Show BIG ROMAN MARKET CARNIVAL FEATURE FEAT last night the genera general corn com 1 mittel met aid and dec decided ded on the grem great roman market and appointed the tho fol lowing owing committee commit teo to carry on oil the du do tall carl Gri brinderson chairman john mallila Mat lila john print osute A albert bert pace george nixon all of prica anil and tho the hish bishopric or all lit wards in n car bon sitti etaka kp enoch tier silas rowley clowie n lwell well and anti henr ellb 01 kenilworth Il worth there will bo be great reat ati liv in ill the market marbet with tho tile ilio vc 1 force i forthia for this stupendous stu under ng chick ens will be sold li simmered do down ill and gust guat will be gotten thoroughbred live stock galore sold on oil the tho block or in lit tho stall therell Th eroll be bo swine for tho bacon shut and potatoes eyes to be watered with onion teare teara in fact there thero will ho be mery thlu front a 1 bab bb chick to a full grown allen elephant will bo mafli madu or corrals near the aela cc a tho the collections of stock fruit and vegetables aa a well act poultry wilt will bo be in artl old id roman fashion excursion taro being arranged from front nearl all of tho the outlying town and the lit ast crowd over ever Im Prier sa is expected the committe ei are working with the merchants of price to advertis adver tiu tu a great miles week during the carnival and a number of merchant merchants havo have expressed a willIn gUMs is to make the week cok the greatest bargain week ever md I old tr fr price and d advertise the tile carn carnial lal fe feit lal in connection with their ads adit mr anil and mrs J M H whitmore ore went to salt lake lako tuesday evening to attend the wedding of their niece mas lies ile grace thy 1 will take in the hugh geeting tonight aud then go to nephi to relatives over overlund Sund |