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Show luth Hcvesth judicial District Coart In CUARDIANSHIH au J h-County. Hum of Fub. NOTICES. lit tin matter of the cJuvrJl-iuhlof Commit County CK-ior the ropk'tJo Lyman H.iml Iir.-- 11. Hander and Ken m th V. H.imhr. Minor. iguci tur fuli.i i Information. Nulled hereby given, that a p tltlon f.! 1 y I ana C. Hander, prajlmx for the tvnuM.ro la the PiHrin Court, Probato Divi to lo r' If of Ia II r of UtiardluiUlj of ni l Fion, in rtuJ for Sdupeto Couuty, Minor lit been t for heart eg on Monday, fcjuto of UtHU. the Mh day of May A. D. JW5, at to ochirk lu the matter of the Oirudmuship a. in. ntthe county Court Iioum, In Do court ro on of s.M couuty, In Maml city, Hanpvto of Alma Carlsen, Minot. Autieo cu.mty, I'lah. Notice in hereby jjivert, that J. P. V. tu.emy hand nd a at of .itd DMrivt .it ir.y ofiiCtj In Manti. Hanpotr county, aud ttc:rt Curlsua. Humluu of the ec-atld : t!i i of March, A. I. 1.V5, estate of Alma CarNett, minor, hating ! K. D. Clerk. filed i;i this Ccurt, the Auuual lu A. II. C hrin nsoii, Atty.ANDEliHoN, m03ATE A!0 town OJNXISON r PrfHiaeBt--- F, Kearpn. CbrU I. ChmtenHon. T, r. k TriiRtics Jobu S. IVternon. Udibon Obristenion. Clerk JunltiR Metcalf. Trt'UHtirei Chritt I. ChriiteuRoo, Marshal J. P. FjoUlstetl. StijacrviHor of Streets J.P. Fleidstwi QttarHatinePhjRiciHn J. A Hagan. 1 v; ; 'c. , Sciul. u . Attorney--A- 1 tV is If A; - j t( - r.. . , 1 J'J I . 'j- .z t'kiiiTri O. B. 11. Chrisb'nHon. Poumlkeci.r- - Antont Yepscn. PRKCINCT OFFICERS. Justice of the Pence Albert Snain IJEIi(iLUM). Arrowpiuc Ranch, -- ventory ami Accouut of hi duinga such guardian, aud the lime for hoar la tha Seventh Judicial District Co.irt lu lug of paid Auuttal Inventory and Hl.d Coiibtabld A. D. Dimmick. for Hanpet iCeUlity.HUte'itf Utah, account haaboen fixed by Raid Coutt In the mutter of Guardianship of Mary A. SCHOOL TRUSTEES for Monday, th.i bth day of May, Handera, 11. thddcn V. Haul, r IlintU Cnrtirman lJriifbam Jenneti. 11)05, at 10 oclock a. ru., at the Coutt Handers und I.e i:ard ). Hander. Minor. room thertnf Ht- - Mauti city, in said Notice Uher by given. Hut a t Lm Chd Clerk--II. (liibble. jet in all imerestetl Evhouml and Hat.dcra, Jr., praying for Kujncc reRiirer--by Oouuty ; petsotiR phi An1rrn. Htid esUte are notified theu aud there to hi. ..seif of Lott r of tuard!aiiitldp of atJ if any minor has been M for he.o.ig on Monday To appear and show cau-of MiJ, A. D. r.v:. at 1J o'clock tbare b why the said Annual NEIIII GLEDII1LL, n. in. hi the couuty court I.ojm-- , In the court and Account ehould not be room uf said county. In Maul city, Sanpete approved and allowed. co n ty, Utah. - Rt-h'ii- o Dated April l.'l, 11)05. h iml atnl seal of said Plorlct Viovtny Seal E D. ANDEIISOX, Clerk. Court at my oflco In !1 mil. Han ;.. county, aa .v., - . - - n.,b. - (jtmnihvn. m- - ;i W. ' i rV e, th-Mli- diy I Jt n ' 'V -- N . r , - V J ' I In-ten'o- A. II ChiiRt.non Atty. this til day of March. A. D. 1W5. U. D. ANPEBHON. IRvrl A. II. Cki onion. Ally. 14' 05. let pub. April lt In the Distric-t- . Court. Pro! ate Divi film, in and forSaupcte County, State of Utah. In the matter of th nah Chr i ea-n- estate of Han Notice. Dee!. IFB. duod ot U. , 2 TLo petumu praying for the iomianee to himself ot Letters of Admini?tratiou in the estate of Hannah ChriRtenacn, deoemed, has lieen Ret for hearing on Monday, the St h day of May, A. D. 1905, at - KtiriCfi OF Utah. Witness the Clerk of paid Court rvith the peal thereof affixed this 12th day of April, A, D. 1905. Seal E. D, ANDERSON, Clerk. J. W. Cherry Atty. for petitioner. 