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Show Auii Thursday, Page 6 Provo Team is Expected to Win in Play off Series 44444444444444444444 EUREKA REPORTER - I Ini.-r--- NrlCvuMNlSflad u,.,n fczEcn nni .1! wini'iii i tin ir i -ii In Mu Ontriil l Ij.iII lit now ! d mi :il FufilnOi I1' ili urin-iitnt-i- iiunlnr Hu i hurnplon-hi- p 'I l.ur--I:i.- I F.urk.l, nf mi ill ' Ii Mur i: i;. IIiimIi. I f lea fi Fork and r i; iiif--- . l f i r it mill tin1 nf winner. Ir'ivn, i e Tintli- ful ill Kil lialvf. f III i.w..M nf Imifliiill ar r.iiln r i of M.mli s. Knrk, Irnvn in win l badly iiiii'i' wliliti (mi slump.-! lil"'l uml-- r liii If, will In- il tIi-i- i wi'h1 ili k" in lln I'hainpioiHhlp l- - -- f JfHiir' wlili-ha Suliiu'l i.i Inii KmIm tin- - hi inn - I'riivii while i'ii pi ii riul 9 uf H i IhhI 10 Kanii-Aiiii-rlmFork ban IhhI 10 In a r iw. Eiglltf.CIl PaSStenglT Ship Thi Ni'i'uiiil Ii it I r nf Min Mi'H hiiii wan In Uie on Boeing Air Line nn ntrnpli-ii-f- l '"' A nit-- r ii-h -i- ...'i-in.i- CASTORIA A Aim-rii-ai- MiMit - Jto23aSBDB39 Tkwrtf MmMM I.- I" n ""? MAmrur anrrUM Mar MwtrH tin-llli- d AWOWM, plnrn In i"iinlly us yuml In Tinlii- fmlHtii-i- l tin- - firm liulf aii'l illil - ill lln- j rfPMl!!r I"""?" . t nf illffiniliii-H- nur bavin . - hv.iIiihI hll ihi-l- r r- - ilMI'l:!i-- fi'-'- a - .i r.- ' 1 --- ! ii Ilf liri-ak- nfii-- Mu- - kmiii- il I il Mu-- y r I h- - , . - e f -- . - - ! - . - i p.i-- I p.-i-i - 1 i I I 1 - wi-l- f'l v i '- - P - I pi-n- you would win the game it rolls nriiiiml. 1930 $1 - M( ) 11 1 l.R ! Provo Was Selected as Old Time Photographs Next Legion Meeting Place Attract Lot of Attention Castoria ia a pleasant, harmless substitute for ( astor ( )il, Paregoric, Teething Drops ami Southing Syrups, prcpircd for Infants in arms ami Children all ages. lu-r'- s It has lirrn in use for mole than Wind Colic Constipation MHniiK-Kchrarnin-Jiihiiaiir- to safely relieve To Sweeten Stomach Regulate UuweD jo years a local mil wliii Mu- - at ore worki-i- l i In i'on-- n wimlnw on ii wIlli the Silver Jnhlli-Weil neail ay. lie roiimli-i- l up a lot of olil Mine picluri-a- . hoiim- - of IochI hi i ii In K ciitiipii, taken luiiK mrn, ol hern nlmwiiiK Kroupa of iiiIiiith hi old linn- - proportion, a rl y iIhvm. hack in lln- olil haaoliall leaniH, etc a Wlien uroupod tonoMn-- r Iheae Hindi a womlerfnl ilUpUy amt Of aliracleil hundreds of people. cou rue old time realdi-nlH- , who were aide in pick oaf their frli-mand In Iheae KrmipM, kI the thrill from the window dlaplay hut many ofhorn enjoyed luokliiK at the plelun-and druwliiK anelent and comparlNona inniliirn mlnliiK met holla. iiovi-- l i tiiin-XM- ; ; NU-W- AY of I'nynon n ml Kuril-k- a Iiiin mini. available for quirk aulf. lit a frail Ion of llu-l- r fix original call at turea ami faiiM. If Interi-Hlei- l the lloporti-- r office, Kureka. allow Iiiiiinoh noitui:iiN Will houril or at llriMli-rlik- tt.wmi. room wiiool (hoy or Kiri.) F. Walker, mli-ul- Apply to Mra. W. I lie praile m liool huIhlliiK. : : I. linnii-illul- eliiiiiKe S. F.-d- in- i - i I ay Tl - ml iiio rnal for lax per eeni with I'.i.S. lloh report I xmiiu, mmmiiiAi ft XOTICK IOlt Fl'Ill.lCATlov. named minpuny held at lln offiee ill the F. J. Hlore, Ku- l on Friday. July 2ii, Department of the Interior, l!iL!l in I'lah F. 3 heinff No. S. IH2!i. an laind Office, at Salt Lake (it ai'uiii-par.of one l per share, was levied Ilah, July ill. 1929. lln- - nipi'al slock uf the corpora-- ! oti(.e j Rlvmi Saliud.iy from mi hereby ih.t alnivi- and - In- - l.