Show try a bath at 8 S visher a old watches rebuilt by parks watch stopped see parks if you are fig iring on bu id off rig any tl ti ing we want to talk to you wt w have bave feet of lumber for gale sale and it n r net go regardless regard leas of 0 cost apply rt fit lh be re porter office NOTICE the beck store is no longer agent for our coal orders should be telephoned to our out office or left at the reporter Ee porter office ADAMS SONS CO the beet beat pill neath the stars and stripes it cleanses the system and never gripes little early R sers sera of worldly repute ask for dewitt a s and take no substitute A email small pill easy to buy easy to 0 o take aai and d easy to act but never ta fa lin in re suits dewitt a L tie tle h ary bisers arouse the secretions nd net act as ri ton 13 to the liver curing permanently E G hanson SECRET SOCIETIES W M f M 1 1 ELKS 5 11 0 E gintic lodge no meets every thursday evening at elk s hall visiting eike elks welcome isaac J barnard secretary seu detary edw pike E R s I 1 w I 1 X 0 T M tintic gintic tent no 13 meets first and third saturdays batur days ot of each month at 1 0 00 0 F hall W 0 dewar rec ord keeper wm mccomb commander I 1 I 1 WORKMEN Tv svening evening ening star lodee lodge no degree ot of honor meets first and tl I 1 i d tuesdays of each month at 1 I 0 0 OF F hall ch et ef of honor mrs lizzie bl BI gl gi t recorder Be corder mrs mary stack financier mrs ella bellivan bul livan W rt FORESTERS COURT GLADSTONE no C meets every wednesday evening in the elks hall visiting brothers cord ally wel come HANSON 0 U R JAMES A 0 BRIEN financial secretary t L 1 LLA don t forget tl at the best of all the doings of dooley will appear at odd felloes fello vs hall ball oi 01 monday night april tl TI ose celebrated character tome come d an ait art ets I 1 ames 1 1 I belly I elly george t ng dg harry jol neon charles rayneld R hamlin L ilan 11 an M mason lillian ma me sey lou ha ila in 1 n alas hill victoria dal roy delia della larrymore barrymore nell a e kelle among the minor cl appearing in the cast strength and vigor come of good food duly d FORCE a toady to serve wheat and barley food add adds no burden but sustains nourishes invigorates slaving a inn run oa on chamberlains cough bemeda between tb the e ho rs of it 11 0 clock a in and clos ng lime time at ant on tan ath 1901 A I 1 dark drugs drugg st ga glide ide va s id welve bottle of cham a cougal ran edy he ile says 1 rever handled handle ct a med cine that sold bet ter or gave better sati castion to my eus tomera 11 I 1 I 1 is remedy has been in gen ged eral use in virg nia tor for many years and he people there are well acquainted with ats s excellent qualities many of them hit e test fled to ta tie e remarkable cu cues es which it has effected when ou need a good reliable medicine medline tor for a co h b r cold or atta it of grip use chamberlain a it cough remedy and you are certain to be more than pleased with the quick cure wh ch it afford for sale bv aa M D hewlett howlett B N Q C STOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW EU EUREKA REKA UTAH A scientific Disco discovery vou kodol does for tl e that which it is unable to do tor for itself even when but slightly disordered or overloaded kodol appl es the natural juices a of digestion and does the work of the st stomach omah relax ing jug the cervona tension wh wb ie Is the in iffla a med muscles of that organ are allo ved to rest and heal beal kodol digests what you eat and enables tl e stomach and d gest tive five organs to transform all food into r ch h red blood E G hanson one dollars a box is the value H A tisdale summerton Sumna Summer erton top S C places on dewitta dewitt g witch haze salve he ile says I 1 had the piles for 20 years I 1 tr ed many doctors and medicines but all failed except dewitt s with hazel halve it cured me it is a combination of the hearing properties of witch hazel with anti sept cs and emol lents ants receives rele ives and permanently cures bl nd bleeding itch ng and pro p les sores cuts bru ses see beeze ma me salt rheum and all shin diseases E G haneon hanson THE OLD RELIABLE ft O 0 ai POWDER THERE IS NO LUMBER FOR FOP SALE 3 feet of old lumber apply at this office the jewelen jewelers LOCATION NOTICES 20 cents per dozen at the reporter Re office 1 the great hair Haig tonic stops hair from falling out and removes dandruff Forsa for sale leonly only by GRANT SWISHER aa t I 1 49 I 1 A UND undertaker JAMES undertaker and embalmer Bin balmor lower main street cureka phone 43 2 8 j I 1 remaking MISS MIZZ a a competent dress v 19 maker aas has takes taken chugs catbe of the parlor of v 3 mrs E E Cr asdal na on upper haia mai 1 st 1 0 o orders for tins this class of wor k will 0 S PROMPT ATTENTION C unconscious from croup dur ng fig a budde and terrible attack of croup our I 1 atle ft rl waa vas unconscious fro n strangulation says A L Spa spafford ifford poet post master chester mich and a dose of one minute cough cure vas adm nister ed and repeated often it reduced the a veiling velling and lamat on cut the a and shortly the child was resti g easy and speedily recovered it cures coughs golds colds lagrippe and all tl roat and lung troubles one minute lough cough cure in 1 a gers in the tl roat and chest and enables the lungs to contribute pure health giving oxygen to the blood E G 0 iian ilan eon son are ape your friends coining from february lo 10 to april 30 unborn conly low