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Show TliUisdiiv, Pae2 Tintic Pioneer of 1870 Tintic's Crippled Lineup Now Living at Santaquin! Loses O&me at Helper W. (. Robbins. (.lie ut pimmer. rami' up from Mu- ii n ImIiIii k 'lirilli'! - K;i ui inj ulu dule fomi a iiiiii IH' on Tuesday, making suro l luii Mould In- horn for Wednesday's pro lie At Mil1 Reporter of fl riHIll t I. .1.1 a very I iik story of his work here tin rim: t III epilog of IS7U, u few limn I lis Hfler Mil fir-- l tnko - on Mr. enough whs nhorl end of n Mn I ( u I I'M 1 of ; In mi'ii fmieil lo 4 sinre in lli'lp.i nn wlMi liiller's diamond last f.ir ii s Mu' ri'f iii'il. Mu' J.C.PENNEY C Dress Up for Fall rerul.ir Inurin' min' TIiiMi u Killin' piiiyi 1 nti-n-n- Mi. bari'lv I Mn K'liiii1 In Am .Sunday. ol ii in ii in ion Eureka. Utah. iiii'.-tn- l '1 jn Hil lui llilli'; in- vcri of llii mil mushier mn!, way fvi'iy - - Robbins I ( illwovi'iy. Ni'VMili'i'ii years of live Mn-,ls crlppleil llinMip, pl.iyi'il u wiim employed tty Mi1 lleeeley llriH. Komi m on mIih oM iii'il four luuli it'ii in h 'I liivu v, .i'fiy" Fowler, InniM'ily with Mi" nut fits Mi'ii til i'll to haul Mii f irit urn from Mil MiiiomoMi uml iiiioli' Kmeku li iiin, wan on Mih mouml for It Ilii'lr firsl liip lo Suit Lake In lli'lpi-- mol for a few inlnuii" Inuk i'll lit If Ills old ell III Ilia I With March, I H7. Mr. Knhhlna i hi 11111 l hi lomllng Koine in liiiw' him from Mih game. of Mii on, w Ii Ii Ii IiiuI lii'i'ii sacked, Cii la Im up'' iicil Mih Kiiiim hy Mlrlk uml Kline IlHi'Nloy mIiikIi-iuml stale Mini Mu' om I11111II11K mi' In y mil Wilson Malkeil mim fin'd tli'-till noli Mn- t mil ilown Miroui'li iilmiK mol le y IioMi ni oil on Vli-Mih lloiiiniiMvIlli' I'iiii von uml iimuml Not lo I'IkIiI lo Im oul li'ljt hIiIi- of In poke I'IhIi l.uki', rin hit a llii-lurrlml at Kail Luke Mm urn ilone liV Ii Ih miileM, I toiler Mm iloulile down mtiiiiiiIiik flral i Hint llm lii net'll warehouse h whn iiii'rilniiiiliMi' iitnl I11 kooiIn Im mo line line. The till really ahould Inline run aa I lie hull uf lllllllTH who WITH lllIXlnilH III IIIOVI' Iiiivo heeii Intil miKll went lln-lfoiire, till the on iiihiIh IouiIn Tlnl lulu In, up otherwise. IIiIm Mm way luii'k lo plre ierii'i dlstrlil. Helper Hlurleil Its ueorlliK III Mm orn liniili'il I.iiIit Mr. Itobhlii friuii Min Kuri'bii lllll mini' uml says iiei'iiiiii when Minor I rlpleil lo that at Dial llnm there whih hut a I. Iliiaoiie Wfclil "Are" line heller fi'w I'Hlilnn In Mih Kuri'ka kiiIiIi. uml pul one out of Mm piirk for a After Hie mire IihiI heen Iih iHiuiiNii'ra pllchHil Mmlr IhiiI homer. IhihI noNM district I0I1I, Tlullr imiile uiioMut run on iihii r Mih prnNnnt m Imri' IIiith wan a aprlng and a Wilson's hIiikIh, a wild Ihrow over wi iiinl and an Infield out. Helper v uml I alrnani of water While lint a mlimr Mr. ItotitiiiiN kepi fighting, HioiikIi, and wllli Hie of fluke Murk imI for NHVfrul ilaya on Krouml aid of a walk and a part of tlm liltN, went iulo the lead and were whlrli In I it 1101111111 ni'Vi'i lieuili'd again. or Koyaliiiii. Tlili waa I ho Although they Inat the guine, the wiim hr properly Tliilli' Imya are not tloMorvliiK of the IIih Mi'Chryalala. Edward Klownrl of I'rovo, now nt It IcIhiii uMually rlri'uliiteii after The louiu haa heen well In lila 'Ik lit fen, ahniilil liuvo every defeat. roil for building tlin flral frunm greatly wenkeiieil and, of eiiurae, a laltln at Silver Ctly, Mr. ItohliliiM great deal I'uuld not he expected of the preaent outfit. says . Sunday's game hit veil to one player who ran he expected to Utah Copper Team Going he In the regular lineup next aeaHoii wiim n ml In I ,' r r I I 11 I 1 - I I r Mi Smart New Clothes and Accessories Await You Here at Prices that Mean Savings - i I r M I 1 11 hi-t- i 1 1 1 1 1 11 I I r - I 11111 I September Presentation Waverly Caps In New Fall Stylea I Waverly Caps of the new For Fall Marathon j 11 liHi-an- Hats he-fnr- o nr.