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Show vy devoted to the great tintic mining XXVIII HOME OF THE WORLD S LARGEST SILVER. LEAD MINES Kl'KKKA. Jl'All HUNTY. I'TAII, TlllUSDAY. Becks Ore Theory s district Proven Unsound : Hundreds Send 'Gold Samples to U. S. Yearly -- ii. v Washington, Is not gold that glnters" aii is more than a truism to the bureau of chemistry and soils - - it is the cryptic answer to hundreds of "gold" discoveries. Each year quantities of soil samples are sent to the federal scientists for investigation b- cause of glittering particles thought by the finders to be the valuable metal. Sometimes they turn out to he gold, but most often they are mica, popularly known in sheet form as isinglass. I'y- rites are also very deceptive. look IiIkIi up on th for or." said John Krk. of the Uulllon Keck mine of Hauer, who eureka to Kberhurt tjrked for Keek buck in ihe early old bonanza property. gri of the came here thin week who Bauer, hi home at Iayxon for the Hrpow of taking purl in the JubiKeck John that snys program, ,; plained the above remark by "Ore is heavier than the mtintry rock and for that reason it ill be found only in the low places, (niches like the one where my 'gtfk' mine is located and where W are getting the ore at the "Ptiiit : A I'lil ST J.. hV Ford puichicV Mines Airplane Disaster Mars Eurekas Fiesta ' Crash in Business Dist. t 12 Big Hill Is Feature Virginia Gold ee : Thousands See XmuWr 1 : on Stock Exchange HUvDKKUKSItritG. Ya. Kurd lias purchased the Yinicletise gold tiilues of Hruiige county, Ya . said to have been As uii net Hu trader ou the stock a hud fracture of the skull and exchange Hlg lltll again Jumped In-- ! worked profitably before the Keimelh Jiines, Eureka. never regained consctousiii-sMiss to the limelight on Mouday, the Civil war hut abandoned since hroki-a is IXJlItKD: suffering from Strong that time. The deed or t(ll) (, shares advancing to 72 cents and Mi'S Helen Mining, Silver t'ily, buck and pelvis hone and It is douhi several substantial blocks changing John Ikigden, Silver ( It). ful tf she can recover hands. Thi injuries of Hie pilot are not Pilot James Mealier. This stork displayed unusual serious. He was In the tear, with when the various Knight strength One is dead, another fatally In- (he passenger ill front, and escaped properties were taken over by the jured and two quite badly hurt as with had cuts amt bruise. He was International Mialng 4 Smelting Co. a result of a crash of a passenger able to crawl from Ihe wrecked and word went out that (he Big Hill carrying airplane used in connection plane without assistance. might lie the first of the Knight with Kureka's Silver Jubilee rele-brJohn Kogden, a hoy f year. 'Frank Eddy a Real Pioneer; to receive attention. This r tgroup Ion of yesterday. whose home Is at Stiver City, wasi ill e Was Born Here in 1877 PHrl to have been strength- This terrible mishap, the only hit by Ihe wing of the plane. He ened this week when It waa learned . thing that marred the enjoyment of was sent to the hospital along with engineers In the employ of the If there Is today In Tintle anyone; Tintic's fiesta, took place shortly af- the others and will recover. !!!er1,1,,al who ,!V,ll i'1 Jw'n investigating Iwen has a dlsresident of the The scene of the accineut was ter noon and as the plane came Hen Season Opens shaft, presumably the Sage a 5 triet for time of than' longer period he Bauer down in the very heart of the busi- within fifteen feet of the Krtss tr. saya that argued toward a develop- Pn'ln,in,liry M,P come Prank him let forward Eddy On Saturday August 31st ness district at a time when many Kross Inn in which ecorea of people 01 gib John Berk and told him that his 1' raise P? right hand. Prank thousands of people crowded the were lunching. Had the striking of plckcs were made by the forces of the Big. M1V which almost an unbroken residence , The shaft . u . streets, it was little short of miracu- the city hall tower sen the 'There i rlalms uiire, long after the ore deposl-'jn- a wll r" " 1. re,fer1S77. which was Mr'h Saturday, August 31sf, Is the lous that It did not cause a real the north Instead of east but that he failed to convince season calamity and result In the