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Show August Tlii: ivl.iy, Vt-j- THE EUREKA REPORTER css 2B001 1K rtvi " r Return Alter Lor.r Absence " ' I 1 w i;, - M.- ; ' li'.iiriiv 'h i V .ir " " !l - '' ' .i 11 - i i ' ii 1 i'-- 111 ' t v ,.r M:i!i.i!ii M Ci i .1 . i . pris Iii ' 1 J r kt'fll It ll Hi'h I 14 i,i, il Many Tnitii I' ' ii i iiiilit-r- ' of Tl'.i' t'it i . an.l Mr roiiin; ii.. m Mi last fniii'i'.il ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONS Joi.t-s- Ii inn, tin Hi,- 14 - ulil Him Jnllt-s- . PHONE UPPER MAIN ST. NOIIt'K. I TKT - ln1il Stall's I .mill uffii-.i- , i2 1. July hears s Thence X :I!I ii Ii si ! ,i Mi ii .1 , .lii.lin : ' I. ! i ii jH II .i i ,i- - I ll 1 ; ii m No. Theme nil M tin- 1: You Save Money in the Long Run 111 Have your car greased regu larly with Conoco Oils ami Greases. We will call for and deliver your car for an expert grease or wash job. Get r - Exceptional values on U. S. TIRES ami TUBES USE CONOCO GASOLINE FOR LONG MILEAGE s TOMSnuii: SERVICE i 171 Formerly Conovers ( IT JSC 3SQT deg fill min W 0074 0 ft; deg is min K 4 ; 7. :t feet to corner No. 2; Thence N SO ill'll Hi mill W .iHJ 0 feet to corili Ii; r Hatch, has tnade application Cniteii States patent for the lode niiiiMu; Coinage No. riaim. situate in the Kricksnn Mining District, Tooele county. State of Hah. heln Survey No. tSSTO. and drscrihed in th field notes ami plat im file in this office with maKnetlc variation at 17 (leg- 00 min K, as l" i 'i.I'iii, Lli. nil'll I Si u iiiii I .i- -t .m.l .i i,: ..i mi:ii w.n ijiiiiiil in ihiMiik ll.r.i.llllC 111 i Oil. Ill lull tn f.lfi' Mu' I'.i'.iilni' lloii l ,1 i.;n'iit'.l nil'll1 H i. !u iii. :.ii! ('ii :i iii i i i . , "! . si Nolire Im hereby ylveti that A. '. I4'J7.H feet Hatih, whose postnffiif mlilress is S ;,0 deg :I7 leb-with his tier No. 1, City, Ctah. W. it. Wherritt ami and lncateil Joseph for a Silver i:i 'I illl.li I'iIii.i.I i. '.nil ii .1 :.. , w',.!. .1 EUREKA, UTAH Ml. llH.V,t W. A. VTION Idle Al'II.H '! Ti Kohi'i't l Jones, son of Unhcrt tin. I Sii lla Mitlincs Join's, wn linrn in K.iri'ka. Ihn liny's iloath follow-- ' oil an for aiipiiiilioitls. loiiiinnn. pi rit mil ii ilnVcInpiuK. J 92 i tt-- , II.- 1v D. G. HENRIOD '.in. iii v.iilmi.s lull ,.f ihr .iro ni.ikiin: .m rff.rt i . furir llii ti'.iffio l.i h .iinl in m 'inn i to mv mol'.' ati. iii 1011 to llio ioi.ililli.il of ilir lii'.i.llii tii mi I lie i r At I'rini. ilurmc a i.iiii i'.ir .lavs, )) p.iiyn wtilili UHi-.- I Inlt a mi-i.irtv-ii'- il of iiioloi'tsi anil fnn'il ln'i.ir.i tln'ir .1 ii I ii !ii ! fiiili'il to h.ivi llio propiT IhmiIIIcIiIs !, anil tail I : k ti I s Tliiit' Is a I.im in I tali it an nffi-ii'.ihIiU'Ii inaki-for jj a iimiorisi to usn ulat liiK In'.i'l.u'lits . Imt in iv ry inrin r of Hit st.iio sn.li InipmpiTly rottiilaifil Iik'Hi ar- - ) 11 it Woilin'sil.iy iirs 1 i , ufl.ti-- at Salt latke iiiui'iiins ainl wiri h.'lil mi Sat ur-- . ,n-- . ?''