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Show Th Miilay, IOO Pleasing Program for Our Pioneers Vtllll Ill :j f f jo-- lul fil.'lltll I' III " I It in III' i'!Hl f.r and and thlidrt-- lit nnTl-n- (Mil r I t 1 1 II V Mrs. AiiL'u-- f I.ui. iia fo.lay for ,,fl at r ikw hum"" It l' with Si ree. flhli l ake. !!! -f! H-l- - Is a ar- - Mi.m Almda S'arr of .Nephl II,.. reprt-- t that splendid f lu r and hrutlier in and they will le trihn'i" to the old pi iwpect in s whojtfu'!"t Croinur Mrs. Mr of friends. and II".' George He" hmi'lM'Is law, of were the pinncem illstthl also ni Hied he hud inude many Mrs C. K. l' Mr an "I Mrs Harlow limy discoveries during ihe pail ed MlS I. Jrliter. Mrs k with Iasi wei lie had fouiel Ihe man few diiv.s. Sail Fran-pi-ml John K Hants both of a limit Tin-liwho hauled the firm ore oiii of picture dixiild In l.ehl Jam lion and who l'i ovo Miill.d llo world k In Iiui vc tin tin ought (lallni'd In Mrs l.eniuird Havls uni the ri"'W Kt of til the Hiy In-firm load of whiskey, and of rtuirse hahy ho v me at their him, In Eure li.M that happened l III Ihoie ii ii ytt lie was u in Ha, bovine from Salt lake In i"l eo 1, - h.i- - so ll i'i 1'"! limn' Also lie ill hail III III"" Week. I irlV pnrlalil p"'isnli Ml'" lh.ll of "'10.11, the cnvi-ii'the "nririnul flddli'l and an limit planes foil li will Mm Sopli'.i f'aipeniiT ha1 re- llai Ihe first telegraph operutor and the - in'o niel afti'r spending i or -- Ho lir.--mulldiriiblwom.'iii who run the firm hour dim: turned lo in.iiicloii-di-pl.t- y a Ki'. lb11 "ill. ri h in fioin Hul his filial discovery was some weeks witli lor pioneers ni Ii oi It It In Ihi" Elks'- house i iptioii i.-all of of amiafi rluh run hi wun a f in affair, atlcml- tlii- rluim of out" of tie old timers other pails of Ihe slate Mail in the hiinilri-icoal was lie of it hv aluiiil Ihe discoverer Northwest Ian uiopli", hul Mule bv the win. lininiii'hlv I'lijnvi'il III" spirit In Kohl canyon and Hint lie worked Mr. and Mrs. lhett llopkiiison Piojjtpss of Iho 11(111111111. 'I hi" Elks nuarlrltf on tie1 vela until It petered out. lie Thx Rtvision Commission furnished I In- iii imlc mill Hinging for lonl no comment to make on the old and chlldii-- of 1'iovo visited for was Mr, Hopkliouui "lil itI ft n liifli I lilt" ami wen" limerN truth and vemcliy uuy more yestcrdiiy II ityan, ihiiriean of the on the i' hy every-- , than lie Ipiil on the claim of Harry sunn" yearr: employed ihorouKhly appreciated lias Tax Ciuniniit-e- , ril.itive la Ihi" was flmt while luiily present, while thi" old inn Joseph that lie the sci'iuol of a series from retuMo-iInlilli-Sin ill li, who plavi'd "first" child horn in Tiiille valley. The Mr and Mis. Inn Id Itowo anil i ciiiidiiete-hy the lull ii In Ihi" first diiiici" orrhcMlra ii'Krel led Hie ahnenee of children of Salt l.ake City were of public n riliL-Hie ('oiiiml-Jioand t:v:-lol lax n n never a dim rid, gave date officials on Ihln ucciihIoii guests on Wednesday of Mr. uinl li Tliiih' in ' ( mnl 'oiii lint!""1 I reporU ive Im eplsla ill Imirt. ml ml ii k Thi Arkim us Ihe Millie of I'IhIi Mm. William Clark thii' very satisfactory progress Is on the iiiIiiIiik IndiiHlry for an 'I'm velar," which put Ihe old a pi.in which foIkH feel In mol Inn and lirmiahl much of Itn hiicccms In a financial Mr. anil Mrn. Charles W. Reece hf!ii.' inade lack Ihe old lime hoe dowim of fifty wuy. In coiiclunloii he exprenaed and daughters, Misses Wyman and will iron out miihc of the ineiui,i--e I Then "Hill" ilubliin Ihe wIhIi that nil the old pioneers Francen Heece, and Miss I ."lull ii s hicli now exiil. The purpo-- to eiira uko Iieen played a hoIh oii hla fife, anil chal- ihIkIiI live lo lie a hundred years Smith were of Mr. and Mrs. of llo- public hearings In eilow all