-i- r-- ka. uaw-Hsmiii- t. - - In lln- - ci-il- l iii!-rna- mi Children Cry FLETCHERS i "if FOR CASTORIA OTH of F. ksi:ssmi:xt. he .siiiid.i, Aiiriisi am Jl. 1J.9, will advertised for sale at public auction, an, unless paime,, is made before will he sold till hrnlay, September 20, 1929, at ihe hour of twelve oclo.-k- , noon. ,l,f' .t,n h; ,rr,:,ary J to siore . i rlM, .TT" , I'ondllloiiH Miroimhoul lln- - eountry j rol.-i- i in File. Illvi-the Company. m-ns kooiI ns Mn-i an- - at- a I'lah Corpiirutinii ami the of sale. of expens,, there Will he ail llierensf prim-lpa- l F. J. JM.sIK SIT.!. IN N, Secretary. plan of . hiisiiii-i- ), In i Die later II'h Hinre. Kun-kayear." I'lah. I.oi'a(loii of Secretary's office: F. Not in- - is clvi-that at a J. Fen nell store. Kureka, i'tali. Trv Mih Iiiiiiih mcri'hiint first dir-rtnHiiif of lln I First puh August 1, 1929.) !( l.m-atim- pri-M-li- l. 44444444444444444444444444 m m n mu' TXII wi-r.- ! Eureka, Utah 71 'l IIMIIFIS lM Kt:si: r Phone Bought and Sold 1 I lie Halil, Stocks, Bonds and Securities of all kinds lion, payable immediately to Juste The WaHhiiiKioii, -- liovyi. on I til revenue .niiounied to I'l.jilX.ltiS, as rninpiii'fil with Si!.-- i 7 7 . 4 t S for l'J2X. Ineone- - lax upon which Mils assess- for thin year fJ.t'S.- - in.-n- lAi.vsit.ek Hha l remain unpaid at noon till .mi!) fur hint year. and i llowi-ver.- AND MINING EXCHANGE W. I'rnvn i Hhuwi-- prim of copper was foreaei-i- i tiy Solonioe II. (luKKenhelni, in purl ner of (iuiiKen helm llrol hern rompuuy, Wnl'j Hi reel flniineerH, who wiih a visitor, !ii Halt l,n ke ily a slmrl linn- - ugo.l Hats Cleaned & Blocked .i.ii uoiiK mf nTi:i:it . 11.- II.1- - of MEMBER OF THE SALT LAKE STOCK .i-- i Frank niri'i'.-il - Price to Remain Unchanged! No to - - - , i ll Guggenheim Expects Copper Suits Made to Order r To reach Tin Me people, all them ailvertlae In tho Kureka I'rop. CLEANING, PRESSING REPAIRING ami , --- , ii l.ei-lon- lli-lpe- 1 me. a Odorless Cleaners m-x- l Ailhiir (i. Sulii.aii Font of rek:i wa-- well repre u ni. d at yri-Hle- ItniiKiili-lllii- Mi-- n 'I In- - plr-Inre- 4 Ani.-iiin- d 1 : it l r 4'oiiinii4iid.-- r in in I ii i of s l oujV1 i l.iMi-- lln- - held a nm- -l inat Mud. a dnriiu w.ek and part of l.i-Hal.I'ope of inn - Me- hh naiiii-- eity of h ter. f.-- To avoid imitation alwayi look for die xifnahirr uf Prpvrn diliwtweachwJcagr-Thyiciiaiiar'Vrryiwl-- Fans, Lighting Fixtures Being Offered at Bargain llenry Unvia of e Flatulence Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Foml, promoting Cheer 'fulness. Rest rind Natural Sleep without Opiates r wan i OPENS AN ACCOUNT. Eureka Banking Company - I'ru. 1 sav-ing- s - Ii.-- - wli'-el- - - d 1 1 l - - 1 And so it is in the game of life we must hit the ball hard every working day to win. Even then you are net saving a part of your earnings, you must lay aside a certain sum for a rainy day to win in the end. A account is the easiest way of building this fund. Ccme in today and discuss this very important matter with us no obligation. in Is ii.. f - i Ion-:'ll,. pi.ii.intrlilf rrnlll In 'll M.III.hol'olll Ihi-Ilkplayt-iti.d ha a lln- toy of Mnw hlit MrlkihK dlNlnnr-nmill rluHi-iAilll ilH 11 of Hll f.'