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Show "Ulorlous Uncertainty of Law. It is said this ihrasu originated with a Ixm!on law) or named Wilbra-bain- , at a dinner of Judges and conn hold at Fe.jeants hall. Ixnnion. sol, In 17SC, shortly after the elevation of William Murray IaidI Mansfield to tbo lord chief jtihticohliip and a bar ony. The toast of "Tho Glorious Memory of King William" having been honored according to the then pro ailing manner. Mr. Wilbraham proposed. amid groat laughter, "The Gloria ua Uncertainty of tho Ijiw," In sarcastic allusion to Lord Mansfield's frequent reversals of former decisions. TEA It is easy to brew a good pot of tea. There arc two ways one is to do it ; the : other is not to. It of be lt Uai T Cm( G4 Tm is It), tV Mean Old Bachelor Again. on old bachelor who ald that was It It was futile to discuss the question whether a genius would make a good husband. No real genius, be said, would ever marry. Your grocer has also our baking-powd- ex- er tracts spices and soda. All alike as to trueness and goodness. i four gnMf good foot-cu- lt ia wtOk. r mri Major's Keen Comment. "Next time youre In the armory,' said the captain of Company G, proudly, "take a look at our room. Weve had It repainted and refurnished throughout. "I saw it, replied the major, and really, sir, your room la better than your company. Philadelphia Ledger. TEA In the city election at Helena. Mont, only aldermen were chosen, the Democrats electing four aud the Repub- licans three. The Democrats carried the city election at Aanieonda, Mont. Three Republican and three Democratic alder- - Is it tea that unlooses tha wings of thought and the bands of the tongue? Meaning of "Peppercorn Rent. "Peppercorn Rent" la a nominal ia of no apprerent A pepper-berrciable value, and, given aa rent, la a simple acknowledgment that the tenement virtually belonga to whom the peppercorn Is due. y TEA Think of the cheer in a cargo of teal Estates of Turkish Women. Turkish women do not come Into control of their private fortunes until after marriage. Then they can disof it without the huspose of one-thir- d bands consent. DONT FORGET A large package lied Cross Ball Blue, only 5 oeuts. The Russ Company, South Bend, Infl. Japanese National Holidays. Japan has three national holidays. Jan. 1 is one of them and the birthday of the reigning emperor is another. But Feb. 11 is the greatest of the three dates, for it is the anniversary of the coronation of the first emperor Jimmu, who ascended the throne at a place called Kashiwara, near the modern town of Kara, five and twenty centuries ago. Jerry Sullivan, aged 27 years, shot and almost instantly killed himself at Hutto last week. No motive can b found for the shooting. Sixty acres of land bordering on tha river at the Lewis and Clark exposition has been set apart as the site for a model military camp. saloon George W. Davis, a well-to-dman of Livingston, Mont., shot himself fatally through the stomach with a .13 caliluo pistol while despondent over ing good time. The Kind You Have Always Bought AYcCetaUe Preparation for As slmilating theFcodandttctf u!a-tin- g flic S tooochs ami Bowels of Bears the a ISEESSSSSiMSa Promotes DiC5lion.Checrfuh ness and Heat. Cents ins neltlscr Opium.Morphir.e nor Mineral. , of Not Narcotic. sickness. fire in a rooming house iu Crippl Creek, Colo., resulted In the death of William Davis and another man callel "Dick" Walsh. Several others had narrow escapes. John Drady and Thomas MeGree were killed by a fall ground In till Neversweat mine at Butte. Brady leaves a wife and two children. Me Gree was unmarried. afOU Or.WSinfnUZL? A g Henry McNamara, suspected of man car a who held up street the and killed three men at Santa Monica. Cal., two months ago. was captured in Reno, Nevada, last week. Thomas Carlson, a logger, was blown to atoms by an explosion of dynamite at New Castle, Wash. Ho was thawing the stuff over an open fire when It caught In the flame and exploded. Fire In Butte last week destroyed property valued at $00,000. During the progress of the fire many of the firemen were overcome by smoke and had to be carried out, but none were he-In- seriously hurt. Jesse Knight, chief justice of the supreme court of Wyoming, died at hia home in Cheyenne, Sunday. lie had been on district and supreme benches a number of years