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Show Jel.ll I" 1 lu W I,e I t..li:d'ed If. Mllull Hi l.l.i's),.tt ,,f d.iV r. ilii.iM, W,it .m.i li.i.l Ifil a dorm i.ipahle a.,1. - Tintics Silver Jubilee a Big Success Many Thousands I I of Visitors Entertained Mrs NEW CS.C1 EES (hr :rnwn. ginn.lminlit-ef Kurcka a ha. k f.'lhe cr Ir lira 1, in The l.idl tamo (1 from Pane 1.) Slack, tlirci Ciur. ;u (('..iicnui .barge of In this diulrii t in 1470 and is nnc meat huil been moked. tin of the ti.n tfUith u.., uo'.it Ilf ' l.e ('l.io-- t llting pinnei- is uf Till, McClain tn supervised bum, pickles, ;,v. Marshal home Is in Idaho Thit l work connerled lion had a real Joh hut ora.tni.t i hj II 44 was the handled well. ""'ill I'lii- barbecue, Tin including same lii'iwceii Pare-kV.uaraii"i of the pit. assembling of and Maimi.iMli m a While Hot fur the f.irun-wi;h ill.1 liidesl cf by a cin ef j Tin lie pioneers I. This was a pari of he pro I) Mveis of Knre-kain' tlosf of the rmlfo ami who a as alining Xjiue honor gram fur he entertainment of visit ' tftrr cutnmill.-on the lull came ed on Wednesday, has hern a. (lie lli Ill III he Siller Jubilee ull.'d off a number of ton- arfairs of the wK' rW camp for 44 years hack in l.SHi he buuglit aiid .rilaud raifs at the hall park. Hie, Kureka's business district was et sent the ;j(of nr machine, was Usedhere hy op.,aled the Keystone Hotel and cepiiiinalU well decorated wht-board, fair in In charge ;!lefiaie the place un-;- Silver Jubilee program toiuiiu-nceof nix ..ireiiath from lea H,e Never liefore have thejiu failing health caused hmi to re- oil Wedllesday turns mines. In the Use of the.Iirt., Mr. s,yt.r!l .rVl.(1 )f the local business men pui ftirih there are four men to a Kureka's first city councils and such efforts to make (Heir pl.nes ataj.'Mi win the lima hunch of ed with credit the and NiU tractive The street dc or Hums ('olorlch brothers, of the peace. Any history of Eure up under the direclioll of the put miners was the ka without mention of this old time ,ey and Koper represent ing the Ku named for that purpose, with The Tintlc Standard business man would he l,ka UlJohn P. Howe at its head, gave a Inicomplete. 'iTi came second and dial team holiduv appearance of the city. The Anderson, Peterson, ,nsisied of Among the attractive window dis- following electrical men nud lineand and Anderson. plays. put out especially for the men were kind enough to give the, 00 on Wednesday, celebration were greater purl of last Sunday to work contest In the buserunuing those the Pennell Market and the "r his nature: K K. Ilradley. II. K. tlH two baseball teams the Wo,f at and Iaird Market. In both Hradley. I.. I) Myers, C. K. Ward. uer Walter ..f Wa P. II. Hishoff, John Merle). Pred ,ndo" wr " Jensen A. Heck of Mamm.uh, Teenh! wS'sli John NiIsoii anJ William ESley- - time for the trip around hl Kill. Dlistrlct T,n,u J7 Just celebrated, 1 15 "onds' Heck's ,,me with displays of minerals from the it TINTIl PIONEER. ' mids local mines and minature mining ' scenes. In the preparation of such Below are some of the old. George ('ook gave a very pleas-:- windows a of genuine loyalty timers" of Tintlc who were Invltedi spirit from an parachute jump to the district was displayed. to attend Wednesdays fiesta, as, The jump was made In the pjgnr. special guests of the (omuilttesj crinity or the hall park while the Kureku Is home for S. J. (Jake I However, the list is quite far ftom, vdeo was In progress and from a Schneilter. owner and manager of complete as the names of several1 height of about 2000 