC TRAG I 1 C END baroness comm ts su cide in onal manner seated in a rocking chair in front of a large mirror that reflected her life less features and with a pistol still grasped in the right hand which lay in her lap the body of mrs louise ames van weik welk also known as baroness haq dl di covered in the washington hotel at jersey city april ath her life had been as eventful as her death was tragic the daughter of capt ames of the united stats army a he had spent her early day among the army posts of the frontier and being left a large fortune by her father had enjoyed luxuries and had traveled extensively she was a granddaughter of bishop ames of massachusetts and was educated in the de pauw sity in indiana of which her grand father had been president she was first married to otto nan aa weik welk now a postoffice post office inspector in st louis she was divorced from him five years ago and two years ago she married baron bauer said to be an austrian nobleman in paris they did not live happily and last fall she went to sioux falls to secure a di dl vorce she had one child now a girl of ten by her first husband she was of ilva vivacious cious temperament and the reason for suicide is a mya mys tery it is known she had planned to R return to sioux falls fearing her resi dence there had not been long enough to insure against a legal dispute with her husband among her papers was a will made in sioux falls S D march 2 1903 which bequeathed all her estate to her daughter dorothy van we k except her wardrobes war drobs which was to be given to mrs henry garland of washington the gowns found in her trunks were worth orth at least 5 mrs van weik welk s daughter Is attend ing a fashionable school in new hamp shire avenue in that city |