whole- would have been a frightful loss ofj owner of the famous Bullion opening date for a three-da- y nirnta In the eastern end of the dislife as Main street never did carry He mining camp of Diamond. It will trict, has a depth of 600 feet. If limine of the correctness of this!0" I,ae he,ia ln ,he rious counties sale killing of scores of people. tie recalled 'a was Diamond that l41, according to word sent out Low flying undoubtedly brought such a muss of humanity us gatherTheir argument took inter theory. la taken up at that potnt the first settlement. Long ago it work ame department. ahqut the wrecking of this plane, ed to witness the parade which had Oi ct when Mr. Bauer tried to get!by ,he f,h a,,d 600 feet of shaft would undoubtedamong the ghost 3 help of John Beck In locating The wai,on runs through Saturday. although the pilot attributed the Just disbanded.. Iesa than a hun- - took Itsof place be enlarged, giving It standard ly west the and a without nd Monday only and the disaster to the air pockets which dred yards away was the barbecue camps the Centennial ground where dimensions for modern mining opare many of them. bag limit is to be six birds. yesterday existed over Eureka. The grounds with many thousands more, i,,tthtJ1 there and the next step would Dla-hl- s erations, of Vor the West Tintic "ottlement miners at section latter theory may be correct Plesher came to Eureka nnl,er as be to send the shaft on probably Mamn,ond l'ame Silver City and own aerount and was not rkiiTground was open to location at sptrlal wardens have been appolnt-ji- t other aviators, here for the celebrato 1000 or 1206 down the levels. time In fact there were but ed to "ee ,hat thre " no violation tion, state that they had difficulty brought here by the celebration rom- - moth, then the little village that While this sinking was under way the around up laid ,he down snd In Shoebrldge Ihe International regulations in, claims staked In 18S5 when Mr.1 f altitude and found the mtttee. He had hut recently pur- "prang apwd up the a i0 wv to It that the few pheas-i- i, air attaining chased the plaue and was trying lo'a H,i other mills in Ihe Tintic Valley. development of themight choppy. quite gioer esnie to Eureka, fresh from Big llill by drivwan ,n loiter Eureka founded followed that are a earn locality little The wrecked plane waa owned by properly native Germany with little or no!an,a money by handling pasing out Into that mineral tract from hy Kuighlsvllle and our newest camp one our mining laws. Protected. These birds were releas-auua- Jamca Kleslier, of Salt lOtke, who senger s. knowledge of of the lower levels of the North asl year and be ones (hat came had recently purehaaed Kenneth Jones was a son of Mr. of Dividend. or the customs of western 'ed it second Of course, this Is problematil.lly. Mr. Eddy, now In his 53rd year, the severe winter have hand. Aa passengers he had Ken- and Mrs. l'eter Jones of this city. j through Binlng camp life. as definite announcement of cal, has lived in about all these ne of well. ben do,nK Quit If they neth Jones, IP, Eureka, snd Miss The young man's futher Is a night ' places. such prospecting has not been made Beck, after his spectacular rise to. Helen Strong, 16, Sliver City. The policeman and he was on duty Wed He may have missed a lot of the public by International officials, but una and wealth by reason of the are. sven Proper protection 'Hnieiit. because of his at any rate Big Hill Is a much disrich ore deposit which a5lt!t may come along to take the party left the air field to the west nesday. in Tact Officer Jones was',arly ,,ay th P,8Ce rapidly disappearing of this city and Hying low came up one of those who helped lo keep the Mlreuie youth, hut there Is no deny cussed mining proposition. lc opened In the Beck mine and hi financial decline Bae benH' (he canyon over town. The plane crowd In check following the acci- lug the fad that he Is one of anally meteoric real pioneers sml ran talk in first struck the bell tower on the dent, not knowing that Ihu mangled . (hjch left him cleaned of everything! lul crest lug way regarding events an wu son his of Ihe in hall wrecked and an then out tore immense city body ago bt possessed, long passed fice on Tuesday. He went on to say of forty yeurs ago. hole In the west wall of the Taylor plane. 