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Show Thackeray Beautiful Idea. Father Coose. SENATOR MITCHELL ARRAIGNED. THOUGHT SHE WOULD DIE. Thackeray's Idea of motherhood The name of Mother Gooses hus- as a pretty and acceptable as any. band was Isaac Coose, and her rhmyea Aged Oregonian Pleads Not Guilty to Marine of Colorado Springs 'Mother Is tho name of God on the were tr.l rrlnt.d by her Indictment.. io Thr In, Fe.r th. Wnr.t-Do- .n'. lips of little children," he said. Thorn.. H"ft. a frinter In Ihn.on, Pill. Saved Her. ,urt. at Train land, Ore., was crowded Tuesday jjrs Sarah Marine, of 12$ 8t. Iresl-Julj Colo., when the time arrived for Senator street, Colorado Sprint. II. Mitchell to plead to the four dent of the Glen Eyrie Club, writes: Of leacorrhea, excesaive flowing, painful but a specialists prescription, having . . Indictments found against him by tlmj of or as a aim the cure of diseases womb, falling threu years with single prolapsu, period, late federal grand jury. attended by weak back, bearingdown peculiar to women. severe backIn a plea In abatement Senator Reliable dealers recommend enaitiona, ulceration of womb, pain Favor ache. Tho docIte Prescription." With tricky ones, Mltchol challenges the act of the late tors told me my .ol ,,,J Ky I OBSTINATE CASES .j Acally that just as good." Perhaps it is for them; but it cant be for vow. Some saving' may be made by purchasing our always cured by a fairly persistent use of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. If In any case it should, in due time, not seem quite adequate to meet every complicated case' Dr. Jhaso of some stanus always ivady to offer valuable suggestions based upon years of varied experience which often proves of inestimable value. This he does entirely free of charge to those using his medicines. Address Dr. II. V. Pierce, CG3 Main 8treet, Buffalo, N. Y. medicines in half-dorquantities. If you are convinced that the Fa is the tnedicino vorite Prescription be do not need, you cajoled into ae else. The attempt cepting something to induce von to do so is an insult to your intelligence, Turn your back on tho one who offers the affront. Da. R. V. 1iKKCc, Huffs!.. N. V. ; Dear Sir-- 1 m thou la I khotild rever anjoj svkhI ha) tit utln. Wliat I Miffcrod words cannot with womb Had db.trwwin.r bearSng-dow- o pains, painful eprs. monthly tackaii. constipation, aJao cold hands and feet at a!l tims. Was re th-was nothing loft of and all me but a shadow. After 1 had taken eight bottle Dr. Ilsroe's 1'avorlte Proscription, two of hla "Compound Extract of Smart-Wooalso tome of Ir. Pierce's Pleasant elleU. I was entirely cured. 1 always keep he remedies on hand now, and recommend them to all my friends. I ours truly, lokne-- s. run-dow- n, d. Mrs. 83 Jour Powers, 4th Street. Rensselaer. Albany, N. V. Da. pinacc A pu-asan- Cure biliousness, sick and bilious heador constiache, dirtiness, pation of the bowels, los of appetite, o.ated tongue, sour stomach, windy nain and dis- belching, ''heart-burn- , treM after eating, and kindred deranee- menLsof the liver, Momoch and bowel. Person subject to any of these trouble should never le without ft vial of the Pleasant Pellet at hand. They are always adopted as a household rem-odafter the fir.--t trial. Put up in glass vials, tightly corked, therefore always fresh and reliable. One little Pellet is a laxative, two aro cathartic. They regulate, invigorate and cleanse the Ii er, stomach and bowels. A a "dinner pill, to promote digestion, take one each day. To relieve the distress arising from overeating, nothing equals one of these little "Pellets. Theyro tiny, sugar-coategranule., scarcely larger than mustard seeds. Doctor Pierces great thousand-pag- a "Common Sense Medical Adviser will be" sent for the mere cost of mailing; y There is no opium, cocaine or other narcotic in "lavorite Prescription. Neither does it contain alcohol, wh'sky r other intoxicant. It often happens that childlessness is due to conditions which may be corrected. Many women have found that the vitality and vigor imparted by Dr. for 21 one-cePierce's Favorite Prescription to the paper-houn- d stamps, cloth-boun- d been has for 31 stamps. It is a the one or thing womanly organs, needful to fulfill the joy of motherhood. grand and useful book. