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Show lie. 2J. August Thursil:iv, Pace 7 THE EUREKA REPORTER Runaway Car, Loaded With Cri'iim. Wrecked In Canyon u ..!( i .i j ,r J. ni ill,. I.! i f :l.e 'M i iii ll,. ii.lt un.riii.. in i!.. Mji.i.il '11 u:niit.i.i.lif .ii.,ii . y i riiim.-rtr , I:,. ii it . i iii. t't i (lie nt.-rlii- i f iTi.i:n i irry ii hIiIiIi r.m k Tin inr.'. truck. ilrivr llH.1 hecll llUr.l i l lit' r;t in ;tt I.v'.indil. liiKt-i- Mr it li a itrrKt.i-- t hi I: i till nr .tv phict-- s JA a f. . v.iiiy : - n v UiiilllllUiill. I mk reus :'i I Ka-t'S- fan- - r iiiin f.'1. v tin ll.. m - ahing I.y J K. til .'ill . I. .11111 1111!-IM- k .Hill CltV. Hell Ill'll! In Milliird fuunlv It was !i'.itilv loaded anil a tide being through the fitiiviiti the 11 Ini in work, aliiiwtng the tnii k M run .1w.1v. The ilrlvcr ti li.ivi tiii',iiiii paiihky us he f.llb-lu IliMki Use of the I UliTM.Mwy 11. ike, nr a change of gear. which tglit hiivf k:i veil hint from trnuhle. , gained i it k it iirxt to Imp. for It to t.ikt tlii1 4harp n nvon turn. llo- IkiiiNhii it Into t hi utile of ik.-- i f.i . 4 PHONE 8 and your groceries arrive quickly sp.-ed- j ( , It is a regular practice in this store to deliver promptly all orders whether given in person or by phone. While we are always glad to have you come and inspect our offerings, if it is more convenient for you. phone No. 8. Your order will be carefully selected and promptly nwr I'.-i-i EUREKA, UTAH Telephone W-385- IK,ltTS l(-y- Knit.) Strmn, All Heads F.l.H-tri- r Mini TV lKtt. or Air. Famuli t'Hpuoili, ." "OTTO MW Si nun or 1.1. F.b-ctrl- r. Tubing or Surfmr. AI.I. KI.Ert. Famous "FIVA It I IS." All sizes Nlurknl Imre. ' K4 ll).' SOME WONDERFUL BUYS IN USED ETC. Get our quotations. This beautiful 3 piece living room suit in Mohair covering, all webb construction The popularity voting contuat, which resulted in the election of Mias Eileen Murphy lo appear as I "Miss Tintic In the Jubilee parade, 'f closed on Monday at noon and It waa a most aplrited affair. In all near-- j ly 40.000 votes were cast with Misa Miss 14.000. Murphy receiving Thelma Buys was a very close con- - I tended for the honor, hsvlng recelv-- . ed 11,910 votes. Next in order, v were: Miss Margaret Imlrd. 7.561," Miss Waldlne Anderson. 2.458 and Miss Ituth Naylor, 1,274. If Miss Buys and Miss Laird were 5 selected as maids of honor to the I Juliiln Queen and given places on ifl the float. 3 in Suit l.akc.) KOI. I. Kit I5KAUINO from the mw TIMKEN V How the Voting Contest Closed; Miss Murphy Winner built to your ( lioilifM high-h- v of cream wiis a most eaiii of Ihe fifty fans and only i .iiiiuiiilng ten galloiiH. eleven runs were reeovered In the liiiiiiup of the wreek. These were r hipped lo S.ill Lake over the I'nion ifir lly. fonpany tiy the manager ,J f the rreamery eonipany who cams here 10 investigate the accident and to arrange for repairs to Ihe truck.'1! It Is somewhat remarkable that,' Ihe driver wan not hurt. Those go-- ; ing out of Tlntlr early on Sunday,! road, morning found the ranyon clogged with cream and hy evening that particular piece of road had the' appearance of having been oiled. 1 Warehouse 336 So. West Temple St. (Whirl other side of the overturned. v.Miiihle one, J. F. HARVEY OllK f'AKS to the mill was 'I In rargo Cromar Grocery 307 Dooly Bldg. SOME REAL SPECIAL VALUES IN FURNITURE NOW BEING SHOWN ON OUR FLOOR. YOU ARE INVITED TO COME IN AND SEE THEM AND MAKE COMPARISONS. hi-i-- ALWAYS ON HAND Office le sw-ere- d FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 8 nnik-inslb- th.- - 111011 im .it n through which the r , ..it! him After striking rut iii'o tin1 rinks the Irurk hounded delivered. PHONE NO. EARLY FALL SPECIALS ARRIVE at TAYLOR BROS. CO. 11 HOISTS, 1 $149.00 New stock of Bed Room Suites in Walnut and Lacqurcs, green and Ivory, at new popular prices $69.25, $98.50, $89.50, $129.00 Tintic People Promise to y.1 Support Payson Celebration' r Irfl Tlntlr people are Inclined to boost' and support the big home coming celebration at I'ayson on September J 12, 13 and 14 because of the friend- ship which the Payson mayor, other city officers, and citizens In general, have shown in connection with out Silver Jubilee. Payson was one of the first towns to respond to our Invitation to send a band to Kureka and later other places took the same liberal stand. As a result we had ,an abundance of the finest music on Wednesday of this week. Eureka cannot reciprocate and send such a musical organization to Payson when the homecoming program Is carried out. We have no bund but we have a great many peo- -' pl here who are