. !' t,i-i- ,l..ith uf joir T UhIm'ii l $ , i Utah Motorists in Trouble fain- - i,f ili.it frit-in- i -- i t iT ..L' I i. , r : . . ,, .n.i.,i f.f.M..M'.WMi -- i:u- - "Defective Lights Mav Death Takes 14 Year Old Boy, Sou of Mr. and Mrs. Jones When you go on a picnic or outing just remember that this store carries everything you will need to make the lunch a most enjoyable one, including plates, knives, forks, spoons, napkins and hundreds of good things to eat. ; 1. 1 I i';:;1 ' ! II I i't'iM'iii liiili'i.i:, prm! .iit .in,! h it,' .l!'' Jl.ll't'!' Iiilsllu-- t ; r' t'lliV M,i. I. iii. i iii'.illii II1 f.i'i's lli.it I'.lill,'. I ' fo-n- : .ilii'.til Im ri. sli ipo For Your Picnic :ii! ,i ,, n . I . : )..iv ilili1'. i ' '.i '.n I. :. ,,vIii !, ,i ii li. r I i V l.' .i f. h'ii r - Si'ill Ii' ,i m, ,k! ;i.:i:i m, ; iirii' for It.miii: 'lie : i Rrswlentul S Hotel Gets Into Trouble .mi! Mr Mi1 i 1 ! : l . p.,- i 11 (i a.,- - . : ! . . -- i n, i. si.!, '1 '1"1 , Mi ;r :.l. ' !, . i!!u; l ,1, ., ,.f ill.. I i li ! ' Page 3 1 S 7.H IX deg mill to corner No. 4; Thence min K r,a;l feet to cor-- ; tlie place of beginning, ' f3 in tne unnireed por- 1) lion of Town-ho- p 10 Smith, Hangeitf West. Salt Ijike ll.i-- e amt Meri-j(linn, containing an area nf 20JS;:j 1 S Mires. There are mi ctinflii ting claims adjoining claim as shown on plat uf No. 07J4 Search, survey Light No. J. 1 direct that tlili notice be pub- -' follows: lislied in the Kureka Keporter at I'mnnienciiiR at corner No. of Kureka, rtah. raid lode claim, whence the corner (SKI). K. WtJOLKY, inninmn to Sections Id. 17. 2 0 and ltegister 10 South. Itange ti Senior l Senior, Attyn. 1. Township AVst. Salt Lake Ilase and Meridian, Salt latko City, Ctah. (Klrst I'ublicatioii July 25. 1S2--- , Last Publication Sept. 19,1929.) - 1 , foe j plumbing! TICHT JAMKS This is fin; season of the year when you Hhouhl have your plumbing done and 1 am prepared to handle your work in. a first i lass maimer, JOlt Ca.ItlNTI.i:D and Heating Fixtures of all kinds and descriptions. service from Salt Lake City. Best Work Lowest Prices 24-ho- KSTIMATKH I KFK I can furnish parts for every make of stove. ROBT.H. TOWERS!: IHOXK ITAII 25c Aromatic Plaintiff, vs.! MOHtlAN. De- SScEss-Jay'- a ounce. The State of Ctali to the Said Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within Twenty Days after service of this Summons upon you. if served within the County in which this action is brought; otherwise within Thirty Days after service, and defend the above entitled action ; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will he rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, (which has been' filed with the Clerk of said Court.)' This action is brought against .you to recover a judgment dlssolv-lng the bond of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and the said plaintiff. Signed hy C. N. LEATHERBl.'RY. Plaintiff's Attorney. 1'. 0. Address, Eureka, rtah. (Eirst pub. August 15, 1929.) 2 for 34c Cascara, 2 for 34c . Milk Sugar, 0 !0l AAp t flSSZ U"S -- ? fu 30c AtUndCr Hone, and 9 tnr ros fiainrouah 23c Ix,v. K,rdw2for34con 75c Nail Brush. Pearl j SI..1 Kslakl I'lHiilil Kl. Sieg Allirkanl) ..2 for 50c Super Uther Shaving Cream 50c Colonial Club Shaving Cream . . 