-julre- ! Embodying everything that goei to nuke a rully good hat value Chars' ter. Workmanship, and prices that 111 real economy. 1 1 Smart new "Waverly" cap variety of fabrici; ihadei. Silk lined, with waterproof vine. um-ove- r I ''p" to First Aid Conference' llie I Mciiiheru of the Ftuli I Co.ht nun nunya lHnglium ranyoii flral aid leani, will leave ahmit Hepteiuher ID to compete III Him iih I Internu-lluiia- l flral aid and mine reacue run leal which la aetieil tiled to he held at KaiiHaa City, September 12, 13 1111 11 mid 14. The team wua recently declared winner of IIih nipper eoitipiiny'a Inter plant mutest, held In runner-Howith the annual uuIIiik at and engaged in hy leu him from the mine, and the iiiIIIm at Arthur nnil Miigun. The lliiighmn ten in won IIih ronteat three yeura of Hie four In which they have piiitlrlpnled. The International rnnloHt la upon mired annually by the I' lilted SIhIoh bureau of mines, and la held In illf ferent parla of the rountry each year, First aid and mine martin teunia from roul inlnea, metal in I nr a. iuarrea, Mineltera, mllla and petrol emit refinerlea from all parla of the I'ntted Htntea, Ca mid and Mexico aro eligible In compete. n I.a-goo- 11 NASH The Best Car on the American Market for the Money. USED CARS Every one reconditioned and newly painted, and along with each one we give our guarantee. Cars can be seen at the gas tanks on the Summit. pual year. Hint player Im ( lyde n Clydo rompleled Ida of Hie year with llie liicnl ilnli IhhI Sundiiy mid lifter the aiiioke I1111I cleared away he IihiI one of the five liilM hi ml e liv the team und wum iTi'tl I Icil with two put 11 lit m. Clyde wna uImo roldied of what up pe.ired to he home runa 011 I wo illf ferent orriialniia. MM . ... Conover, ond full Marathon Hats I win Timic. - he i: ;; ' lluhlea muni Im protected from fliea. Ilealdea their torment and torture, (Hen transmit over thirty different diseases, any one of which may prove falnl Kvery fly you ae must In killed. INSIST upon and t Iih aclentlfic product get at Mellon liialliute of Krsenrrh hy Ke Research llowslilp. It Is harmless to mankind hut sure death to all household Insects Just follow Instructions on blue label of bottle. Insist on TON with Its perfuuielike fra glance. They bring with tlum the new hat prrh.nalitiex for Fail. Ok id lines, pruportii 'n, balance everything that help to make a hat right ii here. The Trend, at right, Is $4.98 Let Us Be Your Hatter Let Us Be Your Hatter Fall Styles for Men Mens Shirts Of Broadcloth Now on Display A visit to our Men's Clothing Department at this time will prove both interesting and profitable Our new arrivals in Men. Fall Suits have everything to recommend them-st- yle, quality fabrics and finished workmanship .ml an especially fine wlec. tion of shades and patterns to choose from. ... Of doth. Values That Reflect This three-butto- ... blue-and-whi- te Extra Pants at ooQa Mens Shirts n, 24 x 76 count Brad In neckband or $1.49 single breasted mode! with notch lapel jacket in fancy stripe effects and in the seasons favored shades of tan. grey and brown. Blues, too, including blue serges and pin stripes. Adv. 144 attached styles. the Tremrndoiu Buying Power of Our 1400 Stores M.P.Madson j" Tintic Agent for Nash Are Here $1.98 FI.Y-TO- n Hats a big, genMaraerously proportioned thon Hat for