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Show FOUR BOYS HELD FOR i THE JUDGE OF THE ! ME1LE COURT , Four juveniles. ranplns from 10 to 14 years of age, have been ordered to appear before Judge V C. Gunnell of the juvenile court Saturday morning, on charges of malicious mischief. The eom plaints apainst l he boys wero sworn out by John O'Neill, who al-I al-I legas that they hroke a number of hol-I hol-I low building blocks, which were to be used In the construction of his new j home. Tlir. blocks were plied up near the ! foundation for the residence nnd the i boys are said to have deliberately knocked the pile over Mr. O'Neill brought the matter to the attention of Offloer William Rpast and he located loca-ted the boys yesterday. Officer Reast also took a Juvenile into custody vesterday for firing an airgun in the cltv The gun was con-flseated con-flseated for the time being and th boy ordered to appear at the next session of tho court oo |