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Show Thursday, THE EUREKA REPORTER local OFFERINGS FOR THE COMING WEEK AT II Norman Mr. nml Mm. Jiltin' mi Saturday nfler Hn ndlng a few daya Ml Sail Luke. STARTHEATRE Am! Mr. anil Mrs. I'. K. I M f were rn nn Fork visitor nn Sunday ' li y 1 iii'-.i- t Mla.--t Hurinll nf Silt lik llu week wllli Ml-- e Niimnll Mr. and Mra. A. I.. HMnry.i return j a few duya into lifter several day) and Helen I'ronlii of Kuri-kn- . i vInII at Suit I dike ami Ogden. Komi Nuie; 'Ihe tn- -t way to eat Mr. nml Mra. II. K. Wall returned Kplnuch la to feed It to I In mw. Tlienj vUit.-- d I i- KIHKKA I I , ;ou Kalurdny evening after hpendliig Severn duya at Halt Lake. Mr. and Mra. It. T. Ilurlon were guests of Salt laike friend over tin Iasi Weekend TONIGHT eat row. Him I Owing In lliu big rl'liral Ion Iii Kureka Wednesday, nur regular Wednesday rnnnily jnogrnin will liu shown tonight. A dollar's worth of show fur a ill ini'. Miaa Ivy lliirtnti, of Halt latke, ha a. heeii In Kureka duilng the week, h- -! ing a gueii at the honie of hrollier. It T. Ilurlnii hr ; j j Mra. Flunk Oarrlty and daughter Thouina Jefferaon Inv. ited returned lusl Satunluy aflei upend uvnlving nflire rhalr. hut wm don't ' Him Special Savings on Boys School Clothes laike know who to hi nine fur the of flee imiu ll aharpener. K. Itlfe have aa' Mr. and Mra. The nfit r ilium r apeei b j FRIDAY, AUGUST 30th j j their gueata lliia week Mra. Itlfn'a in Him greatest world Is when father mi vs: mot her, Mra. Hannah Itlimlea, and "Now, you alt right where you are, Mr mother. I'll wash the dlNhea! her brother nnd Josephine Dunn and of all Mra. Itnliiiiatiu, and Itoy Earle Foxc An old nier la urn who rail reFork, a I no Itlh.y llalea of member It wan romddered sin-when flrantavllle. ful to read liimnoml IHrk, Old King "BLACK "MAGIC 1. Sheriff M. M. Kalglin, llrady and liuffalo Hill. A thrilling story nf whvIiik Ilfiirind and Nale WUni'ire returnA auuiiner boarder la a ed home on Sunday after a trip to pul him nml native treuchery. A fortune in pearl bartered for Ogden where they uttended Him run- who will rllmb H'lUU feel ap the aide of a inounluln In plrk a panay mid Him IimutI nl a girl. ventlon or tha Ainerlraii kirk berauai- he haa to rllmb repreaentlng Ihe Arthur 0 Sullivan then two fllghta of atalra to reach Ida Ioal of Kurekt. room In Hie hotel. MInh Matt Sullivan, t hief operator ( SATURDAY, AUG. 31st Mattson. who aorne time ago at Ihe local telephone office, return- ed home lute laal week after a brief announced hi Intention id leaving Mary Philbin and Heaalon at one of the Salt laike hos- - Tlntic for a new lot alien at t'edar to an lty, haa now decided to remain Norman Kerry pltala where nhe submitted with the Metropolitan Life limur-Mla- a lonalla. ror of removal the operation in ' o. and will rontlnm hla Sulllvmi'a mother, Mra. I). J. "Love Me and the World In I'ureka. on ihe.dence her accompanied opis Mine trip lo Hie liiiHpllal. The chief Tha Frank store, one erator la again attending In her of the old lime Furniture flrmrt of Kureka, office. TIim nf ut brilliance the telephone dullea dazzling went out of business llila week. For Kurupe's Kaynat railtal-- - Vleii-iitin Tueaday while warming hla'rome time only a auiull murk had A (Iruiini nf nnkMiI souls, Ford ear up for thu rilehrallon one been carried and a few daya ao a poiUayed tin Him screen In a id Ihe Weal Tlnllc realdenla allowed general clean up of Ihe store waa masterly ruHlilon liy Him huiiih