Interested parlies to aptdd and Hint an they neared Hie end Inhfi Allen on WcdnoHduy. lenged all I'lnli to a inimical as to In fuel lllll claimed In he lie of Ihln trail the caren and troubles pear and present their PHONE 248 THE STORE OF QUALITY should III we nk Ya't-Mr. Mr. what w hole Mm. and and John liliick Hawk Ininil, and lie la of Ihln life would fade away an inlstn plan they After dill' the Hunheum, and that the and Mm. Melvin Smith of Sail Lake Ill'll III seek iliP relief only seventy seven yearn old After the evidence presented lidlliiK mo me of hla early experlenceM land beyond would lie one where the City were gucnln of Mr unit Mrs. idcrina h ays ihe in Tiiille iim In huuliiiK Ihe flmt ore prospect n urn rich and Ihe returnn Kriient Hall and Mr. and Mrs. 1ercy at Ho heurins Mr Ity.m I urban k oii rniisf nans of opinion niuv Im '!im-iii- i cut of the ilimrlct to Hull l.ake t'llv elernally MiitlsfHi'tory. Wedneiuluy. d up nhout iis follows: mid nIioiiIIiik up of the Mr. Walter Kllfh, Sr,, of the Chief ri me. hut to stop ami analyze their Business Suicide Result Mr. mid Mrs. William Nesbitt and Thai reli.rtice hy thi" t t ainl I'n relation to aoveruinent. that they tariipM, Hill wiim nwiirded ii while CoiiMolidiiled MIiiIiik company, gnvx the lutler's mother, Mrs. Mliokeit, lesser iHXiii;.; units on Hie of False Statements niNelle which he will cherish ua loin; mi InterenlliiK talk on Hie milling are the aovernnient and that the week from their prescame thin here for the functions of yovcriiincnt are a direct, tax cxi In liven lie William mIiiiuHiiii in Tlntlc dlnlrlct and the properly Saiitmiuln. nt Is lioni" wan u wared (lie flmt while operations of bin company durlnk ell d home al Iain Veeus, Nev. They major part of public revenue reflection of the Ideas of citizens.' "False advertising is little short former lOurekans with a host of because tiiiijihi- - pro)"riv Also lial we cannot expect govern- -' lunette for Ihe dlntllictloii of lietii"; ' Ihe last twenty yearn, lie compared are of in Ihln commercial suicide," Wallace it. friends now city. ii he does nol with taxpayer's reprexeiit the oldenl pioneer prenenl (lurin'; the Club production of copper, nil men; to not keep pace former nor Kelly, benefits ill" the attorney will la ninety yearn ver uud lend the day. with oilier ntulen, trend of the tinn-- and when people Zion and now county Mr. mnl Mrn. I. I). Theriault, who ability to pay, a member r.t the las old In a few duyn mid wan a pioneer show up, I' lull an Ihe flmt silver for noine time have been maklnp whtrh lie receives from of they government inure lirm of Kelly & Schiller, told memof Ihe lihimoiid end of the district producing Male and well In the front Ihelr lioiue III southern California, 'Ill ere have developed cver:ii forms in list he prepared tn expect an benefits from the early duyn. V. I.. Thomas wllh regard to Ihe niher metals; arrived here on Tuesday, Just In of iutaiipihle wealth wlil-l- i in cost of governmental func- bers of Hie Suit Lake Advertising club at a recent meeting. and iltieiis of Eureka, took necond prize with 'uud also Hpokc flalterlnxly of lln: lime fur the hip just as tions. The our "It in absolutely necessary that ilKhly-rivyeum lo liln credit and iijcllmule or Cliili. The mint a of Tin present home of Mr. und Mrs. Theri- much as I a ii? Id1 property iloen and Another series of public hearings of will he held In allow all interested advertising convince the puhlic in a lenpl hy renhlence In Ihe (list riel. Tin- lie have been III active operulhui for ault is ul I lolly wood. They will re- which our laws and the manner neither fraudulent nor r to Ihe proleit and prlien for the oldenl lailv ploneern sixty yearn, uud lie predicted that main fur u few weeks parties to present