Show republican TICKET I 1 i president Pies ident CHARLES EVANS HUCHES HUGHES vice president CHARLES WARREN FAIRBANKS senator GEORGE sutherland supreme court justice D N i Gov governor einor NEPHI L MORRIS 3 secretary of slate state LINCOLN C G KELLY A attorney genei general al HAROLD P FABIAN auditor JOSEPH JENSEN pa treasured Trea surel DAVID H MADO superintendent of schools 4 DR E G COWANS GOWANS congressman first district TIMOTHY C HOYT SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT judge JAMES W CHERRY district attorney FREDERICK E L WOODS A that reminds remind 0 me AP yes I 1 let this remind you once more that when it comes to good lumber and building material at RIGHT 1 I 1 R I 1 C fj i S we take a back seat from nob nobody ody lt to s up to you we weve ve done OUR P purt pirt in laying the best stock of building material lumber cement plaster brick paints oils varnishes etc money can buy now it s your turn tum to get away alvay with it LET US FIGURE WITH YOU 7 C H STEVENSON LUMBER 1 CO of phone ill price utah 4 2 caida miles E miller LICENSED ARCHITECT vermont building salt lake city F S DUNLEVY civil ind mining ilig en ineat 11 kindt indof indor bengin ering and ano surveying given prompt counti count coin out t house p pi ice ut utah ah I 1 GO water nh I 1 forrester leger general ind and geology V 0 it q 7 PRIOR UTAH i 1 7 Pai panama iania hotel best Loce locution tion in city PRICE UTAH fine it rooms hot and cold 1 water steam heat hein bath hates rates and 1 per day dal C R LEWIS LEWI 45 plumbing and I 1 beatin heating 9 jobbing div givan prompt attention Att tt cliot in blk ao 10 price utah choa |