feet. Another over- the Hot Pots Kesort near Ileber pioneers were unavoidably . . wi??. ? A He drifted back for the cele- - looked and it was next to Impos-- ; ABjele and .tho two had bration which seems to have taken si hie to get the names of all who e on the aspects of a tnUBiP were present , ' p Mr sohneltter spent twenty-twWilliam Hose. Mrs. IV I). SulliV 4 hat J J here, being In business during van. W. 1). Myers. Martha Kopman,' ke" PaTe the me. He V. I.. Thomas, Mrs. V. L. Thomas, rflv in the avident day ,.ami! bat.k tH ht.lp lllt. lo,.al (enOWll Mrs. DePrezIn, Mrs. Fannie Fields, put over the Silver Jubilee pro- (leorge Adams, A. H. McChrystal, Colin McMurphy, Mrs. AUherg, Mrs. gram. Iiavey, Mrs. Julia ONeil, Mrs. Fllen President Walter Pitch of the Kelly. Mrs. J. Franke, lien ThurChief Cons, properties took an ac- - mond. Mrs. C. ltucon. Prank Kddy, live part in the day's program. He P. C. Downey. Pat lonnelly, W. II. Tintlc people had the biggest job nol a ploneer 1)f Tilllt. the Mitchell, Mrs T. I). Sullivan. Mrs. y have ever undertaken in the enBtrU.t f lht. tern, 5ut a Ance iUfe. Mrs. I), n. Crouln. Wll- se or erai inousand nper tn lhe mining business and an' liam aruinment Ferguson. Thomas Pranks, Lee Vidtors. it was nanaiea hi a tairiy out8tandlnB t.haracter among Ctah Hopper, Mrs. IJ. B. Sullivan. Mr. manner most everyone Mr. Kltch has played a S. Carpenter, all of atWactory Dr. Kureka. operato. filing well repaid for the visit to WOnderful part in Tintlc's develop-I'wh- s Steele Bailey, Hugh Jamison, Mrs. camp, ment and he has done something greatest d D. Kden, Mrs. Dryan, Mrs. Stapley, it I hopd that at 80e future mos,t unheard of in Ctah mining an- Mrs. Peter (Jlllespie, Mrs. Sadie ew all of these visitors will return. naa; t.onfined his operations to one Murdue, John Francis, all of MamJUny of them were former residents district in which he established his moth. Mrs. Jim Shuler, Dave Curd Tintlc and we regret that the home and homes for all members of tis. Mrs. Henry Barney. Mrs. Wilin the hiB liniied time that we have family with no thought of ever liam Culloway, Jim Harper, all of preparation of this Issue makes tt moving away, being more than eatls- - Pay son. William Klbbina, S. R. more jiposslble for us to report to ,.jlve on the job and devole cubinBi both of Santaquin. Mrs. jled fjlly on the visit or these old time bia entire life to the development of Singleton, SptingvlUe. frienda. his mining enterprise Coates. Dividend. Silas Allred, Bam und to the upbuilding or Tintlc In Warner, James Leetham. Joe Ilul- 7 The prlxe winning floats, accord- - gpuemi. it We had more loyal and luck. Nick Carter Robert Hill. Nick i to the decision of the judges, proKreSiaVe mine owners like Mr. Roberts, all of Provo. Luke Hick- Fitch this district would be a much man, Mrs. Luke Hickman. Mart place In which to live and linger, all of Sliver City. Rone work. John Wheeler. C. II. Blanchard. Poulson, Samuel McIntyre. Mrs. Joe Among the former residents of Gerber. Mrs. J. P. Dlscoll, Joseph this district who were here this Wlrthlin. all of Salt Lake. John Charles Hanks, week are Alex Baird, mine Inspector Roberts, Goshen. The committee mak- - jor one 0f tbe tw0 districts of Nev- - Salem. Laird Market. John Hamilton, Spanish ig these awards, which were liberal a(il and his brother, Robert Baird, Fork. P. P. Christenson, Nephl. vh prizes, consisted of Mrs. Alma a furmer commissioner of White 4 Plne counly- Bolh ,ive at Eljr,' ha,V .UVIDKNTM OF TIIK II V. t,f 'y??.neir ok of Salt and Arthur Coffey moved to that place from bureka