Show WR BEE 1 TEROS GET GT t GLAD GLA L 1 HAND HANT V ON oz M T TRIP T RIP there is on oab one thing to be I 1 le e fretted relative e to the sugar beet boosters trip to county last geelt eek and th tint thit it is tint tivit abet e were not gye tunes times as many carbon county men in the tile crowd those who ho went retarn ed rd full of enthusiasm fur for sugar beet raising and tile industries which company or follow it and are loud their praise of the tile soviet counte farmers foi fol the then hospitality and the character of their fanning loor 12 years ago log louses houses tumble down barns a banken fences weedy fields and poor loads beautiful modern here there are now low loines homes im immense mense biri barns iq strong fences clean well tilled fields fat healthy stock six cylinder clinder automobiles automo bils s and boulevards stock raising atia anu dairying followed the sugar beet raising with the success of these is came gt eit ter diWi fied farming cheese fact factories oties I 1 ind 2nd larger bu ariess enterprises to tell the story of the trip in the words of one of those in the tilt pirty will ga ge e the best ide fidei of v jat was wai seen and learned u thae who went were george nixon lohn john G gubler fl stewart and dr R R E cloward of price S J golding lohn john powell george millnet Mill nei hben ben ali thane net lon will I 1 tidwell and andiew oman of wellington moie mole autos were picked up at evemy town in ili emery eatery county until un III when the pat ty pulled out of fenon felton willell alit tl it wele af 3 autos auto with 10 P people ople shortly bercic we i pit lied silina stuna about 7 tuesday evening the tile mayor city council li finn faint demon owens mil and former paint demonstrator met inet us and cs carted us into tilt city we wet e liken taken to the white house fo for big chicken supper with all kinds of delicious side dishes following the supper was a meeting at the church wh wllie to the town people had provided a musical pi with talks on pertinent nent topics we left salma salina at 9 in the morning visit ac t aero acre farm of 0 county commissioner D 0 burgess A large pai pat t of tins this fai fat ni is devoted to beets and we were given lectures ket lec tules meson oil of the seed bed led planting etc vatious spots spot being pointed out which showed some defect such as too much or too little water improper thinning etc wo we re also a strip of land which had bid been in beets for seven j jcarl cars but which had insufficient water la last lat t year and this year was wag put in III barley it will go bushels 0 to o the acre we then went on to redmond through the modern farm of mrs mm wells this farm contains ames and 2nd 1 is 19 9 under a new canal tho house and bun b un cost complete and the home is as modern as iny city home it has hag liot lot and cold water and being near a power line has a electricity with will lights power wa washing hing mahine mi chine power cream separ ater and vacuum fe cleaner we retched siguard ird at noon and were here hete ghen a free banquet of all the good things obtainable and sevier sevi cr county people have money to buy all that they can not baise here the keene cement plant was visited and the product inspected cement from this plant is 19 being to llono honolulu lulu for the costly and magnificent magn incent temple now being erected the potash plant was also inspected A t meeting was held in tile meeting house with leeches and songs song both by visitors i and local joe al people the journey was then south to richfield Kich field one stop was ra made at the tile Seeg milter jersey jerse farm where we olie of the best dairy heeds heids in the state wis inspected spec ted bedoit Be foit leaching richfield Richt we were met by the lavoi members of the city council members of tile commercial club and of the firmeza equito society and es in st tte into the citi cit at ard d to our hotel following a big we ae wele taken to the meeting house foi another program after which refreshments consisting of ice lee cream cake coalee and other dainties were sei set ved an and the party then adjourned to the tile mig m ig va pavilion ilion for fora a ili cueli hour we then went north and east through fields and across a drainage project where the golpin ment is spending to reclaim a some land the soil is excellent aud will well repay the money pent upon it 1 going south to central we e inspected another cheese factory which is a valuable asset to the tile entire corn com and reached elsinore Ki in time foi fol dinner here WP we bete taken through the factory being shown tile entire drolc process s by which the beeta ato ai made into and hete ue e aho also found anoll mother ler caps se factory an all adjunct to the ill duary A rest aa f tile chuichi with itil a musical inu and speeches finished the sta in this tow town n going south through the ful counti I 1 1 lontoe and viewing the tile great fields wu we reached the noted home of louis jones mi NII jones set ved us with ice cream cake and punch on his lawn and then took us to view his blooded stock and his immense hock flock of turkeys reaching hot flot springs in the evening we had a bountiful supper and then the managed of the hot lot springs turned tho the bath over mer to us for the evening and no one but the tile carbon and emete county delegation was allowed in the tile desort when every one had become nell ve soaked and was reidy to quit the tilt home economics us sandwiches pickles coffee ice ot eai iiii i cake and punch the evening closed vill 1 I dance in the handsome pavilion on the tile wa wai back to richfield Rich Held th lit next morning 75 15 automobiles met inet us and escorted us a long way on ou journey too much can not be aid of the hospitality of the tile people at every town own we stopped and c cf I 1 the inspiration and eda education cation gained by the trip there is not a 0 man who was in the crowd but who would 0 o back again if opportunity unity offe offered led 11 W W V join low el d 14 it ill hnit silt SI lake oll 11 in 1 jamea wide W ide is tin the 1 mok ni it in 1 suit salt lake i L A and 4 W If aro are in ill aill lake to beir 4 peak i hd shea J T W W E anderson and J 11 IL middleton in anc she shia a car ith mr leton m a chaut beur eur went to salt LA lale I 1 e elerda et erd erda afternoon to get a front awat at the tue eting |