Show LABOR UNIONS in collier s weekly of april alth pres indent john mitchell of the mine work ere ors union concludes a very interesting article on labor conditions with the fol lowing the fear that the rise ot of trades union ism will become a menace to society to government or to social order is utterly fa lacious unions ae part ct of the peo pie of the united states tha patriot e indu industrious people As a labor man I 1 say eay that the stronger Qt they gro v the more con va they become ohis tendency I 1 hope and believe will con dinue indefinitely the best friends of organized labor are those who believe and who teach that it can thrive only by being inwright right by being moderate and just and by feeling and meting ite ab response res bili ties as one of the gr great reat forces of our citizenship and industrialism trades unionism has done great tork work in taking children out of factories in rais ng the age limit in securing compulsory aduca tion and other agency to lift up the stan lard of labor and of comfort the miner editor is worried because the besent board of county commission ers have not erected a court house and jail at mammoth during the few months they have been in office and accuse them thern of being fenny renny wise and pound foolish V onder if the editor of that paper knows how much money there was wes left in the treasury of knib c runty by the democrat tie predecessors of 0 the ba present T b beardi 11 ra after the old board of county cc jilis is T 4 signers ld their last meeting and paid the bills which they had contracted there was scarcely eno ono gh gb money in the treasury ol 01 juab county to meet tha the cur our rent expeL sos to viv nothan nothing g of baying buying ground und puth g up a b hiding here is no doubt but h i mammoth sheild have a coart court aliouse an ari i 1 I 1 il nobody real zes thi thio any more that the j reseat resent of county comm the I 1 he old 1 board saw the nece sity of a eh a bu ae u b t they out of office w I 1 lo 10 and dj da ring the r ad fl 0 D I 1 ey y I 1 a I 1 il tie e ava gabl t a 3 due true flat tl it ivy I 1 ry ad verti sed tur tut b ds f r tte tle tt e elect on of aa courthouse court house in the two democrat e papers of the county but as advertis ng medium mediums these newspapers were failures to fo only one firm put in a b d and this firm was personally solicited to do so by former commissioner gillespie the present commissioners are conservative business men man who have the ability to d their public duties and a ud interests of juab county will suffer in no way during their term farm of office te utah press association will hold a meeting gat at provo next monday the pencil pushers w wll 11 listen to addresses by members 0 tha associate on mayor tay lor for po flaster naster clove am smoot of provo after a balqar at one of the hotels the visitors will enjoy a drive about the city the citizens of provo aie are mak ing a to entertain their guests ra ila first class shape and every member of the association should attend 12 bmw fx |