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Show PE-RU-N- MEASURES UP TO THE A Clfi Her Heart. M.imls fwert int'.c rii ii.lt n 1 Urn ni.nitii iu .i . ,V Lniie " t .NEWS SUM JURY. STANDARD A n-i- Lilt the city council of St. f.oui will Maml rvtn litpi'.Micans nnJ six Dtnnx-rntinuur.lM rr. The Japanese MJVirnmrnt lias or-J- t red f.i'O.oi'O gun stocks from a manufacturer In Cedar Ilapids. In Civil law has been Warsaw and nil offend!. will In future In tried ly martial law. Ixuiiso Klu r. aged 11. of New York an i ho rMili of shipping City, Is tho rope, the indenturing to hroak a record. Four persons wero hilled by Illuminating gas In a tenement house in New York City. Tho gas had escaped from a defective gas stove. The enij ioyes of the Interstate steel works at Tarentum, la., have been notified of a voluntary 10 per cent Increase In their wages. because he had been beaten in n game of pool, it Is alleged. Jim Gan-tlell- o shot and fatally injured Pietro Tozzo in Portland, Sunday. As the result of the premature explosion of a blast in a stone quarry near Allisonia, Va., eight men were instantly killed and two others badly Injured. The deaf mute arrested at Topeka. Kans., while on his way to the state house to kill Governor Hoeh, was adjudged Insane and sent to the Insnno asylum. At a cotton mill in Fablanlze, Ilus-- 1 sian Poland, Mvenly girls .vero pois-oned by some miscreant scattering strychnine through the rooms. All the victims will recover. The m-'- Pul 1 slit r tlfht .!. d f.it J.ui v.ti heard just th - tu I ii wio pi ) L I 1 Mint. 1ifl e EXPERIENCE OF MISS MERKLEY We Told That an Operation Wm Inevitable, llow Lfco Eoeap h1 It Eh j When a physician tells a woman Buffering with ovarian or womb trouble that tin oj eratio is ntvess.iry, the very thought of the knife nud the oj'cratinff-tabl- d strikes terror to her heart, ana our hospitals are fall of women coming' for ovarian or womli operation.. There are eases where an operation lathe only reson ree, but when one considers the great number of cases of ovarian and womb troublo cured by Si,, "p.yXrons'ralV'Trjd 1 UNCLE SAM Standard is Required of Any Catarrh Remedy That Has Been Endorsed by so Many Trustworthy and Prominent People A High AIL LINIMENTS CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN SPRAINS, SOTS. BRUISIS. BURNS, SCSI??! CRICK IN BACK. BACKAoHI UMBAOO, PRAINI ANKSLS, OORN HUSKtR'S BPRAINtD PNOBTSS COSES, SUBIOSS, OMLSUUM, ABB ALL INFLAMMATIONS Of M AN OS SSASf. CURES nit, operations, no woman should submit to one without lirst trying- the Vegetable Compound and writing- Mrs. Pinkiiain, Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is free. Tho Mussulmans of Uskub, province Miss Merkley of 275 Third of Macedonia, are so exasperated at 8treet, Margret Milwaukee, Wis., writes: the governments inaction against tho Dear Mr. Pinkham: Lom of strength, extreme nervousness marauding bands that they have taken shooting pains through the pelvio organs, to lynching prisoners. bearing down pains and cramps compiled The trial of tho murderer of Grand me to seekanmedical advice. T lie doctor, after examination, said I had making Duke Sergius will take place beforo trouble and ulceration and advised anovarian opera, I strongly objected and decided a class jury, but behind closed doors. tion. To thin E. to try Lydia Iinkham's Vegetable The police inquiry has failed to to esThe ulceration quickly healed, ail the bad symptoms disappeared and 1 am tablish the identity of the assassin. once more strong, vigorous and well. It now appears that 400 of the Ovarian and womb troubles are steadSeventh Gurkhas were killed at the ily on the increase among women. If Dharmsala, India, cantonment by thi the monthly periods are very painful, collapse of a stone barrack building, or too frequent and excessive if you cl the recent earth- J - - Com-poun- d. sfs, I o b Worth Rrrard. OPERATION AVOIDED mi.'-jhui.U- iji-u- ; 1 , rhoea, dont neglect yourself : try Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, to In a terrific explosion that blew pieces one of the brick buildings of the Union Metallic Cartridge company at Bridgeport, Conn., before the close ! of the days work, three men were inB killed. stantly fyy J Alabastine Your Walls A dispatch to a London news agency READ THIS REMARKABLE CURE rec-SS1!- .6 THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ST. LOUIS. V. S. A. CLEAR, HEALTHY SKIN . S&ndholms Eczema and Skin Remedy Purifies, Then Heals. Positively cures Eczema, Pimple, Eruptions. Insect Bite and all diseases of the skin. An absolute cure for Dandruff or Scalp disease. $1.00 Per Bottle. Sendfor FREE BOOKLETS. Ask your druggist or barber or send to SARDH0LH DRUG 00., Deg Moines, Iowa. W. N. U.t Salt Lake-N- o. 15. 1905. was slightly injured. A prairie fire in southwest Greer county, Okla., has resulted In the struction of several thousand dollars worth of feed stuff, many outbuildings, some live stock and several hundred acres of growing crops. Three men were shot, one probably fatally, and one woman was injured in a riot at Schoenville, Pa.,' Sunday. The SALT LAKE CITY rioting was the result of a clash beG. O. HUNTINC, Superintendent tween fifteen detectives and about 1,200 foreign residents of Schoenville. Lester Henry, an Indian, said to be THAT WILL HATCH ! a From My Prize Winners. graduate of the Carlisle school, ran 2.00 Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs, per setting. amuck with a shotgun at Little Val- S.C. Brown Leghorn Eggs.... 91.50 per setting one Indian and wouhd-- 033333 ran i B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B I B I I I ut ley, Pa., killing ing a half dozen others before his capture. Henry had a quarrel with his When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. sweetheart. RELIABLE ASSAYS Gold and 811ver ,.91.00 Gold I I 1 ?J aanzmMiEizEigi B B EGGS I se fails, Cough Syr op. Taates Good. Use B from Calcutta says Lady Curzon (formerly Miss Leiter of Washington and Chicago), wife cf the viceroy of India, had a narrow escape during the earthquake at Simla. Z. T. Tracy was thrown from a buggy in a runaway near Del Rey, Cal., and received injuries from which he died. With Tracy at the time was his wife, a bride of a few hours, who wIth rheumatism writes Ed.C. Nud, Iowaville, Sedg- ,LTv? 5?cl1 &01," 0n crutches and suffering a great deal of pal n. I VLH?. alar 8 Snow Liniment, which cured me, after using three IS THE GREATEST LINIMENT I EVER USED; have ed " 10 a,UI?ber of persons, all express themselves as benefited t now without crutches, and am able to perform abeing great deal of ,7.,.labor on wa the farm. light A - I - 75 I Copier. 7i.U I lacer Gold, Retorts and Rich Ore Bought. - When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. |