4 the picture. Ills death took place on his first trip here the busithat . Bros, store building, a brick strucBy cutting off the motor when he ness district consisted of three brty or more yearn ago and It Is; ture of two stories, then falling to realized that the plane was sure to aderstood that during the last saloons, one siore, a postoffice, the fall Pilot Plesher probably saved a the ground. a ii ran of his lire he was pensioned MT Robbins hotel and perhaps a few Perhaps 5,000 people saw the ar- - fire that might have added to the ky the church to which he had given establishments. other Alonso A. horror by Increasing the loss of life. Noon was post master. freely during his prosperous He waa a Is Mr. Miss of a daughter Strong arver as a Tintic mining operator. A. A. Noon, who located brother of and Mrs. 8. I). Strong of Silver City. Bmer is reasonably hale and hearty and opened the old Noon Iron mine, This airplane rraah reused the nuuw,rr" Hgirlthstanding his advanced age which later became the Iron King. week hv federal nro-- l he l,,jure', How' entertainment committee to abandon hf'P kr got a world of enjoyment Iaiwrence was the man In charge J. and Ju.h and Ctah In Eiioc of the Newman, rhargu r,r"' U,llr and Ba,py Proinpt- - some of the most apcetaeular feaMtof his visit to Eureka during county 0fnrers netted one perfect- -' of the Eureka Hill and Watson Nesat the Copper Jack propanJ dd everything pos- - tures of their program, although the was active In mining affairs of present week, being the guest bitt a tot of mash many ,y r,Hpond,d .tin of Sliver the Shield erty Mining Insist,B,r "ending aviators brought to Eureka over company, stales that since work was Tintic. It was a year ?!ble for the 4 hi son. Heber Bauer, former city or two later IS bags of JonM an Ml" Strn " ed on doing some stunt flying The aged man's home J5 ntermaster. "moon." as weJ as K(,nneth Ills men have hand- that John Ilec.k, after months of taken then up a was also ball and there the park lor many years has been at Payson. various other articles herd work and with no funds, openthat ordlnari-DurlBbeautiful parachute Jump from a led a total of 120 feet of open rut ed the Bullion Keck mine. the many years or hla rest- - jy are a part of a well regulated tunnel. and height of 2000 feet. In Eureka he worked in baf liquor Beck's operations on the claims, In ihe older workings of Ihe Copmaking plant. It also re-- i dozen of the old time mines md suited In the arrest of David Noukea, Is considerable cop- which later became the Bulllop Beck Jack there per ibo operated the pumping plant at which nillUqe of COunty. who will face a per ore exposed but water luterfers mine and from ore I Hoosnsville. was lake, predollars worth of charge was the liquor It with mining operations. I of the6alth sent a The successful search for this example striking use hem of of the working difficulty , still was carried out by Stephen In Ihe water that the management and .tenacity of some of the old Itos This man who, when he . Willis, prohibition agent, assisted decided to drive a new tunnel which niliii-rsOlf Tintic Auto Road by Deputies Joseph McKeli and Is expected to tap the ore deposits did get Into the hlg money became a brief time the richest Individ. Charles D. Coates, both of Utah fully one hundred feet below the fur ual In Utah, fought It out at the M M. Kalghn and Sheriff lowest ut mine which work has point of the Tintic Oiling of a portion bottom of Eureka gulch, overcoming of been handled. P,y Shfrlff w,lllam kighway. the Harold to Elberta link, Tintic's biggest holiday marking city of other dutlee to perform. obstacles that would have been Mr. Newman states about that In dlsibeen under way for tome tlmeJua county, extended of the the sixtieth Appreciation for help to any ordinary miner. work will be re- These officers, having advance In- - covery Qf 0uranniversary ud the work appears to be coming first mine and for.ad- - advertising the district and Its an- - 600 feet of tunnel never He could have carried hls ore new with the the ruch iluag In a satisfactory manner but formation as to the location of the Tertaing and other purpohes