and was prominent in secret orders. At Ritzville, Wash., six sticks of dynamite, placed under a gasoline engine to dry, exploded and five of the nine men working nearby were cut about the face and neck. The engine building was demolished. Announcement that the Salt Lake road is to build a line to the Goldfield and Tonopah gold fields and that the Santa Fe may do the same may precipitate a race in railroad building to the Nevada mining camps. Policeman H. A. Stolka was shot by safe blowers in Spokane,' his chances for recovery being small. Stolka was shot from ambush before he saw the burglars, who dragged his body to one side and continued their work. By the collapse of the sidewalk on the footpath of the bridge across the Palouse river, in the heart of Colfax, Wash., a score of young people were precipitated into the shallow stream below, and Miss Mary Osotin was drowned. Harry Manon, deputy sheriff of Nye county, Nevada, wounded at Bullfrog while attempting to capture a band of desperadoes, is dead. Manon attempted to capture the men and was wounded three times during a running fight. John T. Coleman, a gambler, who Mrs. Winslow's Sootlilnj Syrup. or children toethlng, softens the gums, reduces fa. killed a woman named Edna Hoffman AammaUon, allays pain, cures wind cello, 25 c a bottle. at Portland, was arrested at Chekalis, Wash. After he had been lodged in Knew Him. "When my husband comes home jail he slashed his throat with a razor and tells me he has had a corking which he had concealed on his perfatal injuries. good time,- said Mrs. Gayman, "I son, inflicting probably an had uncorkhas he know always - For Infanta and Children. men were elect oil. jf TEA coffee NOIlTinYKST NOTES. single-hande- d, Abt iW JmA iiodtlU Anne .Grrf e ft Vwwe4 -(e(jnmb Hwm SeedCteiked .fupoe himleyrem 7cnwt - A perfect , Remedy forConstirvj-rio- n Sour SlonyKh, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness find LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Sitfrtniure of Thirty Years NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THI OtNTAUft lOMWUr. NSW VOftft CITY. Conviction Follows Trial 1 When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happens to have in his bin, how do you know what you are ? Some queer stories about coffee that is sold in bulk, getting could be told, if the people who handle it (grocers), cared to speak out. Could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions of housekeepers to use lion Coffee, flic leader of all padcafje coffees for over a quarter of a century, if they had not found it superior to all othar brands in Purify, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity? This popular success of LION COFFEE can be due only to Inherent merit. There Is no stronger proof of merit than continued and Increasing popularity. If the verdict ol MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince you o! the merits ol LION COFFEE, It costs you but a trifle to buy a package. It Is the easiest way to convince yourself, and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER. LION COFFEE la sold only In 1 lb. sealed and reaches yon as pure and clean as when itpackage left our factory. Lion-hea- d Save these on every package. Lion-heafor valuable premiums ds SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bequeathed Annuity to Dogs. A wonderful bequest was made by a certain Dr. Christian, who was the dean of the Faculte de Droit at Vienna. He bequeathed a sum of no less than 6,600 florins for the comfortable subsistence of his three dogs. ALFALFA SEED BAILEY & SONS ND SO. ST.. 8ALT LAKH CITY. UTAH Are headquarters for the best quality Alfalf heed, also Grass and Garden Seeds, Grain, Grain Bags, Twine, eto. In seed business 40 yrs. Mail orders given special attention. -S - USE TIIE FAMOUS Red Cross Ball Blue. Large package 5 HOWARD cents. The Russ Company, South Bend, Ind. Bpectmen z. When the Charm Wanes. The greater proportion of divorces takes place between the fifth and tenth year of married life. E. BURTON, ASfl?s?.ND prices: Gold, Silver, Lead.Sl; Gold, ,5c; Gold, 50c; Zinc or Copper, SI. Cyanide tests. Mailing envelopes and full price list sent on applica- nt- Sil-v- er Control and Umpire work solicited. Lead-Vill- e, polo. Reference, Carbonate National Bank. 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