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Show U. OF U. SQUAO MAVJM TRIP Whittier College of Los Anil An-il geles Offers Expenses If Utah Team Will Come. I Salt Lake. Nov. 24 Only the con- I Pent of tho faculty, and the sentiment In that quarter Is supposed to be i favorable, stands between the Unl- verslty of I:tah fool bn 11 squad and a trip to California Whittier college of whittier offered the university team all expenses for a game in L03 Angeles on December 5, and yesterday yester-day the athletic council sanctioned the trip. Today the offer will be laid before the members of the unlversitj faculty I and it is believed that permission will be fiiven to mok- the trip. The game ! with the Aggies on Thanksgiving day j will end the schedule of the Crim son team unless the California trip Is nude. Tbe team would leave here j on Thursday and return Monday, j; Prepare for Big Game. With the possible exception of Jim J l.illie. the hr-ady little quarterback of I the Crimson, all the players are in I condition for the game with the Ag- I gies Thursday Llllle's ankl is still I in bad shape and he will not be used I except in an emergency McCarty probably will be the general of the Turkey day festivities. j Coach Norprc.n gave the men light II though lengthy practice yesterday, drilling the members individually on the finer points of the game. Nor- I gjen will give the team the last heavy jj work tonight and on Wednesday I there will be a light, short, signal j practice with work for the kickers and backfleld men on handling punts j Doping Out Stunts. The different colleges and classes I of the university arc doping out stunts for the big rally tomorrow night and aJso for the demonstrations II to be made at the- game. The Engi-I Engi-I neers claim they will pull a stunt at the game that will "knock "em out of f their seats." Just what this is no jj one has discovered. ! A big rally and snake dance will I be held downtown tomorrow night I Class leaders have informed all the I -members of the university that any j male found not taking part in the ser- j pentine will be "rudely" handled. It j has been intimated that all who pre- I fer the srtlewalk and their "queen"' J to marching in the snake dance will - J be separated from their shoes, dolled j up in Hawaiian female costume and torced to perform a "hula hula" at I the intersection of Second South and II Main streets. ""-". From present indications weather conditions will be perfect for the ' j game. Cummings field is in great 1 shape now and unless a heavy rain comes on will be fast for the big battle. Reports from Logan say that I' from 1000 to 1200 football fans will make the trip to Salt Lake and toot 1 I for the Aggies. |