the uiurhliie to get heyond control made. e The alore, launched about rast Dial iiihiIm TIim yearn ago by M.e late H llefore the auto waa finally mopped Iwenly-flv-Jp It had galloped arroaa Main alreel A. Franke, haa for a long lime been Mra. conducted Franke und winaoiia. by and Into one of tlm plate glaas down of llu W K. Slirlver alore. Ac-On Wednemlay evening of latf cldcnln of tliia kind have fur Home Art SUNDAY, SEPT. 1st common Ilino lieen more or lean snili(1. . wer' ' iui,if,.iiv entertained Color-FasKoine of the Kureka merehaala are Mra. A. K. Tucketi and Sewing John Gilbert and UD.by ' of pulling thinking aerloualy social chat followed by a delicious guard rail to protect thelr wlmlowa, w H Mary Nolan r Pull-Ov- er mid wive tliviuHt'IVM from In pram. Among llmite pnmnt were: IIK. Mra. HchoMary Naylor. "DESERT NIGHTS Some of the Bporlainen front Ituby llyrnea. Mra. Mary . lurd county, vlalllug here early In flll. Mra. Mr. Fierce hates, flerly Iuvm, hwmmp the week, state that they liuve Just Stuck, Mra. W. F. I'ulnlr, Afrlrun hitiihh Him burning secured and released a nice ship- Knilly rinlerella. Mra. j. V. Amli-rdesert. A girl almiM with two of phcuHunta. These hlrda. M11. Mrs I. N. alclmin. Mra. V. A. meiil Hit ii out where (lie IuhI were Mec ured from the state fish, Itoaenlof, Mra. Ilerl nml of civilization Mop and game department und were, Miss Imiln Tuekett. primitive pussluiiH rule. Don't lurni'd loose near Fillmore. They Mra. I .ester Curler, prior to her : fall to nee It. ,,0UKh !,,r ln. departure for I .oh Angeles, waa the r'1' fall hu ,rf course game regu-- . guest ut a social latlona will perinll the klllliiK of; l.llI11I,1,IllIlll.ll of tin F.llte Club members liy given only Ihe roosters. I'heiiaanta are re- on Thursday evening at the home of In well all to he MONDAY A TUESDAY Paris doing ported Mni rkw "noo" was of the slate and they promlae to take, lh(i Mliy,i;irtl pr(M SEPTEMBER 2nd A 3rd the place of Ihe nnllve upland birds Wn , Mr, IurollI frHli -t- he sage hens and prairie I'lHrk A Mr( prl ow ens-nJohn Gilbert and almost exterminated, in A delicious luncheon wua served, JJ fart the ange hens now remain. cuvera being laid for the only Alma Reubens following: Mr. am! Mra. Charles .shrink le Mr" Heorge Foraiy. Mrs. Harold j in for many yenra realdeuta of this city Johnson. Mra. Walter Frunke, Mrs. i Mra. Henry Davis, "Masks of the Devil" " were lionureil gueata at a farewell uMrs. Allied. II. Kllawortli. Mra Maynard J. FI- a mem Ihe of her by parly given Here boy nml girl la miniv-- t !!; dells Club aud their husbands on Hrlggs, Mrs. C. K. Itlfe and Hie UK different. something new VFrlduy evening al the honm of Mr. Ku,,at of honor, Mrs. urter. Mr. nml und Mra. John llunnell. In pietures. la real yarn Kil Van Wagoner, atule traffic ofMrs. ahrlakle left on Sal unlay tiilii, real characters iiro conwho u Wl. knuwn TlnPi Mr. and Mrs T. K. Ilartli-i- t re- - kina were among the very earliest ' the small miner' tools Intended for st rueteil ami n real evening's inor nl iig Tor Sail Lake lily where 4 U(, a,.