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Show Delinquent Notice. Mull Schedule, rf GUNNISON mr,Hr.ANDC..VAr. Time o( arrival an 1 departure of company. Location and principal rouil for all points north and couth. place of business, Gunnison, Utah. NOTICE. There are delinquent up A riTo. Departs on the followln described etoek, on account of aeepraent No. 12, lethal 9:50 a.m. 3:i0p.m on the 1st day of February, 1905, the Onterfield 9:50 a.m. SilOp.m several amounts set opposite the Fayette North a outh 311 p.m. 10 :30a. m names of the respective shareholders as follows: No. of No. of Fayette has no Sunday mail. Al Name Cert. Shrs. Amt. ether mails are daily. 5211.59. Helena Keibxcs, P, M, I PJEMEMnEH THIS STORE LEADS I IN QUA LI tY AND VARIETY - - OF NEW AND UP-TO-DAT- I E - jSjS tQ jiOo 10.81 13.001 Hollcel 23 30 17.09! 35 30 Notice is hereby given to partios who contemplate having water trans ferred into the canal of the WesUietv Irrigation company for the eeasou of 1105, that ut a inciting of the board o; directors of said company, held M..ich 0, 1905. u resolution was adopted, specifying That for each $ lift). 00 of water transferred from the Dover Iirigatiou company into the canal belonging to the Westviow Irrigation compauy, the party making tho transfer mtu-- t own or coutrol $500.00 of Flock in the Wcstvievv irrigation company ; &Ik for one second foot of any other water 21001 2 001 3 All parties owning stock in tho Dover canal and desiring to make any transfers of same for the irrigation 27.00 31.50 12.45 Shareholders of tho GunnLon May held Land end Crazing compauy are hereby notified that stock for graziog on the companys land this season will be received on Saturdays and Tuesdays eaoh week. Two head will be allowed to each share. Those concerned will govern themselves ac .cordingly. -- THEOBO 9.00 C C Lai son il 18 15 A 100 100 150 75 25 120 n I N Parker ... . 11 17 Gunnison, 17.101 45.001 Kearns I I A h i arns ... . , ti Advlph al Myrup.. 120 Morris L Nay 15 41 W John Nielson., .none 20 Oh-o.. ..110 100 Daniel I X Parker 13 175 207 100 50 10 UtaH. 45.00 42.33 Highest Price Paid for Grain and Produce. og.sgI 30,00 15.00 7.00 21.00 B - 300 7.83 90.00 157.50 357.30 00.00 Si. 50 31.00 392. CG 31.75 Fred C Snuw . . C Y Swenson . 35 N P Sorenson 109 Tilton & Weymouth 980 James C Tooth 49 50 And in accordance with law nnd an order of the board of directors made on the 1st day of Februaiy, 1905, so many share:: cf each parcel of' such stock as may be necessary will bo sold at the oilico of the company, Becks store, Gunnison. Utah, on the 1st day of May, 1905, aithe hour of 2 oclock p, m., to pay delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and expense of season of 1905, may do so by notifying the secretary of the company in writing not later than April 20th, 1905. On water transferred out of the canal, ten per cent is retained for waste, Dover Irrigation and Canal Co. C. L. ANDERSON, Secretary, sale, Dated April 1, 1905. Notice! THATS WORTH REMEMBERING 3.00 10.00 69.25 30 02 transferred, the party desiring to trauesfer must own or control $1,000.00 Nioln Larn 47 of (stock in tho West view Irrigation I C Ludvigscn... 45 Notice! COl 3.G0I ao company, said water when t:o placed to ho under the control of tho board of directors of the Weatviow Irrigation compauy, and if not to placed, the party or parties pitting their water into the canal of tho Westview Irrigation company will bo held responsible for any damage therefrom which may occur to those who have transferred and plaoed under tho direction of the said above board their water. F. L. COPENING, Secretary, PATRONS ALWAYS FIND QUALITY AND PRICE RIGHT WITH US. OUR AIM TO SATISFY IS PROVERBIAL. 45.00; OS WELL BECK, Secretary. Ofice at Becks store, Gunnison Utah. Lfc pub. April 7, !05. f tl' It- em'w m m A JTT Consolidated Wagon Machine Co. GUNNISON BRANCH. Loading Implement Dealers. The John Deere and OTLvOWQ it O Canton Scotch ClipperV - THESE ARE THE LEADERS. The Canton and Ajax Steel HARROWS. Wakens and Buggies, any size and style. Stewart Steel Ranges and Heating Stoves. A full line of HARNESSES. y Sciatic Rheumatism Cured. I have been subject to sciatic rheumatism for years, says E. H Waldron, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. My joints were stiff and gave me WE HERE HERE ARE WITH TO THE Vg-Trrt- r ir GOODS AND STAY. " A. V! .. C. M. MADSEN, O C i L MANAGER, GUNNISON, much pain and discomfort. My joints UTTVAH, would crack when 1 straightened up. NEPHI GLEDHILL, I used Chamberlains Pain Balm and have been thoroughly cured, Have Frightfully Suffering Relieved. Secretary. Nothing Equal to Chamberlains Colic, Cholera not had a pain or ache from the old and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Suifming frightfully from the viruSerious Stomach Trouble Cured. trouble for many months. It is cer- lent poisons of undigested food, C, in Children. I was troubled with a distress in my tainly a most wonderful liniment. of G. Grayson, We have used Chamberlains Lulu, Mias., took Dr. stomach, sour stomach and vomiting For sale by Gunnisou Go op. ih!1?. Lib.reNew with the Cohc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Kioqs spells, and can truthfully say that Vt.-I ho ii t wi in our family for years, 8, sult, says Mrs. Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Ccr vs. Auto. All stomach and bowel J. B. Cooke, of Nederlauds, Texas. Tablets cured me. Mrs. T, V. WilA rathor amusing thing occurred at wL 3, We have given it to all of our way to their tonic, ia.'.diivH p liams, Laingsburg, Mich. These Bridgeport recently, which shows the 25c at Paul vonNurdeoks r-children. We have use'! other meditablet? are guaranteed to cure every power, of automobiles. An anto struck cines for the same purpose, but never a trolley car and the front wheels of guaranteed. ca: a of stomach trouble of this the latter v ere thrown off the track. jf ::d anything to equal chamber-drd- character. For sale by Gunnison The machine lost a guard, but aside Must First Menage Herself, If you will use it as directed . The woman who can manage herfrom that suffered no damage. ! !was cure. For sale ?y self never has the slightest difficulty i t Guirr- 'j Oo-t- . t. in managing her husband. Com-plain- ts - t-- i di.-,'- 1 u-- qb: , Co-op- . -- |