their views as to he said, after outlining ihe extent. Tancihle Kime were not announced hut It In lielicv- - they would I'oulliiue In produce for property the workability of Hie changes proW. i( McCurdy, who left Kureka values are much more of modern advertising and than nl.story til Mrn. 1Iiim'Ih" Slmler will he ell a hundred yearn lienee and that Tln-- l of the IIipso as result posed and Ihirlet-values and tiiercfore. It is hcnriii::; It led lo the first white ronelle, she tie would Krow and years upu and hud not been and commia-ni- it itn relation to law. committee the prunper ami fair to levy the same rate of lax "The law now regulate ad vet risthe first woman to run n reka would he n belter business mill buck since. In here today, lie came tht,n form ulii tv their re- -' ing to the extent that the truth inhnariling house for the iiilnem In the resldenco city III the future lliiin II over yesterduy mid remained for u on each class of properly. The bet ,Mjrt t(l IhP KOVernor. Its now, and nt the present lime. In more extended visit. Mr. McCurdy measure of value for Intangible Tlntlc district. lllilt ai the men variably prevails Instead of miKvail Is wurklir; for the Tooele Valley property is the liicnin-- which It will (ncavcil in (his investigation have In srepresentation until advertising now The hamiuel wan opened hy Mayor hln opinion, Kureka in the most with ail appropriate grcdiui: alrahle uml pleusliiK mlniiiK camp in Ky. and us a side line lie hus a pros- prod u c, which Khoitld It. taxed at mi". (I the to make till stale Is a humanizing, socializing and eduin the Kuesln of hmiiir mid ihi ex:!l'luh In which lo muke a permanent perous silver fox farm which prom a lower tain tlii't is assessed attractive to capital with which to cational medium. 111! n Holliel III IIP lUile n .:ilii-- t He conprutuhiteil property. The deprennlon of Ihankn for the assist- - residence. the Isen to develop our vast natural resources mi" or Ihe clllen uml towns nr nh timers mnl was glad to lie pree, hie. velopment of this idea during Hie mid that we du not wish lo lay a Cluli In milk up the Silver Jubilee nt uml mlnple with them on I hie Mr. and Mrs. K. L. (lirn-tluhad hearings resulted In the heavy tax burden on young enteri"l''i"ii bv the i.et'lslatlve (oin- m il a notable success. I'ritvn and occiimIoii. an their oii Wednesday Mr. prises. nor iiiie that will In" discrimirninuii-'-doCluli county in pcncnil were plveii tliat Hurry Joseph made u speecli in. and Mrs. K. Frank Ihildwin mnl lililtee III Hie lie natory neaim-- any particular das if should led into two of property. prulnt" for tlndr rout rihul Inn of which he I'oiipriiluluteil the Salt suns of Salt l.uke City. I'urlev Halil FOK SALK 6 room house wiih humln uml money, uml Ihe niirrrrd-tni- Luke Slock Kxchmipe mid the Chain win of Afi on, Wyomiiip. Mr. and classes, tangible ami intangible, for bath. Mr. Jo. Treloar. the A. O. of asvaluation Maypurpose and hy Smoot, speeches her of Commerce for their uhneiirr Mrn. Curley Chrisiisou and iI.iukIi-- , Mr. and Mrs. Kueene Blackett so that differriit or Vnn Waponer of Irovo allowed a after mukliip promises lo the com- ter, Kuih, rn'en had an their guests on Wednesday FOB RKNT 3 room furnished and Mrs. Joseph llrowii, sessment. splendid spirit of reelprnclly to ex mittee that they wnchl certulnly lie all of Nephl, ul'ui Mrs. Theol I,. mer ) applied which will be fair to Mr. and Mrn. James Schofield and house, all newdy papered, fall 1st between Ftali mnl Juuli cnuiilles out In full cai h class. on the Miss Lillian Blacken, all of Nephl, Phone 252-of Canllcpute. nlrenpih Hurridpe even to the extent Hint Cliili county j ,,r ,e Silver Jubilee. Second, that a business franchise and Rrn. Heed Hillings of Salt Lake nol "Theyre Mrn. On