d Eureka. about twenty-fiv- e years ago, and Mn Rppd Billings, of Salt Uke. visit this week Is the first real wa struck by an automobile during their time m n. 0pp0rtuulty they have had of renew- - tbe runfUsion P. J. Donnelly, old following thu airplane nperintendent, was honored by a ing acquaintances since they left rraih. While her injuries are not grenade from the Black Hawk fife hexe" 'quarter of a century ago. It oii Mr". ud drain corps on Wednesday ja 110 necessary to say that their been suffering from nervous jmt Charlie Coates, also a 8tay. waa an enjoyable one and troube and her experience of oroing. was thoughtful ibpy will carry back to Ely pleasant iPrday was most regrettable on that pioneer monsh to arrange this feature. recollections of our jubilee and uonm. M.illie id lN.in lici - r k I 1 scmcci - , ll-- pi'i-a-n- t ri-a- - res-ilv.- ll-t- ed l Soon school tinn will bo here and the boys and Writin' and 'Rithmetio" but before problem of new clothes. This problem can laige dependable stocks of clothing, h.ats, whats very important is that everything y priced. vie-ln- r r V . I I e - ! .ay a M EMS - and girls will be back to their Headin' returning to their classes there is the be easily solved for here you will find shoes, stockings, underwear, etc., and offered is bright and new and attractivel- tf. cow-initte- Childrens School Shoes e - ltviiii tin t'iiililivn in rdiiirs i s. n eotisidi'iMlili priilileni with that tlui'e are limits uiiiinly I'ur the i many inferior grades on the market. With all of tin l.ard wear wliieli children give shoe, it is only a durably made, all IfatlnT shoe that can be to i;ive the longest wear. Huy the childrens school slmes hen where reliability and good sen ice art given first consideration. I KICKS AKK IWTsrAld.Y U)W. it.-inui- i be-(e- rii i !j rJ rhi J 1 home-t-omln- g. T BOYS SCHOOL SHIRTS -- Guaranteed Fast Color. Sizes 6 to 12 Sizes 12 2 to 14 1-- 98c 2 : o BOYS CAPS G9c BOYS SCHOOL CORDUROYS Fancy Designs and 98c -- Plain and $2.69, $2.98, $3.49 BOYS CORDUROY RIDING BREECHES, Absolutely Guaranteed, all sizes 7: $3.89 BOYS' HIGH TOP SHOES ARE HERE pi.' lead-silv- 1-- 89c BOYS er AND GIRLS SCHOOL SWEATERS New Fall Styles. All the al-an- A TIMELY SALE OF GIRLS SCHOOL DRESSES tr er THE This store will remain closed all day .Monday in honor of laihnr and ill recognition of the all important urt it plays in mil industrial progress, growth and prosierity. We wish our lahoring friends a day of pleasant and rest and are glad to join enthusiastically in this annual celebration. for school wear, of daiutv and veil this assortment made dresses girls w ill In a timely and welcomed event to many mother'. The styles an all new for the Kail season and the diversity of models c t in i; 1', pleasmakes choosing ing and satisfactory. hK'(iall desirable ng Kep-bett- LABOR DAY SEPTEMBER SECOND 1 98c We are members of the Associated Buyers, comprising a group of 1H(M) ltig Department Stores, all Inlying as one. with buying offices at New York City, (Virigo, St. Isolds and Sin Francisco. With a Buying Power such as we have, you are assured of our Prices licing most reasonable. Shop with us and enjoy the satisfnet ion of knowing you bought it at tin Right Price. - i yes-Tlnt- lc hat Mary reridenl. bro,!.