men. Made of fine hatter's fur, beautifully satin lined, well trimmed with leather sweat band and silk band. M. I,, lione, who for Niunr time him been connected with the achoolM of Mila city having the niualc work at both the grade und high achoola, ,he Reporter Marathon "The General, M An $1.98 The New September For Fall In Cedar Citys Schools .. I re Let Us Cj Your Hatter M. L. Done Will Teach n The Engliah one-pirityle, above, is tailored of Shaw's twixt fabric and is silk lined. $2.98 $1.49 aer-gniu- recently asked for a release from hla teuchlng contract In order that lie might accept a poult Ion at (pilar Clly. The releime waa grunted thla week anil Mr. Mono will at once move Ida family to the mo u them Ptali city. Supt. Ilartlell of the Tintic School liiMtrlct Mlulea that ho now haa In Ii Im hmnla a number of appllcatlona for the poMltlon ininle vacant hy Mr. A meeting of Dime's reHlgiiatlon. tlm bon rd of eiliieatlon will ho held tH'foro II In decided which one of the nppUcunta will Im Heloeted. Mr. Ilone came to Kureka three uml a half yeura ago from Spring Illvllle, where lie waa an inatrurtor In lmiHle. Tlm vueuuey exlMtlng ut that lime waa eu lined hy the sudden death of John Hood. It Is understood that the Cedar City position Im preferable to that In this district because ut the former place Mr. iHme will devote Ida entire time lo bund and orchentru work which la much more lo hta liking. ! The tt' inner, at left, v In a wide new Fall ' Of S 21 Broadcloth 75 Well nude shirts of 2 x 1 Broadcloth in atyle or neckband style with collar to match. 3.90 collar-attache- Other .Urn's Suit! at $19.75 and ft.75. Extra Vann at $4.93 and $6.90. d $1.98 ! I The Choice of Many Malted Milk and Soft Drinks, made as we make them or as we serve them, arc the choice of the majority if we are to judge by the quantity we sell each day and to the same folks day after day. To Know why you must taste them. ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONS Property Listed For Rent and Sale by Frank Garrity ! close In. IS7.V FOK KKNT -- 2 (urnUh. , modern bouses, with garages. FOK S I.K 4 room h'liiw, cik! of school $4. ol eu-- b or f.,ii'l Will sell or trade fur Kureka on public time. will $2:.i handle real estate, farm of lit! acres in FOK SALK Well built . room Klch county. Frank tiarrlty. house, good ci Uar. and on:-o- f For stale S room modern bunga- buildings. On nerihgarage side low low, Including heating plant. In good $750 cash, location. M For Kent Several unfurnished pittmm: AMI til' KI) SII houses, each 4 rooma. at MO per1 NOTItK. month. Also a 7 room modern house at $25. For further Information consult FOK SALK 3 room house with 1'oiihiv ili-ror respecCtf garace. upper Main street, (or S5fU. i KumroKs to notuk FOR SALK 4 room house In Estate of JOSEPH TKKI.OAK. splendid condition for $500. FOK SALK Hood Vain street Ireditors Mill pre-eclaims iMi hotel at a bargain. Particulars on vouchers to Hie undersigned .if Euirquest. reka. Plait, on or before th,. ;oth FOK KKNT Hood business build- day of October. A. i. ing. well located on Main street. ANNIK TKKLO U. FOK KKNT 3 room modern1 Administratrix of Est.-i,0f house, $25. Tfeioar. deceased FOK KKNT 5 room house, un- I Pate of first puh. ) August 15. furnished, $15.50. FOR SALE- 2 furnished houses,"Try the home merchant Hrit. . i The Tintic Hotel Eurekas Leading Hotel ROOMS COOL AND CLEAN Commercial Mens Home. d. Guide for Tourists. Headquarters for Mining Men. nt JOHN J. HANLEY Gatley Building Phone for Stock Quotations Eureka, Utah No. 218 ! . l;j SI 00 and Up RATES: Per Week 3.00 and Up For Reservations Phone 22 Per Month 310.00 and Up I |