Show aich ach man are you still maa who must hitch up and veto transact I 1 business make calls summon help in emer les 0 you lose time on the th 4 thol highest prices r to uc crops i as because you are not close tou touch with the market marke t li tore x 06 do or it do you send M to dotheal do these theae ore j mill I 1 lpes 0 the man wit without out A tell c ph 0 jas bit handicap if isyou you a ir P krostal today to a the eastern rf telephone co faid d have a representative tell you little a telephone will coat cost you 0 10 9 telephones 1111 rantee you best serve ci I 1 courtesy quality prompt and careful Ala reful service dijt dalr these features have built up 1 our big meat trade we wint want you to have what you want of course the tile price ie iq as low as can be made nilde T ry one oi 01 our juicy wicy tender roasts or a delici delicious olis steak FRESH vegetables AND CANNED GOODS ALWAYS IN STOCK abon county commission loll go co PHONE 15 CARBON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY 1 I 1 W V plop T real Es tite insurance and bonds abstracts of title prepared for lands and lots mono alone to loin choice 1 farms hinds lands at 8 pel pet cent notary public phone parties desiring cut flowers or potted plants can be supplied ba b the grand floral flom I 1 company compan of grind junction leae orders esith ith S L wiiiiam at D R G ticket of alce C ask F 7 iv 11 D IN N C E for the protection of depositors the united states government at washington frequently examines into ancial condition of a a Nati national okal bank T 7 the requirements of the government are very STRICT and we are glad of it we stick strictly to safe BANKING business before you place your account with us come in and let us show you the strong financial condition of our bank make OUR bank YOUR bank we pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits DICI first national N bank of price THE NEWS ADVOCATE 00 the newsiest News iest newspaper in eastern utah the year harvest arvest wi will I 1 soon be e here ere NEVER BEFORE in the history of eastern utah has there been a prospect of so great a crop of small grain as this year harvest lime time will be short A day or two may make a great deal of difference to you you cannot take any chances with an old unreliable or untried binder we sell the harv resting machine that TUC THE HINDER has been the best since pioneer days 41 L remember to buy our DEERING SISAL BINDER TWINE TW IN E Farmers JL 5 exchange ae ei imp IMPS co P price r leej bath aphone P h one YOU ARE WASTING MONEY if you are getting less in in quantity i or a poorer quality than you can get here her you must get maximum maximum value in groceries WE WIE PRIDE OURSELVES S ON THE BRANDS WE SELL and we sell the best at prices often charged for inferior goods SEEDS FEEDS KITCHEN UTENSILS do yourself the favoron favor of paying our store storo a visit stock growers and r farmers store where everybody goes phone |