Alice Monday RENT 4 room houe w'th evening FOB tax lie will prouiine to build u com roll road here," nuhl Joseph, "and you tell Hlfe measured hy the n"t City. a children's Income devised, eiiterluiiied il unfurnished, "lose In. Also Into the dlnlrlct muiie time In Ihe them bath, of business, and examples And we're lelllnp said so. In honor of the eleventh birthparty garage and shade tree. See Mrs. future. worked out on various of busi- SCHOOL SCIIKDIT.KI) TO Ol'KN them. day of her little priindauphler, Dora ness to show the resulttypes 2t, Bert Fields. A. Judge Tike wan Introduced an the this of Ctiih county ON ri KSHW OF COMINO AYKK.K I uck worth Lum lunii and panics mid to what extent it will Good unfurnished FOB RKNT misnloiier, made a fine talk on Ihe were the features of eniertaliiineiit. road situation and promised to work Among the little puentn were; Sybil lie necessary to allow an offset, or The Tinlic schooln will open next house. Theo. Fullmer at Norman-Jennefactor, between the Tiied:iv. according to Supt. Barthand in hand wllh Hie Juab county Hreeiiiialph. Merle Julies, Klliel Tai- fiu:"li7ation Co. property tux and Hie business frui- - lett , and on the day previous there people In llieir efforts to liuve bel- lor. Mary Holman, Mildred ami Car- rhise SALK-So- me household furFOB tag. ter rouils between the two counties; los Itife, I .a Hue Duckworth. Franwill tie a noetiir; of teachers. 40. No. Phone niture. ! mnl jj that Third, education be All vacancies in the leaching Mayor Van Waponer paid many ces Salisbury. Joyce Hlfe and (he the solely of the state and staff have Iieen filled and the fol- FOB SALE Rolled-toto the enterprise of piles! of honor. oftice dek. compliments that, in order lo have its advantages lowing new faces will lie seen in the1, ice box. dresser and rugs. Mr. Tlntlc di Lr us who were cuKiiped In The mitiuitl outlnp of Ihe Tlntlc extend to all clihens of the state Belle McAdams. puttlnp over some of the hip uiiiilup Slake personnel of the educational staff In1 In a more eiual measure than Sumliy Schools held on ventures of Ihe state. C. I,. under this district: tirades Margaret bulli-Inal Arrow Ihe head evenlnp mir present system, Hi.it the state I'rarv. Margaret Fiihrlng, Koah An- -, FOl'ND In dance ball Wednesday a also of I'rovo. suggested one was of resort most the I levy against our Public 1iilities and night a link, bracelet set with brilmo ii il me lit to the pioneers of Tint High School Herbert! of Hie summer affairs Owner may get same by liants. Natural lilstriel and promised to hack the Development a St ree per, Ierkel.y, Fnglish; K. T. About one hundred members tax for this at calling Reporter office and In idcii with Ills Influence t'lah of the Schools from t lie distribute "the 'moC v '."rei'dved "to Krickiin, Salt l.ake Science; Walter ad. Sunday for this paying Aklln, Salt lake, Music; Kimball county. wards of the stake were In '.the various Klmol disirl.ts on Senator (orge II. Ityan closed- various , McIntosh. . sonic ,, Provo, Ida LOST Somewhere In Eureka Swiss Athletics'; ttai n,,,, basis which will iiiitomatic.-HIbH,',I,n the speeches with remarks upproprl- Kane Prl-Salt Movement Helbros lady's wrist Anderiin, Lake, j I very pm- ait tiiittllutlnii f ate to the occasion ja icnlc supper advantage Ui.ii y. watch. Reward. Call 304. ii'"(l nt the same nine ici;,i t wan nerved In The bamiuet fcc.p f ards of the lucal vnlual Inns up to the standard tiu.nl pleasing manner and was 0P l,u,n,,i of one hundred of the pleasant affalrn of the Sliver Klnke. Pt a cent. This Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carton and has proved to he Jutillei". llaiinifiii the had very knotty, "Sport" I in mi's are glail to hount my services two children, also John Matthews