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, 603 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. This famous medicine is not a ..ure-al- l, d, anti-bilio- - I n TEA LAWYERS TAKE LONG CHANCES. Russian Attorneys in Open Defiance of the Government. Another meeting of tho congress of attorneys was held in St. Petersburg Tuesday and a resolution adopted favoring the removal of the autocratic regime and the proclamation of a democratic constiPan-Russia- n BAD DEBTS COLLECTED EVERYWHERE WE CAN COLLECT SOME FOR YOU We collected an old note yesterday for $105 from a. party in Port- land, Oregon, for a. client in Nebraska. SEND IN YOUR CLAIMS. SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF BAD DEBTS. TOP FLOOR COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK BLDG., SALT LAKE CITY. FRANCIS G. LUKE, General Manager. VJSZL.IXL Some People Don't Like Vs, MiSgjgW safijais w . L. DOUGLAS! UNION MADE. 53.59 & s3.22 SHOES W. I.. ISonglas $:s..0 shoes are the welter, in the world becnuie of t heir excellent ty le,greatest lit Ling and .ulteeasy are Just a, good a. those that rior wearing tmalitie,. They to. 7.00. The cost from difference is the price. V. L. Douglas U.50 shoes costonly more to make, hold their wear longer, and are of greater value than any shape better,shoe on the market other. guar, lV.r..louglas antees their value by- stamping his name and price on the bottom ofeach shoe. I.ook for it. Take no substitute. 1V.L. shoes are sold through his own retail stores in Jouglas$C.50 and by shoe dealers everywhere. Xo matthe principal cities,W..L. ter where you live, Douglas shoes are within your reach. Workmen Public. Endanger largest the world If yoa desire write Illustrated for further information, Catalogue of Spring Styles. by mail. 25c. extra prepays delivery. . W.L. DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS t joy it? "rks for our Xaowltdg, psny, Sm Pranai Cook, A EckILcj A Brother Dickeys Philosophy. "Ef I kin des keep ten yards ahead said er de devil in do new' year, on fair Brother Dickey, "on a free I'll Trouble cant whar me, trip road, Atlanta Constitution. bo satisfied! Washing Blankets. Have ready three tubs of moderately warm water; for the first water make a strong suds by using plenty of Ivory Soap. In this put a pair of blankets and stir with the clothes stick until clean; then rinse through the other two waters, putting a little soap in each. Wring by hand and stretch carefully on ELEANOR It. PARKER. the line. I What It Says. j If money talks As some folks fell, To most of u It says farewell. Chicago Chronicle. PIsos Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Saxiuii Ocean Grove. N. J..Feb. 17. 1000. The Poets Request When I am busy writing dont bother me with talk; if you are in a hurry, go out and talk a walk. Dont rubber oer my shoulder and my subject try to note; dont try to make a mirror of my shiny Sunday coat; I have no time for gossip, for I really need the "dough. IIOMmHS? -- Nation announced her intention, after serving out her jail sentence, of leaving .Kansas and settling in Oklahoma, where she will devote attention to efforts to have a prohibition clause inserted in the constitution when Oklahoma secures statehood. Mrs. Nation ic in prison awaiting decision of appeal to the district court for joint smashing, COLOIt ETELETS WILL NOT WEAK ISRASSr FIST has the shoe mail order business In W. L. of tea, but do we enjoy it? More coffee; but do we en- TOU WILL riRD Will Move to Oklahoma. Mrs. .Carrie Nation, who is in jail in Wichita, Kans., signed deeds conveying her Topeka property to private parties at a cost of $7,000, and W.LDOUGLAS $4.00 