called nlversary goes out to the Salt Lake on through to a successprospecting w',h 9 any users of the road are com- - "MU. went into West Tintic on "j-jth- e of L. chamber Jb 1wrk,n"l district's 'Silver Jubilee" Is newspapers, to the S. and given the district drained It possible to ful conclusion such much a matter of history. Commerce, to the Provo Chamber of jbinlng because those iu charge of urday night. They remained In pretty a bonanxa Lad It and the stale 'M work appear to be making little In P throughout the greater part ogome Mh,PPjnKtime between mignlght of Commerce, to Ihe Klwanlsns of NV- -. been for the help of inch old not -r Lb le The t'oPPJack to I the next the no hoping intercept day Proper s effort toward speeding It up. and daylight of today, phi and to others who have been he West Tintic section and timers as "Denny Beck" Sullivan, was expect-- n Wednesday the testMiles came to an mentioned elsewhere. kiss fact that the entire Job has owner of the still who They have' Thursday, Roberts and others twenty years ago the claims, which according to Mr. handled ln auch a way that it ed to make a trip to Provo with a end. Being too tired to remain up the thanks of the general committee on know how desperately poor who an un the contained auch was surface a Such of load whiskey. trip oi caused almost the maximum until that time the writer la unable! consisting of Mayor Plelds, C. E. usual was at the time he loshowing of copper, attracted John Beck commenced to the not made and the next step of the to say Just when the finish did come Huish and George II. Ryan. mount of Inconvenience work on hls cated and lot of attention. Local people that the nwllng public. Instead of speed-- 1 officers was to visit the still and hut there Is no denying was Backs Mr. Sullivan claims. formed a and arrest under company expended went over big and In n NOTFJ4 OP THE CELEBRATION. Xthinss up and getting the oil on Place the operator of In man program hand the operation right In more or surface Improve$50,000 one of their party to Nephi measure satisfied sad entertained k road when the hot weather pre-- 1 Sending was ore once the found, the Beck, ments and In mining work down to nlMthe work has been allowed to with Noakes the others. leaving the our many thousands of visitors. of mining It was Ihe help of such boosters tha water level. During that cam- and it was hls knowledge undisturbed, again went Into trig along until storms have inter-"H- ll several with after to do Weather much making had conditions, that Wlrthltn I work the paign of development Joseph to some extent with the flow hiding but after several hours wait days of rain and uncertainty for the as Harry Joseph, at the Beck so highly the daya early contributed were claims that no and wm Cushing Harry there patented. that decided thor-they t the oil which must be very were Ideal and much lo the success of the celebra'Denny Berk Sullivan profitable. man higher celebrationoneworkers, least nthly mixed with the gravel If the chance of getting the seemed lt at the knew game well and this for day mining am- - hen.ce tion. Anything that this paper t results are obtainable. P ln lbe tby About the Tintic and Eureka he was famto led else roads above all Something that everything would express the This piece of hole In the road construction, amused themselves byof carrying out everyone wanted to take a hand In might say of thehardly and nook with iliar every for their district of Nearly Fifty Years Ago Beck mine where hie efforts "HhlM" program dtnMoa. our anniversary program. Many appreciationwork In wars some months ago, and if It advertising the splendid -ee- -It . numsuccess to the as unusual such with jfrf W received proper attention Tintic They set fire to about everything the attended asked question u day's festivities. In arranging dewas pleasing to Tintic people and where he met with Injuries 'Ikople would have been using the that would burn. P?red ber of visitors who gathered here tails at Salt Lake, In operating the to have 1 and (he such pioneers as "Jack" and which caused hls death In 1895. &hed highway long before this whiskey "7aah; wp .J? but no one can answer it. All we excursion to Eureka and In doing a Nick" barrels