.-- l WIliM I it in Mini A pi. tin- Inp run riiiikt Muwill fly 1J-ii.-in pi. ih, )s In In hi- riiiMpIliru-i.ii-tHiii'li a MiliM low I. ini uni it an hour mill Ihmn- whn Iii Iii-iin Hupp irl ii, l "M of fi.'i i.il.-in I. ol 'II m Ir ilurliiK Mu- IhhI i ii ii i m ixi ii. per iliinli :i'i l with Hiiliifji-i- l mi- iulliIf 'I v.i i m of i iMiiii a uiiiiIi. fur linpinK MilI. I III II orr III el ili-- . a ii winning huiuh ivIh-i- i r. 'l'i.i la.; a run of 7 ' Mu- - Inii LomovWJJ up wIlli rin-- t l. In III.' Mn nf hnlh Raim-- s npi-niii- buys CawlIM an half of Mu- - ; Charles Anderson, of tafxreen. Kui-oii- C. E. II U I S H 0. E. RIFE Notaries Iuhllr KM F. TAYLOR, Register. pub. August 8. 1929.) SHOES NEW OLD i. m o. iioa !! !! 1 t'lah Kureka, ! ! ! Andy Anderson OFIDSITK SHOE BILLS REDUCED You know and we know that soles and heels are the life of the shoe. You N- -J Nerve .in the ai . . Iii-ii- T. Caailelou Main Hired ii by luiiiging tliriii to my simp ami having me if- 1 can handle pair t shue repairing jnl in any fashion and all tNpi1 work is guaranteed. lhwne Ifll Assay Office Oeurg (First Make Your Kureka Office - 4444444444444444444444444 i KTOlti: CLEANING can easily reduce your yearly shoe bills 50 per cent or more by having us repair them when they show signs of wear. D. A. WILSON Shop at head of .loh St. AND PRESSING I matter how dainty the article or how Moiled the suit we can make it No look like new. Send your next job hero we are sure you will Ih satisfied. Dr. J. H. Ellsworth DENTIST Htofl IIM. bnkt, ';-- V Pleating a Specialty I' fab Eureka Cleaning Co. i . . . Dr. Steele Bailey, Jr. and Hnrfm ItFk-U- in a cigarette it's i iPOWDER AT TINTllt 1UIH1MTAL Maamuth, I'tah rhOM MS-lk-- Taste Let EVERY BIRD sinjj its own note. The we know best is cigarette taste-h- ow thing to Mend and , the standard Chesterfield method, to give you better tasie. richer tobacco clurjitcr, miltlcr, fuller Irjr uncc. And what we know best is the one thing smokers want most: , 1 cross-blend- GIANT HERCULES BLASTING SUPPLIES Dr. 0B0RN Dentst and in fact everyting used in mine development VTUKKA, IT. Ftu.nr 04 Ilnurs: 0 to IV 41 to 7 SF.llVll'K Kl.KM 1M.IH1, X-K- Tlntlc Lodga No. 9, F. A A. U. maata Ind and 4th Taaa-da- y of oach month at I. O. O. F. Ball. brothara Visiting Invitad to attand. R. T. Burton, W. If. John F. Rowe, Secrotary TASTE above everything We make delivery to any jiart of the district. : Tintic Powder & Supply Co. Phone 44. Upper Main St., Eureka ; C 1N. iKKwrr MILD...and yet THEY SATISFY Chesterfield FINE TURKISH and DOMESTIC Umihikwra Co tobacco., not only BLENDED but , i'lah. j ni.-.-li- l iah. on AuRUst 6, 1921. made add'l stock ruisliiR homestead entry No, 033861, fur SV4NW. Sec! 28. SK'iNK4. K'f.SK'i, Sec Township 9 South. llai.Re 4 West, Sait jake Meridian, has riled m.iics of inlt.nt,on t0 luake Flnal Mtabll8h elalm to fhe above described, before Wm. H. Notary Fubllc, at Kureka, I'lah, on the 10th day of Sept., 1929. nalmant names as witnesses: en (Jearf,p Aufl,(;niort ut I tah; Ilea.. Salisbur; alll, ()rvie Xephl. l iah. an mmuth; ora,.e Hinrinari who. CROSS-BLENDE- D |