Show 1 11 14 P D S W 0 D V congressman wilotis I 1 HER SAYS to the pe TV ru na medicine co of columbus 11 0 1 peruna Pem na is all you claim for st it W 4 j g r f dif WM zm v Congress congressman manD D F wilber Wll berot of oneonta N writes the peruna Afe medicine dicine co columbus 0 gentlemen persuaded by a mead friend I 1 have tried bour vaur remedy and findl I 1 havo have almost fully recovered reco vered after the use ofa of a few bottles I 1 am fully y convinced that peruna is allyon all you claim for it and I 1 cheerfully recommend your medicine to all who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble DAVID DA VID P wilber peruna a preventive and cure core for colds coldis mr C P F given sussex N B vice pros pres dent of the past time boating club writes whenever the cold weather seta sets in I 1 have for years past been very sure to catch a severe cold which was hard to throw off and which would leave after effects on my constitution the most of the winter last winter I 1 was advised to try peruna and nd within five days the cold was broken up and in five days more I 1 was a well man I 1 recommended it to several of my friends end and all speak the h ebest praise for it there is nothing like peruna for catar rhal rha I 1 afflictions it is welt well nigh infallible 1 as a cure and I 1 gladly endorse it C F given gave bew life and strength astren tb mr edward laws crown point ind writes the following fol loving I 1 must tell you what a grand help peruna has teen been to me over two years I 1 suffered with catarrh of the lungs and throat and although I 1 doctored for it noth ng brought me rel et ef until I 1 tried peruna one bottle helped me greatly and three more effected a complete cure while at the same time it gave such new life and strength to my who e 0 body that I 1 eel feel like a new man and ten years younger I 1 hope that my teb te stimon timon al may induce MEW F SOTS WIFE SAYS OF THE M PERFECT T three gron grom baking powder we always use three grown crown baking powder we buy it in large 5 ib lb cans it gives perfect satisfaction by using it our pastry and pies are made excellent DOES YOUR WIFE SAY THE SAME SOLD everywhere PER POUND HEWLETT BROS CO THE BE BEST sir mma 21 sut SLICKER IN THE S Z A ay 0 mv C JH L ke ull all our aters cof coats ats u ta and 1101 huts 1 for ah ull k adi of wet work it u often soften M but POR SALE never equo equaled led ll 11 LIABLE DEALER made n bluch bloxk or yellow TICK TO THE ard J fuik r ll 11 j by L AJ towe aico C TOY ER ANAD AN OX ur 1 00 o 0 MIT a 11 0 OWN aai 0 N I 1 ss health ai af toe honig through 11 hires ires Root beer a acl gociu a t on of toots berg herbs a barks a and berries mature nature s own pret pt on be befits every abet ot the family M J r e s Hoot Root beer parille hebold he b herbret he th t fadd d p e euel 1 the pa ate A package 1 a g el S sou do eve y ahe b f 1 6 bl b mft ma of m ta ou aaa Cli trinE eruch res co deiv ru pa CLA CLAIMANTS MAs FOR IF wrt write e to aad fa IN 4 PENSION 0 I 1 U B OUD washington U D 0 they I 1 I 1 will receive quick replies B ath N H volt vol ata prosecute Prose cut ne cla ms 1871 when answering kindly mention this paper v W 7 14 U i al lk e no 16 1903 11 CS RES aneke A ELSE s sates in t n 0 8 d h dr biar wave others who are similarly afflicted to try peruna edward laws A prominent singer caved from lose of voice mr julius 18 16 seneca street buffalo N Y Is correspond n secretary secre tarT ot of the banger lust ot of new york is the leading second bass of the Sanger lust the largest german singing society ot of new new york and also the olde t in 1899 1890 the Sanger lust celebrated its fiftieth annever ary with a large celebia tion in new bork ork city the following is his testimony about t vo years ago I 1 caught a severe cold while trave ing and which settled into ca alrh of the bi ouch a al tubes and so at fectea my voice that I 1 was obliged to can eel my engagements in d stress I 1 was advised to try peruna and although 1 had never used a patent medicine before I 1 seat sent tor for a bottle words but illy describe my surprise s to find that within a te fe v days I 1 wa was greay greatly re cleved and w thin three weeks I 1 was entirely recovered I 1 am never without it now and take an onal dose when I 1 feel run down julian if you do r ot derive pr prompt ampt and satis fac loy toi results result from the use of peruna write at once to dr hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratl gratis address dr hartman president ot of th hartman Saul Sait tanam ariam columbus 0 drunkenness CURED thousands thousand s of homes made ha he appy every year by this treatment most thoroughly equipped dinst aution in the west modern and up to date in every re cures bobit vely made tor bor terms and literature address THE KEELEY INSTITUTE EAST F SOUTH ST BALT LAKE C TY UTAH beware of ointments for Ca catarrh tarril that contain mercury As me rue cury w 11 II surely 4 de ae t oy the sense of smell a d completely de anee ange the whole system when en e ng it th ough the mucous