and Roberts take pert In the weid of traveling over detours. well ran number Is the John Deck wns nut a miner. He that hundred and one other things that whlch had rea know the Jubilee program of Wednes- probably knew as little about th hU hoped that when compleLsd Prt into the thousands and that every wera absolutely needed. Tintic has Silver These men, the former now terbnlcal end of mining ns nny man broad will be good enough to make valae care of such a no better friends than the members day. for and the latter a who ever engaged In and succeeded Goshen at Sheriff Kalghn: ln jeHing of the facility crowdtaking living was taxed forget the difficulties of travel beyond of the mining committee at the Salt In the holiday resident of Provo, are about as fam- In that line of work. He did know itrtngthe time the work was In rip says that the who Lake Chamber of Commerce, iliar with Ihe Tintic of the hills about two miles from the ch capacity. gogreu. The problem of provtding food for were Instrumental In bringing about seventies as anyone In the state.early enough to put real miners In charge. which Is fuly it Is stated ranch, One of hls miners wu "Pat" that the Utah county Jrty' visitors was the most stupendous the dosing of the stork exrhanxe John Roberta, who Is 79 years Donnelly, who wu Just startfrom Earb' officials, with the help of the which at to nearly and helping In other ways but the barbecue, put old, did his first mining work In this Wsrosd commission have planned there is a Kood ing out on n career that made him er the district's Silver Jubilee nine thousand choice sandwiches district In the neighborhood of the one had gone of the best known operator of irvel the road from Elberta to "s The the saved 2?b.S.tU(?uor day. out, passed gram, Lind Spring of North Tintic. Tintic and who wu later to become Jenny d expense In en Smooth of the Pinion canyon. The those! to He found promising parade waa good, thanks business outcroppings the first lieutenant of Col. Loose In tnuy or may not be true. Tin- - mnnafacturlng who gave their time In making; Id the Frank features and spent some time prospect the there Morj,.yB -- a b people certainly The baiTe' of the Grand Central this that in ways other and Inking hope were well receKed. They Ing on hla own account. Later he mine.handling and ther wa s floats of nuk para( Mr. Donnelly's early 1250 111 be wu gallons V It neaon taken up soon as the a lot of hard work but worked around the Eureka Hill, part, and especially for the d which reprinted Beck that gave him at the an training are forced to use "uar enough f of cities a dozen displayed half they to be worth the effort, first mine, 'remaining here the foundation for hie work at th gasoline l0 OD. that Whack has n app4ared to sent been in such hatch, also plenty new and aa occasion of this kind Morley for several years. After that time Grand Central many copper still. unusual friendship hierable cond klon the spanking years later. charge ofher than that his residence here waa not continu- While he has been confined an(I aM h- af hla lit is something new for the officers reka. without to hie entertainment the for laous but he has always kept In touch home for several ofj proper aupport and help. His a sufto find a large amount of whiskey at required being yearn, fine Paad' ' duns representing the districts old with Tintic's afralrt. Hla brother, been the boys, seven very from rheumutlsm, Mr. Donnelhiking at Silver Shield ferer such a place as It has always of abundance an good such With for mtlM.a "dUcks" N. W. hu llte I (Nick) Roberts, being some- ly has never got out of atep with customary for moonshiners or nn- music no celebration could fall and ,lnia Was Taken prospects that have scarcely been what younger, did not reach Tintic Tintics progress and he 1s to this product Up This Week t cache their finished scene the of Eureka will long remember a,P! scratched and his old time prosper-fro- until 1883. a keen observer of all local miaat n safe distance from the such placet as Provo, Pleasant ora (luppers, etc., all were good "Nick" was the real miner In the day developments. lng - Grove, Sprlngvllle, Spanish historical Roberts family, becoming so fasciwh0 hai uken con' therno'doubt1 