problem and the lllllmite meal In charge. reserveven after IK yearn. No more mar. Miss ed . and . finui Merle .... Ueur, returned to approval until the commls-- ' red ruined linoleum and floors, their honien In Kureka on Monday ninn has fiiroi-heHie norc;rary sfa-; IlK.'UFIt AM) HKTT'FH FAII! no HsUi-cuin , ncsnled. Oh! glass a after n in very pleasant outing showing result of the several Il.AWFD hill JIAII IXH'N'TY wliat a pleasure to move things! southern California. They made the methods proposed for redistribution. AS HE WAS floors. You Fine for hardwood A lilgger and belter couuty fair trip by auto and found time to look Fourth, the committee Is of the see me or when must holler you Tin-Hand visit c with that up opinion the administration of will Ih possible lliln year at Nephl, many foimer neighborin me when your notify people now living In the lui An- taxes shou'd come in fur a likhI deal according lo Judge Thomas II. Ilur-- ! hood or you will lie sorry. Hoad condition are of ("ireful consideration .md ton and other renldeqtn of that ptare geles section Brass Beds, Sanitary Couches and who were in Kureka during the good, the local people stats, al- (("r'aln additional powers h, In other Furniture though it will he months yet before the State Tax ('i"iinni-io(week. The Nephl visltorn stated the connection with canters. state of Arizona fills in the link H to exercise a measure 'that they appreciate the Interest and FltlCES REASONABLE. support given the fair by Tintlc peo- on Ihe Arrowhead Trail needed to over each lesser taxing FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY AT a to h.ind over corgive It in the spec! good issues, more highway levies to desire and their and valugive ple FIIONK .Tti. Kl'KKKA. prominence, thin your, to the mlner- -' ner of that state and make the en- ation The iiuestion of h.iw f.,r ihi al exhibit. A fine space has been tire Journey to the roast one of real control should go was ihe subject' of much debate and fm a approval! selected for the mine of Tintlc and pleasure. J. A. Hryau of Salt Lake City was was withheld for the prei nt Mr Judge Hurton says that if new sama ples of ore are received each year here for the Jubilee celebration, be- Ryan states that while it necessary that uni- - iddsHona! cen-the mining exhibit will become more ing a guest of Mrs. Lou Harrett. trallatlon of aii'hi-rithe ujvett the Mr. and Mrs. Sherman liiterentliig as each succeeding fair Haynes State Tax Commissi,, n. j Is held. Not every county In aa for- and Mrs. Agnes Haynes ., ,,UH . to lion of returned just how far (!:. .,w h,nld tunate us Juab lu having within It Kureka recently after spending a N !L'n''ri,ll coiice.!."d th.it If! border some of the largest week in Salt Lake t'itv. Ihe State Tax Conin:l--iimines In the Inlted State and has au'h-- l Mrs. Agnes Ilxyues had as her orlty to call for i h..ir'"'t in V1V! a Juab eounty fair without a proper guests on Mr. Mrs and Weduesd.iy taxing unit, or that ativ u , would he a sad mis- William Ilenriod and son. i mineral display Lewis, all payers of a unit have M;.. take. of Nephl; Mrs. C. L. Jack and lo ask for a hearii;.". on authority1 ! It is hoped that Tlutlc mining opd or Salt loike. daughters sue. tax levy ,.r and that erator will cooperate with the offMr. and Mrs. Arthur Self of Salt all angles of the valuation, case he conicials of the county fair in making lake have been of Mr. and slderation and pr. s..!.ttil ,, guests and elaborate mineral display jthe D. J. Sullivan for the Mrs. past few Public, that the people. ,.r the ceun-tcomplete euougli to lie In keeping. days. Mr. Self is the commissioners mav t !.. operating with Tintlc' importance in the west-- Heron Hotel nuke which is fast gaining their own decision R i ti,,..;, ern nilulng world. pl(,. in popularity with Tintic folks and their money at.d if (he1 ' wish to it spend foo!:!iiv that is Mct'ormtek. daughter IIIH I'uthertuc VAKIKTV OF lilXlli KKtAIM- - their business, but there ire many of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCormick, HAND I.IMHl'H, instances where j sm.f.'