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Show FEARED DURIAL IN TRANCE. Mythical Ancient History, Four days after his birth Apollo GUNNISON GAZETTE. seized a lyre and astonished even Unhappy Existence Led by Victim Ho has Vog Zeus with his playing. Peculiar Disease. By hETJU OLKDHILL M BOS, cer frayed clean to rags!" exclaimed In or.o of my voapcs from Cape fcls mother, Clcio, proudly. Surely UTAH. Town to England writes a tr;.elr, He's doing rag GUNNISON, so," answered Htra. fbarod my cabin with a peculiar time! H man. whoa ram was Lazarus-dl that if he UTAH STATE NEWS. made ni tliprorolu w event I ould pi voyage during H said that on a at . burial hi? Thc cost of tea is all Ogden has been chosen as the place previous voyage he had fallen sick and was taken for dead and put into the tea ; the cost of coffee is for the state convention of Elks, which 21. a sack for Uriah A quartermaster 20 and is to ho held September in all coffee. been put on to watch the body the by no means At Garland contracts have been let had it was Urn for th funeral. in til Yuc w mmn jru mm; V ; ltd for the raising of C.r.oo acres of beets Whn the burial party arrive I. the JWs. this year, as against 2.9o0 for last year quartermaster Informed th captain The epidemic of smallpox, which that he thought the body bad moved Insurance On Ships. d and Rack was The 6hlps of the world are Insured has been so prevalent in Urn for some Ir. the sack. The came toopen life 950.000.000. for & total of time past, Is now confined to a few Lazarus eventually Lazarus to'dagain. me. Such wai the story 1 . TEA cases. TEA Tea A prisoner on t he chain gang in Salt is coarse or fine, tea or weed, harsh or smooth, keen or soft, heavy or bright; but words are empty. Co Writ for Mf. Sea Fruttiaa ear XiwUd(, Beok. A A Dream. I like to think how One 'twould buls Were 1 the bride of a grand marquis; All day long Ills love song Would he sing while he sighed for muls. New Orleans Picayune. WHO OWNS THE RAILROADS? II. T. Newcomb of the District of Columbia Bar, has compiled statistics showing that 5,174,718 depositors In savings banks of six eastern states are directly interested In the joint ownership of 1442,354,086 of steam rsllroad securities, that Insurance companies doing business in Massachusetts hold $845,889,038 of steam railroad stocks and bonds and 74 edu catlonal Institutions depend on $47 468,827 invested in similar securities for a portion of their Income. Other institutions own enough fiduciary railroad securities to bring such hold Ing up to more than a billion and a half dollars, about of the entire capital invested in railroad property. These Investments represent the savings of the masses, there being twenty million holders of life insurance policies in the country, as many more of fire insurance policies, and an even greater number of depositors in banking and trust Institutions, where investments are largely In railroad securities. Russia's Export Profits. More than half of Russias profits from exports come from the sale of grain. one-'Ixt- h - the Favorite Remedy, Write Dr. David Kennedy World (treat Kidney and Liver Cure. N. Kennedy! Sona, Kondout, I)r. Kamou,. Y., (or free s&inple bottle. Southwark Eel Market. London possesses a curiosity in the Southwark Eel Market, which is said to have been held regularly for over 800 years. It is little known except in the neighborhood where it is held. TEA How many letters are there !n tea? One, two or three, as you like: t or te or tee or tea. f: You Lifes Stepping Stones. think that an opportunity must necessarily be something great and unusual; but the fact is, the stepping-ton- e to the place above you is in the very thing you are doing. In the' way you do it; it does not matter what it IsSuccess Magazine. - TEA How much money do we return to dissatisfied people? All that our grocers get asked for. firikB&Mrt Lake City made his escape one day Ikst week, taking the ball and chain attached to his leg along with him. A scheme is on foot looking to re placing with automobiles the horse vehicles now used on the stage line from Juab and Clear Creek to Fill more. Martin Christiansen of Ephraim had one of his hands badly lacerated ono day last week by coming In contact with the knives of a jointer in a plan ing mill. Mrs. John Lindquist of American Fork was seriously injured In a runaway accident last week, being thrown from the wagon and quite badly bruised. The Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone company has a large force of men at work at Bingham Junction making pre paratlons for the installation of a local exchange. Two of the earliest settlers of Joseph, Mart Merritt and James If. Wells, died last week. Both were among tha most prominent and highly respected citizens of the town. marriage licenses were is sued in Salt Lake City between Monday morning and Thursday night of last week, many of the contracting parties being from other states. B. H. Schettler, the former Salt Lake banker, has been held to the district court on the charge of having received deposits when he was aware that his bank was insolvent. The report comes from Boston that a big combination of copper properties in Utah is in progress, and, while not yet consummated, that there is every probability of its going through. Chester Bouton, the boy bandit who aided in holding up and robbing a Btreet car conductor in Salt Lake City on the night of February 22, has been sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. The Utah commissioners have returned from Portland after making arrangements for the erection of a state building and the display of Utahs products at the Lewis and Clark Centennial exposition. A $400 purse is being raised In Salt Lake City for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Commercial club committee In Investigating the feasibility of the freight route between Caliente and Goldfield. The Grantsville people are on the lookout for the building of the Western Pacific railroad which will touch within six miles of Grantsville about the distance of the present station of the San Pedro. Forty-fiv- e -- one-half Attorney General M. A. Breeden is, It Is said, preparing to take legal steps to thin out the building and loan societies, some of which he claims are Irresponsible and swindling outfits, and should be suppressed. TOEPSPELDS A YEARS VICTIM FINDS JL REMEDY THAT CURES. K0C for Two Wore Too VrU loWwrk A Dotea Dortore I!al Til-- to lrk DUeoe, 1 Treatment That Suneedeil. or disorAll Miff rer from n-awill read tho digestive organs ders of thocom-pl.