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Show GEN. BLANCO IS FOR GEN, VILLA San Luis Potosi. Mex.. No . 23. General Lucio Blanco, kit in supreme command of the military forces in Mexico City by Pirst Chief Carranza, today announced his repudiation of ('arranza and his allegiance to Villa He has arrested Generals Aharo Obregon. Antonio C. Vlllarc-al and Eduardo Hay. This means the occupation of Mexico Mex-ico City by the forces of General Villa without opposition and the probable collapse of the Carranza government.) Announcement of the action of General Gen-eral Blanco was contained in a telegram tele-gram which he personally sent to the provisional president here. Vera Cruz, Nov. 23. The Mexican flag is again flying over Vera Cruz Brigadier General Punston and his command of 6000 infantrymen and marines, which was landed here on April 30 last, got under way this aft ernoon and General Aguilar's men assumed as-sumed charge of the city. The United States transport Cristobal, bearing the first contingent of the American brigade, left, the dock at 1:50 p. m bound for home. The evacuation of the city was effected ef-fected without any clash occurring between the Americans and the native na-tive army. The Mexicans marched in on the heels of the departing troops, but no serious disturbance of the city's peace was registered during dur-ing their entrance. Residents of Vera Cruz who had heard of threats made by followers of General Villa and others opposed to General Carranza that they would resist the occupation of the city by Aguilar's troops, breathed more free-I free-I ly as the Carranza soldiers moved nearer and nearer to the center of the city. j The only unpleasant incident connected con-nected with the transfer oi authority was higher than the men In the ranks of either army, and so had no 1 effect on the general situation. Gen j cral Carraii7a was quoted by representatives repre-sentatives here as beinc displeased with the method used by the Amei cans in delivering over the city and as having criticised sharply the failure fail-ure to make a formal transfer of the various departments. |