interested in the j welfare of the people In our neigh boring city and no doubt many of thnni will be at Payson on the days named. Following is a brief outline of what you ran expect In the way of entertainment features at Payaon !' next month: Formal reception of visltora, par iade, band conrerts, on opening day; rodeo, horse races, trip shooting, of .wild cow milking, I'stssrs, etc., on the second day and a continuation of this big program of sports has been announced for Saturday, also a county fair fen ture, for the Ismt day of the relebra I! tlon. New Breakfast Sets at new low prices. All lacqure finish, hard wood chairs and table (fcOl (t Q C HO i A Touch of Color Is some of your furniture beginning to show the , word of advice. signs of service? Let us whisper a little it Try a bit of paint. The rejuvenation in appearance small. is cost brings about is truly surprising and the We carry Duco, the best paint on the market for both inside and outside work. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER and BUILDING MATERIAL. ! ! Tintic Lumber Co. EUREKA - rajajiLJiLrtLriiriijariLriLnLfBfi!fafiHa4afaafitfiiJriLfarafefaiajgfaFefiUi ! name Is Ilm. deep down, plus pah. ''Munrhe, male parent; Peads, Chronicle of Delta: down or water. Deep parent; Iped, child; Ilobbapl-quor deep1 Deep water, means h deep, St. Josephs School Will where go; Ilka, come; Pi Qua, down Creek, down. The word means 'Deep ' 'A few other 'pahs.' t'oonipah Is go; Sheuobe, Uud; Toguer, black; Be Opened on September 3 water.' Saltiers out thera call llie (Jueechuppah, stinking iTtinuerville. Is therefore black town; .tream 'Deep Creek, because It has hot water; l oot oorUi pah, fire water, or I'ungo, horse; Que, steal; Tobuck, feet 25 to water; 15 Sinter week the from the phannel paat ' I During mad; Ankarah. red." Hence Ihe Indian whiskey. of the Holy (roan, who recently re- bIoS the tanks vacaturned after upending their tion in Salt Lake City, have been buy with the preparations for the opening of St. Joseph's school. They. state that Ihe whooi in this city will reopen on the 3rd of September indi there, that from present Indications enroll-,;; will be a very satisfactory ment. . Sister Desiree. In charge of the of her local school, spent a part vacation at the mother home of the order at Notre Dame. Indiana. The or . teaching staff for the season will be the same as for j the previous year, In fact there has been only one or two changes at the school in recent years, the personnel ibelng as follows: Sister Teresa C.on- Joseph, Sluter Josetta. Slater Angela. and Sister xales fe-ni- Iba-pa- EUREKA, UTAH PHONE 44 - bull-doggi- I j My you look lovely i to-nig- ht CHE knew the compliment to be true for the Inst pimple bed nniihed. It you are one of the embtr-ttwe- d and men ere not exceptions skin blemishes that linger, ud sometimes leave scars, you realize that the logical cause come from the blood. A clear, smooth, velvety skin bo Pa loveliness. Men admire jjomt-praise and secretly envy, Pe, joy, happiness, and even love, of a depend on the tter, unblemished possession it n are outward evidences of the within. Authorities state indication that the body's of resistance to disease and infection is low. that Meaning, defithere is a ciency of red blood-cell- s. without plenty blood, there could be no strong, i 1929-193- 0 CAR GREASING i : . gturdy, powerful men, or beautiful, healthy women. when vou get your red leto normal, that sluggishboil. of loss appetite, down feeling, 1 IKIIMIT TO SELL STOCK. -- blood-cells - v- - hunrrT the nltce of that which w,s our You feel strong, SSS 1M ittiJr. 'IMS " V dis-iri- it ! Gibbs Gives Meaning of iSiSd the Indian Word, Ibapah 1 ! more economical. CdffTifbt im l ex The following Item, which lilalna the meaning of the Indian hlch long ago was v..rd. Ibapah. or used In designating a section sn ine table drug and has sm .to! Drag AUfortl ! HIGH PRESSURE GREASING EQUIPMENT enables us to get the grease into the parts which need it most And beknow our grease as well as our ing in the oil business We greasing! Greasing cars today is a work that requires good men, special equipment and knowledge of greases. We have them all, and you can have car called for and delivered. of th!a The Tintic Vndine has been granted permission trea-- i to sell 100.000 shares of Its The snare. cent 10 per at stock ury the use to have planned officials ' .if their money In the development etui claims ahlch are In the south ' of the district Co. SJU. I 11 i Ca western Juib county and also in Indian reservation, ws published the last issue of th Millard County CARL GALLOWAY AT MM,OHi(Ca |