su faces such a cles should never be used except on hresc pt ons f om reputable phys c ans as the damage they hey will do is tenfold to the good you can po s bly de ve f om orn them hall liall a ca ar h cu e manu menu fac fee ared by F J cheney 0 co o toledo 0 con ta ns as no bercu y and s taken in e nally acting d estly upon the blood and mucous su faces of the sy system stern in buy ne ng hall s ca a it cu e be s re you get the ne it s take inte nally and made in toledo oh 0 by F I 1 cheney co cc tes mon alaf ee s p 75 per bottle s fam farn ly P ile a it a e he best THE MEN AN AND WOMEN who enjoy the choicest products of the worlds commerce knowledge ot of AA aliat hat is I 1 nest best ilore ira im t than A balth AN itji ith d out it it must be apner ap ent to every one that lual ties ot of the h ghost order are feces sary to e he best of the products of 0 modern commerce to attain permanently to un versal acceptance however loudly hera ded they may i ot hope for world orld wide v ide preeminence unless tl ti ey apet w th tha the general approval not of individuals only but of the many who have the tappy faculty of selecting enjoying and learn ing ing the real worth of the choicest prod acts their commendation consequently becomes important to others s nee to meet the requirements of the well in formed of all countries the method of manufacture must be of the most per feet order and the comb nation the most excellent of its kind the above Is true not of food products only but is espe u dally e to medicinal agents and after nearl a quarter of a century of growth and general use the excellent remedy syrup of 0 ggs gs is everywhere accepted chiou hout the world as the best of tarn fam ly lapati es its quality la Is due not only to the excel ence of the combination of the labat ve and carm n arlve princ pies of plants leonn to act most beneficially on the system and pre dented in the form of a pleasant and re freshing liquid but also to the method of manufacture of the califern Cali Call forn a fig syrup co which ensures that uniform i ty and purity assent al in a remedy in tended for family use ask ash any ghys clan who Is well informed and he will answer at once that it Is an excellent laxative if at all eminent in h s pro bession and has made a special study ot of laxatives and their effects upon the tem he will tell you that it Is the best of family laxatives because it Is sim pie and wholesome and cleanse cleanses and sweetens the system effectually when a laxative is needed without any un pleasant after effects every well in formed drug druggist git of reputable standing knows tl at syrup of figs rigs is an excel lent laxative and is glad to sell it at the regular price of fifty cents per hot bot tie because it gives general sail fac tion but one should remember that in order to get the beneficial effects of syrup of figs rigs it is necessary to buy the genuine which Is sold in original pack ages only the name of the remedy syrup of figs and also the full name of the compans california lg syrup co printed on the front of every package TOAST CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA resultant B benefits riel ts said to be ate and last ng many families that number ties tics among their members are now taking what might be termed the toast cure toast being substituted for bread at every meal in many cases the good results have been rapid A woman of my acquaintance has been steadily improving with fewer and fewel attacks of indigestion since her do tor recommended this simple experiment however the toast made in the ordinary way that Is soggy within and scorched outside will not benefit the bread must be thoroughly dried out in the oven before toasting then brought to a golden brown per haps more than one dyspeptic suffer er could trace the misery back to soggy bread even een second day bread is not dry enough tor for a dell cate stomach and contrary to an er eroneous idea held by many toast properly made does not cause a sluggish state of the system or work any other evil COOKING C CONTEST right in the fam farn ly kitchens the ladies have a champion inter eseed ested in the betterment of family cooks ks 7 00 in cash has been donabel by C W post chairman of the pos turn cereal co ltd tobe to be distributed between now and july next in cash prizes to stimulate family cooks to better service less burned and greasy meat and potatoes less soggy biscuits cake etc and better coffee Po sturn and tea Is the docto the girls are to compete in the prep of good everyday dishes and in general cookery probably grape nuts nut and nd coffee co if ee will come in tor for some attention incidentally but the tests will be conducted under the dally daily direction of the housewife and cooks will win varying cash prizes from 00 down to 5 00 no one la Is required to pay anything whatever to enter this contest and each winner will receive a large certificate or dl ploma with the big s seal eal in gilt a badge of distinction much to be bought sought after particulars can be had by addressing cooker