Show mom annous cemon for sheriff I 1 hereby announce my e binal for or nomination ba b the rb party of carbon county coun ty for the r of sheriff subject to the will wil of republican county convention 1 nominated and elected I 1 promise i devote my best enort to the dut of the offic T it j for county attorney I 1 hereby announce r myself a i windi candidate date for tho the onice ottice of or toul torney subject to the tile will of thea publican county convention contention I 1 stand for state wide aroh prohibited iii and pro nnie if it elected to tto diecha the of ta t 1 office to the at my ability I 1 THOMAS FOUTS FOUTI for county treasurer I 1 hereby announce niep inyl lf fu candidate or re election to the of county treasurer aub subject j act to will of the republican county cm cot ven bention vent lon tion A BALLENGER for sherill J announce nce in mi 3 selfa self al a candi for the office of or county sheriff 4 afo the republican county conyea II 11 I 1 am nominated and eleta elec tei will discharge the duties of sh shera according to the law I 1 stand as astl sarte te wide prohibition JOHN U MIMI for county cark I 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the loftice of boua clerk subject to the tile will of republican county count convell convention A promise pio mise if and elect to devote my entile e energies toti to duties dutie of the office W V if cameron on uta for county recorder I 1 heleb announce tily myself self 1 candidate for i ic election e to the theos 0 of county leco zeco ider if and el elected ec t e d I 1 promise to git gill duties of tile office the same cs attention I 1 hive irive tiled to give t in ill the tile past MRS BARBARA FORKED for county clerk I 1 hereby announce my rny caad mod for by the rep party ty of carbon county for the chec of county clerk subject to toabe the ri the Ro republican publican county conat if and elected I 1 to devote to the dubies of tbt MY r vely best efforts P S 11 for county surveyor 1 I 1 hueby ae leby announce WS 11 1 of cr candidate for the office offiel surveyor on the tile republics Republic al alc tlc if nominated and elected I 1 P to give my best ability to atac etters to the duties of the onice F S DUNI for the news new I 1 I 1 lead cad the N advocate r |