. minority,' was the honored guest at a very en- Just recently I tore down Ihe old interested in some n.av Joyable birthday party given at het liaptist Church and have a lot of over some iinwis," pro.'";, s.h'eme (...( About home on August 24th twenty finished lumber for sale. 2, doors cause the mass little folk were present and the complete with locks, knob and hin- know the details.of the peep;,t, .j,, fi.r it Budweiscr and lOOfc program Included game is ges; Just as new as the day thev and the money tli ' wake up left the factorr, at half price. to the fact that spent there w. AS HE IS There Thousands of feet of excellent fbnir-In- money spent than was pure barley-mal- t. no fillers in or cssary rorri-jlhcelling lumber, shipiap, snue other plan would iuv.. no two-hrII no artificial flavors, no gated Iron, lion a tint nnit h :ji sixes and lots of sheeting. 1 also1 Mr Rvan Mates that S'Mre Ilf the CONGRATULATIONS have a furnace for sale cheap Just 'critics of th tax artificial colors no whatever. inr,s:,c;,. the thing to heat a large home. linn eem lo lie ofreii;,i"i TO the tiH. i.p'ni.u, V. R. Stevens. I'houe 173-ail the legisiatu-- e wi:; s ANHEUSER-BUSC- H ; TINTIC II- MIlJ money to spend MARRIAGE LICENSES. not the case and that wh.it th. v .ire on the success of your a trying to do N to wi,.,.), County Atturiiey VlcVers. during will ent ul as lip', ( ii;"pan i i fm SILVER JUBILEE his visit to Eureka yesterday, stated and sta'utory change a jthnt two marriage license had been and whuh will result !ri a no. re and DECORATIONS issued at his office this week, ad equitable distribution of the ;ax parties being residents of Dividend. burden and one more in accord.ir.ee They were: Norman K. IVrrv and with obtliiv to pay He .., that HOTEL HERON Lillian Hutchison; Wesley N. people should not zuiii.. the ji,,. and Leola Hurraston. These tude that taxpaving Is iUi l;iv, lim; Salt Lake City, Utah young people were married bv itary contribution to and B&I151 Judge J, S. Cooper of Nephl. one to be avoided whenever pox- - next. Npauker and paid rl h ii m' nt nf I lii pinned of Tlulii' min I ii k (list riel was uni' of Hit lilif features of flu- - tiny ami unit a lily iiirrli'il mil ly I In iiniiinll I At h i m ii I oil fur Itml pur pimf. I In of I In- - lil parade III wliltli tin pioneers ii iiji"u l In Hiiil- -' II Illy ili'i hi jiii-i- l "Cmeicil WiiKoint'' hy yiiMilini", they were (pontlcil I m k II In I ii in Ii ill lilt" Kiwiinf loom n ami I lii'ii" I'lijuyi'il a runn i I'pjmi . i ii I ii i in ixri-ll- i m i.i vh" Ii y Mm. Flnkcl aim foil iimri" I Iiuii oiii Ii Hint i uiiil l l v fiVH during the liiiiiiui"l In the hiiiir. 'I'lii" ilium Tin1 nf 1 tle-- -it r.-s- a vi-- Every day new customers are trading at this store, us serve you also n n-i- It-- I Momi-wlia- .! H- - ! f - m - - I M Call-N.Mi.- 1 - I l I le-i- - i.r-'- u- -t - 1 l r Hpi-iike- r n I I I SUMMIT STORE - gui-nl- s cini-(M- l. s vi.-w- s c 11 , -- I s I ; j rcli-hraHo- I e - aio-ncle- ' s fn.-te- ! Eu-bel- " j tair.-.ilil- Local Ads. I n mu-hI- s I ll prup-erf- v t clll-s- ; J. -- 1 n Attention i coni-eri- i r'H-da- I p y War-iilc- p ul wa-iso- i .... ,. . J r V i ! car-H-t- il 1 i ) ti I 1 lead-silv- i er i; Is-- 1 -' i y Pt-ri- i A is I n. g. at Kept Husy s, - Are You One? the it substitutes -- ST. LOUIS j I l pii-v!,- Customers. Barley Malt Syrup are adulterants, - with Satisfied i'-n- 1, i . Barley-Mal- t Chris-.tense- n ci'Vi-rnni-- Syrup s, |