dept no of cereal co ltd battle I 1 creek mich I 1 i aj L universally w sallu accepted S as the best famila laxative A pt f SYRUP OF FIGS figr v r t r r recommended bu manu millions ll 11 v of the well informed t f r throughout the world I 1 4 manufactured bu du r i no I 1 0 san francisco Franc leco cal louisville ky new toru N V T SALE LE STALL BYALL LEADING DRUGGISTS 1 FIFTY CENTS mrs mr s winslow e S soothing myra forchter for achl dr dren en teething s efteni f the gum rel red cesin in nam mation a aye pa a cure cures wind colic me a bottle JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOK COLOR makes top of the market butter piso s cure Is the best medicine we ever used tor for all affections of the throat and lungs WM WN 0 ENDSLEY vanburen I 1 IM 1 feb 10 1090 1990 stops the cough and andl works off the colo cold laxative bromo quinine tablets price processo ceSSo 25 m 0 G 0 0 D q TO EAT natural flavor food products thre e del emus cious ons allow of alt all sort 4 of in pr matu spreads w hout the impromptu appearance and perm t th the hostess to enjoy enoy rather than e ave our axx hi ki t dow now to make th tb nes nas to eat free to housekeepers L abby a at las of the W rid conta n ng 32 new maps shed expressly for us by the largest map and atlas i in amer aderca ca Is ready n w indexed and q ves new maps of china chin a africa the I 1 ih h paines cuba 1 1 orto R co and s of as mu h t ial i al use as any atlas bed bernall we mail it to any addre a fur for 5 tw two cent stamps libby mcneill libby chicago chicag 0 the world s greatest caterer caterers aa a a RELIABLE R ASSAYS odd id S aa 7 leaa ad 75 go d and sl si ver tl 00 1 t d S v r cop r 10 lio l 1 io re urn era OD ma I 1 sum samp p es e ogden assay assay fa iro is ARAPAHOE ST on N V P COLO i CARBOLIC Z will prevent bloof bloo poisoning in cuta out M C wounds sores bores I 1 bruises and hea them too 25 centa cent would you have TOOTHACHE for Z L 15 cents our jap a anese tooth ache C vl drops will rid you of both decostas LIVER PILLS is H health e a I 1 t h M insurance for 25 cents a policy what worth is your health all lung diseases start with a cough Z if you cough up C M a quarter for a hot bot tie tle of cough balsam you 11 II stop coughing japanese corn cure fr f r li will rid you of a rm dozen CORNS for a m CC quarter which do I 1 you love the best corns or quarter ALL DRUGGISTS OR STORES OR DIRECT FROM I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 Z 0 M I 1 sala LAKE A A K LT e I 1 vie 2 CITY SE WJ 0 P 0 aau a tle f UNION MADE IV IN L I 1 douglas makes anil and sell sells more men s goodyear year V elf 11 owed process shoe shoes than any other manufacturer in tho the f 25 REWARD will be paid to anyone who can disprove this ata because W L douglas lathe helar largest est manufacturer qt he can buy cl paper and produce his at a lo 10 lo 10 ver cost than other can con cerns which enables him to sell shoes for 3 60 50 and equal in every way to those bold sold I 1 elt else wl ere for bui 84 4 and aau sa 5 00 w 7 the doulias secret pro ee cess of nt n the bot hot orn so es as produces aano pure lea her more mora ile i 1 ie to and wl wi I 1 weal longer ion than any other tinn go nth n the world orld the bales eales have more than doub ed there fou years wh ch eh proves if its superior ty why h not e r ve W w I 1 douglas shoes a trial and save money A ife 1 a SO I 1 H 1 balls 1 i ac il iliin nesi iii iwa 1902 aej s ao 30 oo 00 A ABan ga n of ia sao 4 0 SO O alln in conr yer years W L DOUGLAS DOUCLAS GILT EDGE LINE worth ortha 6 00 compared with other makes tha the best imbor erf ed an ml I 1 A AIM me lea lean leathers heyl 0 patent calf enan el six ca cafcas f ca f akl kill kid corona C it and national kangaroo fact faff coor color eyelets cadion the irena ne no h have W 7 L la ill i name and price stamped tamped on bottom shoes by ma 1 I 1 we extra I 1 1 ut us Catal offrA W i 11 boulas 1 WESTERN CANADA GRAIN CROWING MIXED FARMING the ta reason NV W h by more cheit be a tie I 1 grown in wes weaber tern C canchi la abw a few short month months than Is because vegetation grow in pro portion to the buni suni the more nocher y latitude in which arala wl wi i 1 come to perfection the better atiq H therefore 62 be b per bushe 41 60 be b n the ant area op n 1 acres yield IMS 1902 buia HOMESTEAD LANDS OF ACRES FREE FREEO he only abarge for or wh wb ch achl Is 8 0 forsaking tor for making entry A abundance anee of water and fuel building wate material risi PAP jr nd rm favi m for rem uro ana o 0 by artl 19 don i cut out ra ifal and a cl me to 1 giving aa an arsura assura ind and a equate season of growth send to the lol owing for an atla atlas and other Itera ture and too a 0 o tor for certificate you Is d in ed a d passenger rate rates etc etc efu super of 0 iram pratton gratton otts ottawa 40 canada adso irton W sat lake city clan d La nadian agent n t t i n m ft i li i 1 I pl pity ty those that suffer U 17 yan years I 1 suffered am now enoa antly cured send 20 soo mea idea ca arm V fure M II 11 ilam aj flusk dl ph |