-te of th with lively interest story reeoverv of Mrs. Nettlio D.trvoux from chronic dyspepsia which was thought to Ihj ineuruble. To In ailing for nine years is not a said Mrs, very pleasant experiem-e,D irvmix, when n sited for some nccouut For two yours I was of her illne.v. not attend to my could and critically ill household duties, and at one time I was weak and miserable that I could not so Uzarus was a thin man. with a sal- even walk. My trouble was chronic dyslow face. II hud au enormous appeI became extremely thin aud tite and appeared at every meal, to pepsia. a sallow complexion. I had noap-petit- e which he devoted his whole energies. had aud could mt take any food withThe good feeling only seemed to add out suffering great distress. to his corpsellk appearance. One Did you have n physician? evening, sure enough, when we were Yes, I took mediciuo from a dozen about half way to cur voyage s end, but without getting he apparently died again. The doctors different dotors, whatever." benefit took him In charge this time, however, jury How did you get on the track of a and he came out of his trance without episode. He was met care?"book any shottrd-sacabout Dr.WilliamsPink Pills A at the London docks by a number of in our doorway one day. was thrown relatives and friends, all of whom looked as If they might be suffering My husband picked it up and read it through carefully. He was no impressed from the same complaint." by the slat incuts of those who had been cured by that remedy that ho immeIn the Spring. diately bought three boxes of the pills Lowndes, Mo., April 10th. Mrs. 1L and insisted on my taking them." C. Ilarty of this place, says: Did they help you at once?" For years I was in very bad health. I began to feel better the second day Every spring I would get so low that after I started to use tho pills and by the I was unable to do my own work. I ttme I had taken tho three boxes I was seemed to be worse In the spring than entirely well. Dr. Williams Pink Pills any other time of the year. I was can cure even when doctors fail, and very weak and miserable and had they cure thoroughly, for a long time much pain In my back and bead. I Las passed sinco my restoration to health 6aw Dodds Kidney Pills advertised aud I know it is complete and lasting. last spring and began treatment of The surest way to mako sound digesthem and they have certainly done me tion is to give streugth to the organs conmore good than anything I have ever cerned. Dr. Williams Pink Pills give used. new vigor to the blood. No other remI was all right last spring and felt edy yields such radical results. better than I have for over ten years. Mrs. Darvoux lives at No. 497 Sixth I am fifty years of age and am strongstreet, Detroit, Mich. Dr. Williams er y than I have been for many Pink Pills arc sold by all druggists in years and I give Dodds Kidney Pills every part of the world. Dyspeptics credit for the wonderful Improve- should send to the Dr. Williams Medment. icine Company, Schenectady, N. Y., for The statement of Mrs. Harty Is only a new booklet entitled What to Eat one of a great many where Dodds and How to Eat. Kidney Pills have proven themselves Air Affects Watches. to be the very best spring medicine. A watch taken to the top of Mont They are unsurpassed as a tonic and seconds in will gain thirty-siBlanc are the only medicine used in thoutwenty-fou- r hours. sands of families. wi-aknes- s k to-da- x Prefers Calves to Butter.- A Kensington, N. II., farmer lays the following down as a hard and fast rule: I raise no less than twelve calves a year and would do it If there wasnt a pound of butter in the house from one years end to another. NO How TONGUE CAN TELL Suffered with Itching and Bleeding Eczema Until Cured by Cuticura. I No tongue can tell how I suffered for five years with a terribly painful, Hows This? We offer Ono Hundred Dollar Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 year, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by his firm. , Waldino. Kinnam & Mabvik, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O- Halla Catarrh Cure la taken internally, aotlng of tha directly upon the blood and mucou surface system.- Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents pel bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Take Halls Family PUls for constipation. J - Shoe Fashion Is Ancient. The present fashion of shoes Into England in 1fi33. was-introduce- d TEA Itching, and bleeding eczema, my body and face being covered with Is there a "better way t$ sores. Never in my life did I experience such awful suffering, and I keep the family longer at longed for death, which I felt was near. I had tried doctors and meditable, to keep it together? cines without success, hut my mother insisted that I try Cuticura. I felt No Snow Near Sea Coast. better after the first bath with CutiIn no country does the line of percura Soap and one application of Cuti- petual snow reach the sea coast cura Ointment, and was soon entirely well. (Signed) Mrs. A. Etson, Bellevue, Mich. TEA New Use for Whisky. A butler, newly engaged, requested er aow'him some whisky. nothing like it to clean the windows, said he. However, a few minutes later his master chanced to pass through the room, and to his surprise found the glass empty. Why, James, he asked, wheres the whis- JWeI1, you see' Eir said James, It s way; I drank the whisky and then I breathe on the glass. The modestest thing in tho world is tea. It is only teal . Disinfect Railway Carriages. In Bavaria railway carriages are dis- infected at the end of every journey. TEA It rouses new life and dost satisfies hunger al. |