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. W. L, Douglas uses Corona Coltskin in his $3.50 shoes. Corona ( Coll is considered to be the finest patent leather produced. k a lit - of Incompetent The employment men by the Interborough Rapid Transit company wras ascribed by a coroners jury in New York City Monday, as the cause of the collision on in March the subway 7, wrere two killed in which persons and many injured. The verdict censured the company for employing Inexperienced motormen. The accident occurred during the strike on the Interborough companys lines, an express train crashing Into a local which was standing at the Twenty-thir- Carrie BETTER THAN OTHER MAKES AT ANY PRICE. For the last three years Ihave worn H. L Douglas $3.50 shoe and founditnot only as good, but better than any shoe that me r had. regardless of price Chas. L. Farrell , Asst. Cashier The Capital National Bank , Indianap ills, Ind. Boys wear W. L. Douglas $2.50 and $2.00 shoos because they fit better, hold their shape, and wear longer than other makes. Douglas Inexperienced street station. to-da- y. No trouble to get tution on the basis of universal suffrage and a secret ballot. It Is understood that it Is the Intention of the attorneys to conduct the propaganda throughout Russia, to educate the people politically and If necessary to arm them for physical resistance to arbitrary action on the part of the authorities. It is an extraordinary fact that no arrest have followed these meetings, at which the words were not minced and open defiance of the authorities was evident. d !.. med for n e. but I found that It f'wa only a w aste of time and money to take them, and began to tear that I would never get well. A friend advised mo to try Doans Kidney Pills. Within a week after I began using them I was so much better that I decided to keep up the treatment, and when I had used a little over two boxes I was entirely well. I havo now enjoyed the best of health for more than four months, and words can but poorly express my gratitude. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foslcr-MIIburCo.. Buffalo. N.Y. tlurilfied in many was, be. ides being prejudiced Judge Alfred S. Bennett of The Dalles, as attorney for Senator Mitchell. announced that there was a question of moral turpitude Involved In the case wherein Senator Mitchell Is accused of accepting $2.o0 from S. A. D. Put or, ami. therefore, ho would waive all legal t( chnicalites and bo Sunday in Heligoland. dewithout to to trial proceed ready Sunday In Heligoland begins at 6 p. stake. at the issues lay upon m. on Saturday, when tho church bell Judge Bennett entered a plea of not Is tolled, and ends on Sunday at the guilty for the senator In three of tho same hour. In former years no vessel cases against him two for conspiracy could leave port between these hours. under section 5113 of the revised statutes, and one under section 1782, for accepting money while holding tho position of United States senator to exWe consume a great deal pedite title before the land nt mi1 af-fect- pro-(scrib- the Investigation!: that Jurors Frank (. Ihiffum and George loebler had been sworn In some time after tho grand Jury had been empanelled, that Juror George Gustln was not a citizen of the T nited States; that Jurors Frank Dolter and Joseph Rssner were not taxpayers, as required by law, and that District Attorney lleney was dis- pellets t W. K. Robertson and Carl Phelps, the original foreman and secretary, respectively, had been legally excused for the term pending n and tenderness of ovaries, are almost Jurors kidneys were and tOWEBa., Ash eus9 WATEKPROSr. 0ILE9 CLOTHING EVERYWHERE. Be bejt jfrty-jeve- idled workmen and ears experience hove made material n TOWERo dicker Cxtsand Hats famous the world over Tby sec made in black or .yellow for all kinds of wet work, end eveo Jorment bearing the 3I6N Of is Guaranteed to give satiTrie sfaction. Al I relialie dealers jell them. non JUTCYH Twt! C0.MmWi.&JJL CA IWUW OX |