(.,l.tI( Kr( t u r to h.ureka mi 1 riduy evening set tier in this district, being at-- a entertainment la provided. The they will realile. Hurlng Ihe even- younster of the opposite sex. tolllded with a truck afn-- a lumitlia visit in " Oklahoma, traded to the near eldurado almost were Mr. Wilson, Mr. King and Mr. Ing tables arranged for "500 near the Midtule Junction on the manager a who have already n as th news of the discovery Old could no doubt at which the prizes were awarded Salt Ukv I To vo relate sum run Hi la plrture give It a 100 ,11.1 .II Mr, Van Wagas follows: Mrs. A. F. llrant ami J. oner started afterhighway. Vurak:, !n T r wa" Kn' uut- Vr- Tomp- - highly interesting stories about the per font rating no we are glad an uutoinolitle smalV sou rdurn.M k bu,U lhe fin,t fam, ,IOU,,e and T,ntlc of lonK aK- - AM have T. Wilson, find; Mrs. I'. J. WIHluin which wus In paaa the new a to you. to a fire, carrying Kumlav art. r a short visit In Co'o- the first general nierchan- - absent from Kureka for many year and Kugeiie lllackcll, consolation members ofracing ..induced the draper fire depart- rado dise store at Silver city. but not long enough to lose interest prizes, uml Mr. and Mrs. r. K. llurt-iel- ment. On overtaking llu car and A delicious urrival l Feiim-l- l of the was' Ihe first In thla district or to forget the J. Tl(' I. prizes. Kureka to baby returned learning that Ihe occupants hud good Iasi l,r an waa small luncheon ln from event served a new 'urse quite after spending friendahlpa of long standing. It I WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 4 luhlea centered with howls of gulden' reason for Ihe excessive speed at severalFriday such as Silver n,,nil,K camp da at Salt Luke City where City. It regretted that they could not have which they were traveling Van Wag- W:M natural he went to run u fur Ihe an old been here for our celebration and splendid specialeye "Newlyweds in Society" who were miners 11. close friends of the have had the pleasure of renewing wua hit by a fire truck which way Mr. und Mrs. I.loyil Claw - acquaintance and marveling at the store to have Conover, antlctpioneer keeper car to the fire. Our Ids Wednesday lfcirgaln following the other Mr. amt Mrs. I .ester Carter and an such an event increaan In pated many change brought about by a The truffle officer's Injuries result- - small son loft Kureka on show for a dime. , the and Saturday thev1 Tompkins score or two of yeara. family led In a the hospital hut he morning for Los Angeles. California, made a minute set of miners tools John Allen. Mr. and Mra. hugene!wU, 1 1 I 01l $uly la fow where thev to make ilielr to present to the new epert Hlacketl, Mr. and Mra. T. K. Hart-- 1 youngster,! Baxter Leyshon, special writer left. Mr. and Mra. A. F. Orant, Mr. daya. taking it for granted that such a gift and photographer for the Salt Lake uml Mrs. Hen Thurmond. Mr. and would b appropriate. Much to Tribune, was In Eureka early in the I'rlaclllu Club member and their Mr. and Mra 1iHiple who think that all the F h ..i Tins-maT. Mrs. J. Mr. Wilson. were Heorge of Mr. modiiavo Mra. i.n and guests been taken out of partners d1lsi,PI,oi',,inient th aa their gue'at risks coming here to handle new Sunday Mr Turk- - VI Mrs. I. J Williams, Mrs. M. John I'htpps ut their home on Thurss girl and more startling features in connection with our rel ern life ought to try driving ten Mr ett'a mother. miles from a garage without a spare K. McHInley of Iark City. Mra. day evening. "500 was the main and his Adolph Kleti of Lawton. Oklahoma. feature of entertainment and Ihe Mr. and tire. prizes were won by Mrs. Chester (IlildrQ, tin ui l ill K IIIV iai nevir Imhmi hturd of, io it was1 Snow and John Frunke. first; Mrs. Mr. and Mra- - P. J. Bonner and Mr. and Mrs. ti. H. Ileal and cliil- - said,be happy parents were; Mra. John If. Donnelly, will leave Joseph Hales and Chester Snow, second: Mrs. llert Van Ausdale ami