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Show SWEDEN'S SECRET MESSAGE TO WASHINGTON. A special messenger of the King of Sweden has arrived In New York en route to Washington with a message to the Swedish embassy The die- j patches state that King Gustav hurried hur-ried away the bearer of the secret document with such haste that the messenger had only an hour's notice no-tice to prepare for the long journey. It Is not difficult to solve the mission mis-sion of this stranger. Germany scattered scat-tered floating mines over a part of the Xor'h sea in order to protect her ports and interrupt English commerce. com-merce. Great Britain did not retaliate until after the Audacious was blown up by a mine, the placing of which was traced to a ship flying a neutral flag sailing from the North 6ea. Then the English proceeded to virtually close the northern waters to all shipping ship-ping by strewing mines at many points. This has seriously interfered.1 with the foreign commerce of Sweden, I the ships of which must paes through this danger zone. Sweden undoubtedly is urging the United States to protest against this restriction of neutral commerce and to urge on Great Britain the injustice in-justice of the act. But the appeal will be without re-sults. re-sults. Fighting fire with fire, the . British, If they deem the placing of mines in the North sea essential to success, as they evidently do, will not recede Thej will make a diplomatic diplo-matic reply and promise an amelioration ameliora-tion of the objectionable conditions, but the death-dealing Instruments oi j war will rpmain as a safeguard 'against the raids of Gorman war-j war-j ships |