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Show COLORADO TINT.IC BOOMS. ' , Of all the new properties that are being be-ing developed in the Tlntio district, there is none that is being more closely watched I than that of the Colorado Mining company. com-pany. Recent reports from the property i have been very flattering as to the progress prog-ress ' that is. being made underground, and that the amount of virgin territory that is yet to be prospected will assuredly assured-ly give better results, is the belief of all who have been familiar with Ua operations oper-ations carried on by "Uncle" Jesee Knlgnt. The controlling .interest in this property was carefully gathered in by Knight, after the ground had been gophered around at a short distance from the surface. The price was comparatively comparative-ly nothing in comparison with the real .value of the ground, or as compared with the present selling price of th estock, which shows a market value of something like two and one-half million dollars. Some of, the men who have visited the property within the last three days say that the belief throughout the entire camp is that this company now has the ground practically proven up, and that it is only a question of possibly a few days before the operators will open up the big ledge that comes through into that ground' from the adjoining properties of the Beck Tunnel company. This company is now declaring dividends of $40,000 monthly, month-ly, with the regularity of clockwork. - An Instructive lesson can be gained from both these wonderful properties, when the meteoric career of both Is considered con-sidered for just a moment. Both properties prop-erties were In a locality that had ' been prospected to some extent, and practically abandoned as barren of any ores whatsoever. whatso-ever. Within less than two years these have responded to the majestic touch- of Knight. One of the properties has been a big producer for months, and the other is the youngest and most promising candidate can-didate In this line In the entire district. Both of the stocks have come up from Just a few cents a share to several dollars dol-lars each, and the Intrinsic value of the ground has advanced to almost $5,000,000. |