Show TALKS ON oft N BANKING BA imling OL a a z t j staff Aff ft f OUR CRIMINAL WASTE OF FOOD rood such as the tilt san then a incisco earthquake tho tile dayton sinkin or tin tilt Tit titanic atile jor or the tile tin urstle the olad 01 inels aghast at frightful waste of life lift and pi opel as dieu measured ared in dolliro and cents the whole wolli pis the pen but these happenings hippen ings cannot averted tho ile costia but in nt part of the price of our ern civilization anil and constitute a SM small fi action of the tile waste t of tile orld we t burn a foiest know ariy riy I 1 but we would bum the lumber out of it nations do t waste then biff big things willingly il hii a great wu wll c can i ei ever er bring a ion to the point of destroying and property recklessly as part the hemme same bit mt is a waste is going on constantly that is re costi even than thin var as costly war may be foi fol wai accomplishes at least it settles a t quarrel qu airel the waste we loft ert i to is iq the tile w bite or little things fi an fn alit abe e in ill the a biente aggie gite giove piove amnie costly although less lel noticeable notice ible tinn thin the waste of 11 gei ones while little ill julge lle such is di inking smoking hing e camb ami and soil od is aie ale no not t aily waste aste the ali aie ale not aloft able tho get et us no now hen lieto and do no p good but even pissing these is 15 permissible pei the most inexcusable waste is in the line of food it is not what comes in the fiant 1001 pit ticul arly that counts but what goes out olt of the kitchen the cotil cost of food in this cannot be even appi but eminent pi ice a dollar a daa da as a fan fait tei age for the food value of the american people this mans m ans a cost cot of about V each ficai so eminent an anthonty auth onty as doctor wile estu nates that at leahi one quartel of this is wasted wa sted and tins is possible notice as you dine ut it how flow much untouched food goes goe back to the kitchen not to aped some poorer mortal but to go cut in the tile gai garbage bage it so natural foi some onto people to merely merel pla with a dinner sending choice cuts of meats and fols bick to the garbage can we waste moie lot e than we eat if the doctor is i light ight this means a food waste of a year and the pit is ii i i it does toes no one any good not even the tile pigs foi rot they would tin iv better on a a le less s boj costa diet one laige country hotel a few eais eats ago a lost most of its heid of hogs from front feeding swell swill this food if conserved P would feed all the tile pool it would build ten battleships it would bu all the tile land in some states it would paa pa off the national debt in a single eai it would could run tilt gjein ment foi twelve months theasle Th the waste easte of monea mono cule itself for soon theae is no more to waste vl V t e there comes colne a R time when the bank runs div h and tile cis mone fla no more hut but this tills waste of food can go goon on beal eai in ill alad 3 out and 3 et we wll wallet let wh hing cots corts so high high jt it takes four yeats to laise a house steak and nd to send a half of it hick to the kitchen is it an 11 economic dime if I 1 ou waste a foresi forest soon soot ahr last tree will be cut put ifju if aou waste land it will soon be ban bart en if iou waste time tinie ou will never succeed if ou waste money you will ill soon have no more to avae waste ite but ou can call keep on wasting food un tillou until lou eit cit no inori anil wonder onder wd aou a ire pool hotter tike in bentoi of nt it got 1 out in n tilt gal bigo b igo bucket ibid ill e eo lio much 3 oil conti tov t this ili enot eno tinous sum so blk in ili its thit wt w f fut ut to to t its ari intille |