or.and they put a genuine I ,0nfrk the shaft at the Inde- touch into the parade which was by nated with th game that he never f of the Isolated Payson and Kephl. Jby ilTl ?f!7h left It for any other line of work Eureka Residents Plan M Unfortunately this Issue of the far the best ever sen In our city PropFty of the Silver I on the For a score or more years he was too commenced follows closely at comPany Reporter Votkes Is being held Visit to Native Land him will be heels of the celebration for us to of the Jubilee and her superintendent at the Iron King ant early in the present week Pb J queen we !llln fw days he expects to J . fo the hands of the federa give the kind of a story that three of the district's most other mines owned and controlled Pster Bampol and Peter Demos, ?? ,.hla "haft crew well organised like very much lo present ( farming young ladles, appeared at by his old time friend. Col. C. E. should officers. A few years ago. following well known Tintic sinking well In hand. residents, are best and their flout was the Loose to our readers. We can hut briefly some of the outstanding " of much favorable comment, a rather serious Illness, Mr. Roberts planning n visit to their former report .Hp'Jndnre "haft now has aubjert kzJ. "f,835 feet and according toU(i.iGKR KLTOV RCTURNS Tintic Is noted for the beauty of Its tried to break away from mining home In Greece, also to various fair" that went to make the for but It seems he did not succeed as other places la continental Europe not lAKB only real SWAN t11' ? JowPh lt trill be sent as well as fur Its of one WltlU(inhooi pleasure TO TRIP Jdowh during the past few months he has and the British Isles. They already the 1400 or 1500 level, a of this section but for their i yelously rich mines, been directing the mining of Iron have applied for their passports and w friends from other places and above, y he or six hundred feet. J. O. ore at Iron King. That property have assurance of being able to start small the "f for at all work D. development Vtri poBt!!.ri D. Sutton, of Provo, handle Is now the nBnr a ata part of the Tintle Standard early In the coming month. with fast banI!? berresidents, for beef of the the property of the ternatlonal Smelling Uhe n'- ths honored guests at Tintic Hvrbfcuecooking Mr. Bampol and Mr. Demon for and th ore which la being Sr.'SS.lt Uk. he.dq.n.r. and this end of the relebrn-Jubile- group 0. th. M loike mined several Swan under the to Mr. years conducted th U. S. of supervision l ' lion appears to have been in good Roberts it1 dp,h ,ther t reported a short trip Is going to the Columbia Candy Co. store la this city and they of time In u. ,XPfPhnaIly favorable to confer with C. r. Lack was meat pTeiBlBll21B The hands. properly steel 11 also engaged In leasing at the Chief plant at Provo. the strong miner- - dent of the Anaconda Copper Mining of the program prevented rooked, cut and served. Meat cut "The git-In- g of Eureka and Cons, and other mines, being in out with Its today . he from 900 level that caus- company. 4 , ters from the local markets were r, mltteedue honorsearching to many who should kind enough to give their services elaborate holiday decorations Is car partnership with Alex Jarvis. Th local men expect to spend have been here. The task of stag- when ths piping hot carcasses of the talnly different from the raggei little I the remainder of the summer and too was saw In looking that camp the three steers were taken from the pit ing such a homecoming early seventies." said John Roberts fall la their trip across th a small group handled be by to great (Continued oa page I.) whsn he called at the Reporter of are of men and women with a multlpll-- j D.tt.. VoXna Ik tb. It commercial ore. -- ounuiio r say-;1(- j DEAD: I I s 1 at j.. Mam-aatb- ." h-- Tln-tic- Suy i Af-Pll- to : ge pheas-urveloss- ly Tln-lic- 's ; II AnOlllfir Mill I lplfl Uilll Making Headway in Copper Jack Drift rv-.- SSnJem, ll fvr s ilonrS R I Tintics Silver Jubilee a Big Success Many Thousands of Visitors Entertained I ". I' ... , prT n!d-ino- w 1 W K-.urt- ed m" jj? ( pro-we- re : Eu-reka- Eu-,Q- m -- had'a5?!!!- rTjj ii I Ne-wo- rk lnt d", etkr t,r mar-peop- le lead-silv- er - - 10 ...1. tol ififj ?A S?2 SSSftkwis e. 's |