Show 1 11 3 g 4 cylinder en bloc motor bare x stroke electric starter electric lights inch wheelbase magnetic speedometer 4 inch tires complete equipment cantilever rear aaring ga 5 passenger touring j ne body roadster 1 E EW ceries ERIES 5 5 Ro alaster V roadster no C a 1 00 F PO 0 U TOLEDO this most overland is low the worlds on strate that it easily develops take tale any other low lovi priced car it has hin four inch tires tire q which are anore its complete powerful priced car better than fifty miles on the market pit it than a more generous for a car not a tiling thing to buy you get it has a horsepower en per hour on an the road this new Overl overland ancl compare of this size the finest auto lite electric bloc motor that is n perfect speed of course varies varie under them thern fr omer speed for nt starting arting and lighting system marvel for speed power anna different conditions but in or for riding not only has it a large and magnetic one endurance practically every instance it comfort I 1 t conomy and rhomy body but it hns an man top uc U mountable rime rims lias has been getting fifty aull find tam th cm car r will back up to date streamline and practically every accessory by increasing the bore of the on an hour and v ith casc anything ca else cl clan nn off the body found on the highest motor from 31 to ax 33 a S weare we ore boards we have scores cf of tele telegram priced cars able to offer a power pi plant ant graim it has the latest and most im which at 1950 19 50 RP R P M develops slowing that 1 twenty W f ailt V ti t n strong but system of ignition it only goes to prove how big full 01 horsepower twenty five rive miles pr p r papon galon n fact s production calcut coat t and of iz gasoline not it has the cantilever springs save you money tests under every condition in the performance of th s car is 1 try it you and see eee the easiest riding springs in first come first served place ill parts of the country demonstrate almost beyond here arc are mor moro ant ai facts ts the world your order now line the willys toledo over sand ohio company 44 4 made lu U S A 1 I A t 01 |