2 for 15c Combination I.oofah and Rubber Hath I Sam Lorlte, experienced painter, will accept work of this kind, paint- the day or under contract, Can be secured by calling Phone No. by 43-- J. 2 for $1.09 5c 19c i $1.00 Buth madia11!1.. M 2 for 58$ Brushes. Com- - 2 for $1.09 50c Penslir Anateenic lialm 2 fOf 59 C SOcPenslar Milk 2 for 59c yf Magnesia, so. 'native 9 for 39c Bromo (uinine Protector. Strong Aluminum 0 fnr Cl A IUI Case which prevents breakage 75c Peerless Floor Wax. For polishing floors, O A autos and furniture. Pound $2.00 Universal Pocket Knife 2 for $2.C9 $2.00 Varsity Fountain Pen ..2 for $2.09 $1.00 Photograph Album. Lealher rover v 1UI in 2 for 84$ 75c Ramie Stationery and 21 Sheets Folded 21 50c Aberdare Linen; 2 for 59$ Envelopes Pike $1.00 Eaton, Crane and 2 for $1.09 Stationery 50c Delft Linen Pound; CO Folded Sheets 2 for 59$ 35c AIco Massage Rubbing 2 for 44$ Alcohol, 8 ounces KNOW shaving juj iostrual 30c Fancy Cigarette 2 for 59$ Holder Try this woo-Arscor today! Automatic ally stnajm, ikivn and rlraaa without rensovlng hlad!... Mskps parh raaor stroLe fast, rt 25c Boric Acid Ess-Jay- Powdered s 2 for 34c alirk, tool at a mumnlaim Lut hours pruig. Shaves ... 2 for 49c canto Wocdburys Q f tUl Facial Soap . 35c 04p t S Ess-Jay- s .. 2(or44e 0 Friday & Saturday, ft QAg 2 lor $1.0) 33c 31 ir k Ess-Jay- s WWTW.yVr 1 (IQ tJiliwJ 15e Lyndhurst Silk OfnrOAp U Tissue Toilet Paper J I Ul Cccoanut Dips '2 Pound 18c Pound 35c SERVICE 1 . . X $1.00 .'.a til pro TiADyitoTtle K & I "'''"'if JqJ S.5j CANDY SPECIAL: EUREKA, UTAH FORD Sjrlswe. 2 25c Eureka Motor Co. RELIABLE . . Bath Towel low price and help you to runkeep it in the very best All ning order at all times. rate. labor billed at low, flat We use genuine Ford parts. Specially trained mechanics who take pride in doing a good job. Ask about the Special Inspection at $1.50. LET US DEMONSTRATE THE NF.W FORD CAR TO YOU. PROMPT, Sea Wool iOc Colored Well oil and grease PHONE 46 .7. ie Crass Springe 2 for 34$ Sponge Bring Your Fordat aHere it 59$ 59$ 2 for 24$ Sponge Threc-Fofd 98c Shaving Mirror; A 2 for $1.07 Mirror 1 for 2 Brush $1.09 $1 Prophylactic Hair $1.00 Ever Ready Shaving 2 for $1.09 Brush Hard 25c Pocket Comb, 2 for 34$ Rubber 25c Dressing Comb, Hard Erffifog Rubber 6ic whisk 9 fnr R9c 25c Chamois Rub, Oil 2 for 34$ TanRed I i r.iniil.1' 0 fnf 34c TaHeH, lor $1.59 will ratrrvPtly 3 $1.00 Rubber Tea Apron Brocm. y mr"VA'S y h-Ja- 2 JZZWl l'mim taSE,2forMc HIWT CLASS P.UNTIND. I C ....2 ! ' ing 1,"un, 2.-.- 2 for 39$ Mentholatum far 83 ... . . Men'holatum 50c Stedraan s Teething jh , i 50c IMienoIax 2 for 34c , ' Antiseptic, 2 for 59$ Wafers, 75's . . 2 for 59 15c lti?arlsnate of Soda, Q fpf i Tint jatafesaag.-risiS- 1 S17-- W . ITAII. HI :M MON'S. j KVRKKA THOMAS fendant. tto"4- - - 50c IScncnline k 2 for $1.09 Tint Borden's Eagle Brand Milk out r ON l KI.KANim MOitCAN. CONTRACTING ms-- 1 - GENERAL Plumbing tu-- ' 51.00 ltcnroline Antiseptic, tlV 4. tii JiniciAi. ClH'KT. rur.NTY 111 JI'AII. STATK and KYKRY rm: in hntistnctlon Guaranteed ' j August T"'-8- " " '.--r-1 - 30-3- 1 1. j |