Show 0 0 el S AROUND THE CAMP ap 9 paries parks the jeweler george adams returned to eureka last tuesday john hannifin han left yesterday for salt like lake city mrs T AT holland went to salt lake 0 ty tuesday isadore morr 9 wa was out from salt laks lake yesterday mr and mrs jackson mcchrystal went to salt lake city last lait bunday sunday mrs dan ostrander Oat rander der went to salt lake wednesday afternoon for a short via vis t deorge bubb left monday for beaver county where his father is en plo cd ej J 11 mcgann the M pleasant c gar man visited eureka and the other tintic gintic campa camps this week mrs T at holland last saturday re a telegram announcing the death of her brother at ouray arb mike left tuesday mor ning for park city where ehe she will I 1 oin her husband who win charge of work vork at the daly J dge mine 0 D betta betts and fan ily A 11 leave about abou t next tuesday for a vi it with relatives relative at their former home in mi soun they will be gone a ii month the ladies bryan club conducts 1 a dance at the L D S 0 cl ach on MOD mon day evening it is the intention of the club to establish a c res rea I 1 ng room chris carpenter writes the reporter from pearl idaho ohr chr s and I 1 is fam farn jy ly pre getting along nicely wely and we are very favorably impressed with ith their new home mrs charlie odd of K kaysville Kays ausville ays ville is the guest ol 01 mrs jacob manager cassity of 0 the beck store was in american merican fork last sunday john A hunt bame out from salt lake saturday to inspect work at the may day mrs R S robertson fi returned satur day from a visit with salt lake friends lilt ir r and MIS mrs phil dark clark sere the guests of friends at salt lake this week mrs otto swartz Swart zot of salt lake is the guest of her husband she will rema n until tomorrow the doings of dooley is taking the coul country itry by storm it will be here on monday nig it manager gear of odd old fellow a hall has booked the doings of dooley for monday april auth pey father rosa was war out bom from salt tor for easter sunday the guest of rev father 0 donohoe of the st patrick a s church mrs ot fojto has been in salt lake for the past two weeks the lady his been teen under the case of a doctor but is getting along nicely george C bourne father ot of oscar bourne formerly a clerk in tha th mercantile company a store at this place died at salt lake last monday at the age of 72 years the tho gile concert company appears at the L 1 D S church wednesday i ight the attendance as fa r and ta tie e tro pe fur asbed a good mus in us cal program they placed pla ed at mammoth T lescay night dight john T harr hart s left to lay for I 1 ersalee M has a contract for some railway construction work mrs harris will remain at ban during her husband husbands s absente mrs A N wallace will leave monday monda forwalt for salt lake she will remain at the capital u til her husband who was re ze bently operated i for appendicitis is d sch arged from the hospital the usual services of holy week were conducted I 1 y rev re P 0 donol ue at st patrick s church and baand ng tie tl e inclemency of the weather the at was excellent on easter sun day masses were said at eight an n the last be ng n a 11 gh mass the regia ar choir assisted by mr joseph I 1 hillips rendered leonard a mass uses in E flat in a pra se worthy n einer anner the leaver drug company tor stor b ch cb haa has been operating here lere for the p st six months has been c ased and goods N will be moved to salt like lake M S leaver who has been in bharga rf of the place that he I 1 t as enjoyed ti good business but iness bit that I 1 e secured cured fie a first class stant etao I 1 at salt lake nd ad e n el e C ded to matte tt ft d aug 11 w open aar adr a dr g store in tie tl gidal 1 13 fi fa hotel bu iding ming near the short li a e depot ht lt the capital his brother bail lee leaner came out from salt lake tuesday to ass st in packing the goods aud fixtures |