dren of Salt Lake city are guest ,u,t w,,rrd. They seemed to know soon, by auto, for a visit with rela-tweek at the home of Mr. Heal' ,bal a lvin Ureenhalgh, third. A dainty predictions fail to come tlve at Spokane, Washington. Mi luncheon was served following the parent, Mr and Mr. John lvshnn. ,rue and number of otner thing Patricia llonner, who has been vlit- card playing. Among those present Mr. Heal I managing editor of the !bat are n,,t predicted quite often Ing there for several weeks will acwere: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hreeu-halg- Salt iaike Tribune. happen. Their cup of happiness company her parents on their reMr. aud Mrs. llert Van to overflowing and turn, ft nun who elf- - the Mr. and Mrs. John Franke, Mr. baby girl cooed and smiled.! and Mr. Chester Snow, Mr. aad An ad In the Reporter will he Mrs. Donald Heck. Mr. and Mr. read in every home In Tlntic. Curd I'htpps. Mrs. Carl lteek, Mrs. who cun let hi wife drive the fam' Agnes Kobert. Mrs. Hilbert Sander- ily car through the down town I M 1 1 HIM I traf- Mil son, Mrs. Joseph Hales aud Mrs. fic without offering suggestion Krnest Sudweek. A new small cur. with a horsepower eugine, to be placed on the market. It should have a wide sale, a It can be kept in the doghouse. Ing Heveral daya Salt with frleiida. sister-in-law- , Am-erlra- n 1 1 1 In-a- - Ie All Wool Suits $7.95 All Wool Suits with one long trouser and one knicker $9.75 with two knickers j resl-Sulllva- n, u. All Wool Suits with two long trousers Merry-Hu-Hound- dQ 7C 1 C OH ft V7 VJ X 1 i Shirts 75c to $2.00 Sweaters $2.50 Shoes and Oxfords $3.00 Long Wearing Hosiery 25c Caps $1 .00 t I MIl-IM- - - vesl-1k- m ! SHRIVERS j, EUREKA PROVO ie J 111 fir ' ,r,.jll, ( ih-r - - l, j all-eu- rvi-nii- ssiurst'Ei stm: i 1 . Tu.-ket- t n. prov-.wee- k, y.iw ti - i - ; bi - h. Aus-dul- yt,nd e, I When In Bad Spots Just Disappear Provo It seems almost like magic the way bad spots in your ! ! clothing disappear when we clean them. We do urge you not to try to clean them yourself before turning the work over to us, since something you do might make cleaning impossible. Eat At -- ; : - In connection with Ih. Mg celebration which wa ug,-- tn Kur-kon Wednesday the K, pori.-a moat Ititeretttug fr..ni three former Kureka restd. nt. b,( ,lliw live in Hun KruncU o rtn y are R ilauuh-letWilon. and h-' Mrs May T.inipkm King and Mri. Minta Kfiituuiv Old. These ladles on learning of the ;plun to celebr.ite the sixth Hi at.nl-- ; versary of lb,, district decided that they wished to and they sent a ubuianti.il ch.ck for which thev have the stint re thank of the oral committee. It might be of Inter. t to the of Tlntic, In fact to tuanr .friend of the llstrlct i learn that Mr King wa one of the first white children born in tht u fact which nunv of the old timer will vividly recall. Mr King's father wa H.irv.y K Toinp-kand her mother later b.vante Mr. It li. Wilson Mr. aud Mr Harvey K. Temp- SUTTONS CAFE QUICK, RELIABLE SERVICE" Is Our Motto. OF THE . r : -r Phone us and we will call for your work. 1 1 - Former Eurekans on Coast Interested in Celebration Announcing the OPENING ult g,-- v'. I Sullivan Grocery A full line of GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES for sale at popular p,o-pl- e I Eureka Cleaning Company "A I 1 PHONG 57 EUREKA, UTAH Good Place to Eat.1 .ttvlies lust Room in roinp'Otion. prices. w.-li- , ! e,-ti- on. - Open from 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. Your Patronage Solicited |