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Show TH IRTY-DAY JAIL SENTENCE FOB II HER Charles Anderson, whose name has appeared on the police court docket frequently this year, was given a thirty-day jail sentence this momlnp;, ! after pleading guilty to a charge of ' drunkenness He was arrested yes-i yes-i terday afternoon on lower Twenty-' Twenty-' fifth street by Patrolman William Brown nnd created quite a dlsturb-I dlsturb-I ance on the way to the police sta-j sta-j tion. A. E. Chugg, also guilty of drnnk-' drnnk-' enness, was given the alternative of j paying a $1" fine or of passing the next 16 days In jail. In addition to having been drunk it was proven that he was "mooching," on the street Andrew Holt. Peter Butler and Will Brown pleaded guilty to charges of drunkenness and were given suspended suspend-ed sentences, j The casr o" the City vs. Robot i Peart was taken under advisement. : The defendant was charged with speeding. Latei he war. refunded his $10 ball John Johnson was given a stronK lecture nnd n sixty-day suspended sen-I sen-I tenco. after pleading guilty to a charge of drunkenness. |