- ol Bu- - ear9 ago. were among fl visitors who were here yester- hy. They were guest at the home if Mrs. Mary Stack. The Johnson tally came to this city 41 years io but for the last twenty years me been living at .Salt Lake. rtn many the old timers of Eureka, Among Wtk toy. (or the celebration on Wednes- were: Thomas Stewartson, old p5r", Thom l. Barron, hoadrd ,be jjve delegation from Nephl and ajj were dreSM,d in farmer or rube ea- - Flowers for the banquet table n the evening, at which time the old folks and many others were suitably the entertained, were furnished by one ladies of NephL John Catley. 0f the hard working committee mem bers. made the trip to that place and brought back almost an auto minor injuries. Miss Lena Parrish, employee o Herlnus the postofflce, sustained scalp wounds when her automobile' struck a stump some dtafanec ol t, the road In the Tlntle alley. Miss, 1 h p 1 Parrish was through the windshield. t.oatumes. Merchants B1 lijar! Several stitches were required That city sent a band, ItIGGKK AM) BETTER TINTIC IS COMING. HAYS NOl'POOFP 44 station agent for the Union hdflc Ry.; Mr. and Mrs. Byron load of these seasonable Uble decorh!rno,.p 31 Tbunnor.d. now living at Bingham; rations. lUDOUnO tD6 OpDlDK tOP, ami fp4 ThODllI buid-can come of hU ofncc In the Crem-en- t SnSm City Marshal McClainor four In .rnil11 wa e place in delayed getting hi Tintlc Standard near being three n Prank ywkstead bb. North Lily l mao abo I... p,. a. one uImS0 fim;. alio fr" Much of the real hard work in con- - ataiea that he will be ready today or Centennial Eureka Use J tt K PaSJ: It dM. FrankJterlMr.. Bonner, JRaar. JS-"- J Mar, McClnle, and Mr. aad Park all Baker, jJohn Vrt!lS MUr?' u nnam' k?,, Mra. ? M. Whatcott, R. A. Brown, for- superintendent of the Centen- Eureka mine; Newt" Dnnyon. wan of the Centennial orge fly .Mr andMr p! mp bTowh 5 Reynolds; Mr. and Mr. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Reed Billings. IMkeJFwtnlt Fairchild. Sir. Cerelia Bacon of Eureka. as present at the banquet and in other event of the day. JJ partfirst lady resident of the Ray ! r of Mammoth, In 18S2. On ..! having settled roadl., 7S qWte 5J3CT WJjSjj-j- j- bli7b'; .k : w'Srt'E Victoria Bullion Berk orb oa William fox. who wa a member Bullion Berk (dump ore) . id b. Wednesday' but for a doien day pre- - of lha camp'a old championship twe- - Utah Cun. that it will cer te!im of fifteen year ago. drop- - Empire Mines ceeding and we'll wager of the ped In on Tuesday w hlle on hi way Gold Chain more day at many living at Provo Eagle ft Blue Hell I such a program where he employed in the railroad Chief Cons. Properties: work rommiitee hops10 and l Chief Cons mtie bttl I era will perhajp Bullion Eureka of Silver that family Eureka friend 4 tereat. In some respect the Hill Eureka were at Salt Lake last Saturday for H wa Eureka Hill (dump ore) jublte Ur. a Mayor Dan the funeral of Robert C. Jones, 5 RobEureka Lily Mra. son of Mr. and ' 4 Fto d work Central Grand 5lhroUghOUt ert Jones. The service included a 9 Plutus JJJ1 duet by Mrs. Clive of Salt Lake and tad Ekloff of Eureka, a solo by the 146 eacf)lfni,lhpt teh.nd1 ia'tcrand'aduel by Mr. Clive and To(al Carloads.... cUyHicerwere The d lhapp and: Haymond. both of Salt Lake. for Sheriff makers were Bishop D H. federal Officers Arrest said n tU b David It. Ly- and E Giles Three onLiquor Charges Ion Kaighn and hiajlcpimes , 0 jiCMlchael of the parade; were 33!