Show 11 LOI 11 locel cal BRIEFS 1 H I 1 efti I 1 11 F mangum was down from I 1 storrs on au saturday W S hill and family motored up from wellington to shop tuesday 0 0 R marcusen went to salt lake monday evening on business bu sinea G A iverson of salt lake spent sunday with friends in in price t dr C 1 L cecil left monday evening for Dayun davinport port iowa to attend the national cop convention bention of chiropractors A if draper manager niana iter of the tile store at kenilworth visited the county seat saturday evening and sunday clarence stevenson returned sunday from his visit at corning iowa and other eastern points i W V 11 mcclurg of cameron candi date for county clerk was a price visitor saturday evening I 1 E M steuben hae has been confined to his home for several days with a severe attack of lumbago lewis cane of the lowenstein store is spending a few days vacation in zion f eben thayne and lon tidwell viete in the city from wellington tuesday P F E woods is in silt lake to hear hughes in one of his Por powerful erful addresses i mr and mrs ben stein returned saturday evening from a in salt lake J ii mcdonald has returned to price prise affet several months in wyoming W T lia hamilton nalton county commissioner and conductor on the sunny side train has been taking a tea ten dy day lay off fishing near grand junction LAI E mulvey of salt lake came down saturday evening foi for a short I 1 visit at the home of his daughter mrs K E F chamberlain neil M johnson of spent a few hours in price saturday Satu iday on his way between salt lake and anti his home 1 joe foe bloomberg nio omberg and family came down from helper monday evening to isit at ake ran ben stein home with mr an and Ms mis sam sain gettleson gettle Gett leon ion mi and mrs A D sutton vent to salt luke yesterday to hear the next president of the united states outline the issues of the di 6 t mra airs hazel evelyn Ll has gone to salt lake to join her husband and make inake hei het future home honie her ter sister misa lucile frandsen accompanied her for an indefinite visit R D wells and family were over from the first of ut th wick 1 py y will hereafter keep track of C hon lion county affairs through the news advocate t T F P kelter who has hai hoon work ing ng for the phoenix construction company on the power line near helper wl wit in the city part of the week taking a layoff lay off with a smashed finger owen lloyd george caida tillo willard Walk walker erand and W VW WW W goodman left sherda st erda morning on oil a tiding tipon t lp oil the St straw rabern berr i the count are mee ine etine tini amal tn lay with of the utah power and LW company to fix up an all old mance cover covering iniz the new power line in the count george fisk spent in zion he lie letes leves toda foi hh hii home honie in ill toledo 01 io to afeei spending the tile summer um at the tile home of hi til undo di F r P F fisk sirs mrs J J 1 wei inina and children have returned from cheit summer visit with relatives reli tives in Du durango milgo colo and othel point t henri Goo goodart dirt the movie magnate wasa was a puce visitor tuesday heno never comes conies to the county seat without m making i call all on the news advocate i J 1 B foi rester has returned from froin salt sal lake where he i few days with his ills famil inho ho are spending the summer in the capital S sm m bloom an experienced di 11 goods and clothing nun man has arrived from sun san francisco to accept a position in the hoenstein Lowe Lo natem enstein store his ills wife and little boy acconio accompanied tined him and the will belonie per permanent inin aident i of price tom toni dimes the tile cubon merchant 1 WAS a price visitor Alond monday ty he ile re ports port that the mines are working full time and ind that thit is prospect ous all the deck bos of that camp will be in pi puce ice monday to attend the tile dedication exercises of the new church A L heppley lias ims returned from a trip to the moab country and ind has gone to and salt lake on bus men ines he ile knows that thit grand count is prosperous from the gumbei of baldwin pianos he lie i selling there this summer mary alary lux to whom most of the local officers needed no introduction was taken into custod feidi and after ar an examination as s to her sanity ba b dr fisk and nd dr cl chamberlain amber before count commissioner sharp she was eldered taken to the asylum she it had been committed once before but was i pleased t mr and mrs ij lowenstein came down from salt lake like Sa saturday evening brine br ingine inc their flaughter flaugh daugh tel tet mrs sam gettleson of detroit with hei lie ausband and anti children tile visitors have been at the lowen tein home in salt silt lake foi several weeks and anti also took a to all the coast coat the went on to detroit alonda monda ej evening elling f R E vicken of crand junction function general freight agent of the tile colorado midland was an arrival in price the first of the week A big hi wild est et celebia ce celebration lebra tion is to be staged at the tile junction the eaily elly part of SePten september iber er and mr Vick eias as elmira chairman ln of all the committee has been into all the uintah basin rounding up cowboys indians and other properties foi fol tile cele bration will erser arp aser cashier at lt the tile fi fl eight depotts depot h local hig 11 mogul tern kempor por airily until a new agent foi price is u appointed and checked in V A thompkins hu gone to green re to tako charge of the station there he ile made a host hoit of wal wann I 1 fr friends ienIR here by his splendid work and will be much missed b by Y railroad patron |