rates w 11 II be in effect to I 1 un dred of points in the west and north west from chicago and from many other doines on the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ST PAUL rr ry as well ell as from eastern territory the low rales raes will pro e espee ally bi tracei e to home seekers if you know of anyone contern plat ing a fuch a tr p send and add esa ess to the ader awne s I 1 and complete informal format in on vil all ie Is forward I 1 f fr eo 0 8 V Corn merc el al age ge I 1 t chicago M st lauary W ad bouth st salt lake city IN EFFECT 1 19 going to CITATIONS arrives from halt balt lake gait salt lake arn p in a am in 2 05 silver city 11 15 mammoth 1045 10 45 2 40 1 10 0 05 5 4 30 lehi junca 8 45 5 35 salt lake 7 30 9 40 lave l I ave 6 35 trains ran ahr ugh to salt lake and connects at lei i junction tor for nephi an i points south trains leave salt lake for ogden daily at 18 30 7 00 and 9 45 a m and atla at 12 60 50 5 45 p in three fast trams trains to the east daily leavira leaving g salt lake at 5 45 7 00 a in and 12 in rail and steamship tickets to all points in the world at love lowest est rates tickets sent by telegraph without ex pense lor or further particulars apply to 0 D E BURLEY J D STACK general agent ager aalt L A KF L brande AND 10 G RM U L T vl trains leave eureka for salt lake city and all points bast east and west ut 6 40 a in and 1 25 p m trams trains arrive eureka at 8 07 p in and 9 30 a IL in best local train service in utah I 1 MIN pullman palace an I 1 ordinary sleepers free reel ng chairs perfect dining car service personally conducted XA beekly I 1 one to the east magnificent 0 SCENERY for bates rates etc enquire of 0 D BETTS aaers EUREKA or I 1 A BENTON general A agent gont passer ger dept u SALT LARL CITY UTAH 1 t mpr we cater to the transient trade I 1 V or to M A I 1 k E H OSBORN PROP sample rooms alj 14 trull SICY abit FRANK proprietor dealer it in forell NO MEMO MS polls NO 1190 GREENLAND FANCY G mrm cow C E R I 1 E S FLOUR floun HAY and GRAIN BUTTER eutten CHEESE and EGGS P F TOBAS TOBACCOS CIGARS ANO AND SMOKERS 1 ARTICLES FRESH confectionery A SPECIALTY lower main street eureka utah I 1 have traveled on most of the important railroads in america and europe our and have dined on euch such of them aa ad have restaurant cars I 1 woud would rather dine on a burlington route dining car than on 41 any other railroad dining car that I 1 know of in the world e dining S S MCCLURE u M clure s magazine f remember the burlington is the abort line from denver to all the east and all trains carry our standard dining care 4 TICKET OFFICE 79 W ad SOUTH ST SALT LAKE CITY R RF F GENERAL AGENT A N WALLACE undertaker and embalmer A full line of undertakers supplies UPPER MAIN ST EUREKA phone 35 COAL P ALL rock springs DM dia mond and castle gate lump and nut good clean coal ful S J va ira teed ADAMS ADA mb S SONS CO BANKERS i lra transacts a general banking business i i i if draw exchange chango Ez en on all citlau of euro europe go riipi MAIN ST EUREKA L J ROCK SPRINGS COAL BOTH LUMP AND NUT FOR SALE BY 1 ew A J mycral my BINS are located on S lower main blain street right in the q b district and this enables me to make prompt delivery at p all timea times FOR SALE and RENT S w 4 ww 1 1 FOR SALE 1500 penguin cremona violin for or music box fur 20 times a man dolio dolia for 20 J b BANK PICKERING 20 kicha d st ball sali bake lake ty ity utah CURTAINS CLEANED anita s U why by send your lace curtains to a salt lake lak e laundry when you can get them done up at home by an experienced hand mrs martha bovie will clean them for per pair up their residence east of rio grande depot U danger of colus colds anil and grip the greatest danger from colds and grapis grip is their resulting in pneumonia 4 if reasonable care is used however aud and chamberlain chamberlains s gough remedy taken all danger will be avoided among the tens i of thousands who have used this remedy tor for these diseases we I 1 ave yet to learn of a a agle case having resulted in prie urno nia which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventative ot of that dangerous disease it will cure a cold old or an attack of the grip in less time then than any other 4 treatment it is pleasant and safe to A take for sale by M D hewlett howlett SEVERE ATTACK OF or GRIP USED BY ONE BOTTLE OF chamberlain S COUGH REMEDY when I 1 bad an antek of the agn last winter tho second one I 1 actually erred oared myself ith one bottle ot of chamberla Chan aberia D s cough remedy I 1 says frank W perry editor of the enterprise shortsville Shorts ville N Y I 1 this is the honet honest truth I 1 at times kept from coughing myself to pieces by taking a teaspoonful of this re medy and when the coughing epel spell would con e on at night I 1 would take a dose and it seemed that in the briefest interval the cough would pass off and I 1 i would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and its accompanying pains luf id sao that tl e remedy acted as a mot most agree able surprise is putting it very mildly 1 I had bad no idea that it would or could knock out the grip simply because I 1 had never tried it for such a purpose but it did and it seemed with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not dot only be of lees less duration but the pains were far less severe and I 1 had not used the contents ot of one bottle before mr grip had bid lid tre adieu for sale by X D howlett owlett II |