(xnXTV stHVEYOll M1L1.K.K a whole flock of federal prnhibi- -cominttee sUtes that137there officers, nine In number, ileautomobiles; jg qvitp: HEUIOCSL1 ll.l. lion oata i the line. on Eureka Tuesday after a store scended decorated, Df them old for used ......... uPbicbMff',' - - ala tof V ' coming to Eure- -, fear later Mrs. Bacon k31 that the femala population of - camp consisted of herself and o'hers. Her son. William belg Eureka was born at Mam- and timers and special guest. ' nJ h.!fiJs name. l,K fih riMitVandocdeople IjlouattarV oVsVotiiach Vrouble on ed 5w of lh" vi been treated at parade ha ever- Manday.ndha plow familil ,s of comThe Baron home was wha? SalM. ake hospitals Mr. Llrt K dugHOUt :.l??nl3r.!ermed size. p.ah, haJ a serious hetnor- into tiiH hillside where the Mam- - narable 7 -- in Nel and Rowley nisne dump la now Ilnl during the early located, jack Lemon Art prospeitors In - beinc mBl, Pama npur passing D.irtlv nhnvo and nartlv v..t.,.n the three Sam M. Souproff, who Is at home In every mining camp In the wpst, came here on the special train yesterday. lie I a mining engineer, scout and ore buyer In tho employ of the Amerlran Smelting and Refining Co. and It wa his recommendation, following an examination of the Tintlc Standard mine, that resulted in the friendly and most profitable relations between that property and the smelting company. The examination was made fifteen years ago at a time when! j Nephl' float, with a Junch in p S,a?S5SaaSSwi n Uague, with Mr. Marjr value of ISaOO. fe7m"nut-a- " Hi Hig Hill 5c to 72c. East Standard 2 tic and North Standard 10c to 9 Me. Silver Shield 20c. Tintlc Stan. 9 13,62 and 913.76. Tintlc Lead 92.15. Eureka Bullion 9L05 to 91.10. Lehl Tintlc He and 104c. Sioux 10 t&c. 3e. Vfc the Tintlc Standard's future wa In doubt and It manager, E. J. Rad- data, was waging a rather difficult and Momewhat discouraging fight to bring hi mine Into the list of pro- 44 ducer. Mr. Souproff ha, ever since his mlveiit Into the smelting business In Utah, been an enihualaHtle follower of all mining operations In Tintlc and like wore of others who have studied the district says: "She Is good for sixty more years with the1 best part of her history yet to be written. Mammoth Boyg Hurt When Car is Overturned There HadJr7 IS 44 IOMlY. were several I I TUESDAY. East Crown Point 4tc. Hi Hill 72c and 69c. Emerald 7c. Empire Mlnea 25c. Eureka Bullion 91.15 to 91.20. Iron King 82c. Lehl Tintlc 11c and 10Hc. North Lily 96.25. North Standard 9 tic and 9Kc. Silver Shield 19 tic and 20c. Sioux 10 tic. Tintlc Lend 92.15 and 2.20. Tintlc Southern 2c. Chief Con. 93.55 and 93.67 ti. Eureka Lily 91.89. ' 44 minor auto- -' NOTICE OK FOKKCIXJHURK BALK. hereby given that Jamea arrests on liquor law or collided without serlou damage to the highest bidder at tablVc tale violation chares. These officer but a ronple of Mammoth boy, who on Wednesday. September Tl. 1929. visited "Tiny Meakln place where were out on Tuesday night, wrecked! at. the hour of two o'cloek p. m. of Injuries said day, one used Twin Six Pack- Bank resort and at Charlie llilti s wh'rh kept them from attending the ard touring car. Motor Number Smoke House were more success. ul. celebration on the following dny.l 160229. Terms of tale: Cash. Bald C. E. Edward, an employee of the They were Glen Larson, owner of "ale 1s for the purpose of foreclos- Sherwood Nellaon. lag a mechanics and storaga cut. The charges lien belonging to Jameg wrecked. Morgan for repairs and labor performed on said Tonring Car. The amount claimed to bo due said Jamea Morgan on aald lien at time Two atory modern, plastered of first publication hereof la 1160.09. house, steam heated, glam porches, Plaee of sale; Front door of Jams " bis friends secured Dr. j the line of double garage, large lot. Modern Morgan Garage. to! Something condition appeared Phone or call throughout. For particulars phona JAMES MORGAN. No. 40, Mra. A. II. McChryatal. (Date of flrat pub. Aug. 19, 1980.) e ! |