1st pub. April 11 '05. In the District Court. Probate Division In anil for Hanpote County, State of Utah. In tha matter of the (imirdianshlp of Joseph A. Christiausen and Uyrum Christiansen, Minors. Notice. The petition of Hannah M. Christiansen, Guardlanof the persons and estate of Joseph A. Christiansen and Ilyruni Chri&tlauseu. minors, pruylng for an order of salo of real property of said minors and that all persons interested appear beforo the said Court to show cause why an order should not be grantod to sell so much as shall be necessary, of tlio following described real estate of said minors, towit: Belonging to Joseph A. Christianson: A parcel of land containing 11. acres in the N!4 of section 19, Twp. 19 s. Rtmgo 2 E. s. together with (5130 of the water known as the Spaniard Farm Ditch Water. Belonging to Uyrum Chrsittamv n : A parcel of land containing 11.69 acres in the Ni of section 19 in Twp. 19 s,li. 2 E of s. L, 31., together with 6 130 of the water suown as the Spaniard Farm Ditch Water, lias been set for hearing on Monday the Rth (V.) L-IJ- dcik. v r IH s r. f - S-- u A"- -- 1 ... liOimt.NS .1 KKAIlA. Mil AV'riNAT, , company I,,.!: Utah. Notice lilson, Ivrehy j. u , :i t :,t i.r a meeting cf the 1m Mini of dire, foi., ).t Id j thoDthday of Alar: Ji. 5, :::i jisscssiner-ten cent s per Flit! re w.s lev ie.l on the o :i pi t i stock of the corp n. yaMe lmriedMlt t ecr t lj to A. J Uohhj ri a, a; ary, at his resldeiifc in Gin, ni ,.:i, Fme, wh'cli th.i ; issi sei.-nAny stock h.ay remain unpaid on the rth ly of Aeril. IN1'., will lie .It dij'i'H'i i ui.il adveri's. d for i h !e at public luiction. a Ml urh .ls pc. n out Jn ir.a:. before v.i'l !.' sold on the ilih day of iday, ;o pay rh.. doHmiuei.t nsossoifi.t, together with tho cost f 'uiverlislug ai.d WM 1 Jv r ; V-.R ; CiIc: i I ' .'4 .'..I. m.c .,',1 I'.:'- : y.i i ! : .., :i.. t.m , v tha If V2 ) rr N sd.fm4t (? r- I ' ;3;i i r Office, .HAaTI. Vrj-- I'.V.Y. ! Fm-- v AND .GUNNISON j r.r CTHE (t -- v- V"n ,;h t; ' - f LEWIS LARSON flfififHOTr elHr.HjL i'T TI tl Nif 4jJ ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W. care-- . All legal matters receive prompt and Iul attention. Rasy Tern 3, -- , of sal1'. Jii.NftA Kor.IUNS. Diceat residence of A. J. Kobblns, jon. Utah. in. . t tin.i-n- i o lutrniKii'iui point s 1 12 iuavof? Sdlioa, HiehfifLi, j M . ( I tiem, m.d-d'i'Liuhui.- r,;,s t J. 0 Uii S .niec- - t t A' i r. Mo x , Ji. J. olUUBV, . 1?,, LI i i Ci. A. P. D. cents. "'v ever w- O o d , .. huts Civ yO& ill & LI ty fj loci -- icd'ij n-in- c.r. mh.nf' , szm equalled it. Nothing has Nothing can ever surpass it. ft :00 ;t, ;n u c rj i .on J' r Ylar y v ulo .it 2 :1 1 pon. at .Mar; .;v:dr u : 1 5 o ,tn . T. lIt and town property, Ohi?bov.:r jo rice. MANTI, Utah w Tr in No. Hu-retar- 17. tJtu ti. - Dr. C.U. BIRD Uii: j '...VoevfO 'm'-j- l' -- iT w ,i. r; I .j . 1 Mcn-- NO, I 'V;.;' t 1st pub. VI A t s -- -- . ill II 1 N.. l 1 GUNNISON, ar,u o-- 5 1 IlOfSr, SifiN rtnd PAINT LKCiAilVK A N t.lv Ollln 1I HD' 11 lit finfi NOTICE OF Berber's Graded Prices. of said court, in Manti city, Sanpete coumy. A traveler from the south of France Utah. tells of a ceitain there vhrre Witness the Clerk of said Court with the he discovered a village barbers shop har-Inseal thereof affixed this 13th daY of April, followirc the sign: Ordinary A. D. 1905. shave. 4 cents; careful shave, 5 ecut; E. D. AND LIC ON CUrk. skalI shave in vrhich every care is tahen, 6 A. II. Christenson, atty. 14 05. i .5.'cr! ? T - i 1 1 U wIi j - - - rr v c d. r V -..L '.' . f this assessment may remain unpaid o.i !! 15th dayof April, 1905, will hedellmiu. nt und advertised for ale at public auction, a:, ui- loss payment made before will be 9 ,1 , oa tne 6th dayof May, 1905, to pay tbc di '.la ;ue!,t asscssMont. together with the cost of uJmi- Using and expense of sale. L. O. ANDEKHON, He ri Kry. Office at resldiioo, ihni r, i':,ih. 1st pub. March 17, 05. ..J ; - . i one-hn- lf i ' i ?- v- ! f Utah C 2. t:-c- .... . - CIIHI.STUNHUN. Ica!er h tt cl Appllor ot LV. i dayofJiay, A. D. 1905, at 10 oclock a. m,, at the county co,urt house, in the co.u t room 1 1 1st pub April (iiirnion Ci.Mi. . IKKIliATIIIN ASH C'ANAI. CoipjciTiy. lrtclp-- 1 place of lumlnesn. Dover, tli- - U Ut ih.-- Ni h.Teby given ti.at at a tm et-- 1 Ib.-I.. r he! 1 on iho Mh day of Deceuiiu., i.v., imi Miii..ua uf ...uo c.mtj per fchnro waslcrlodon tho c&vlial stock of the corporation, and by an order of tho board of directors made on the 4th day of March. 1st half of said vl.: !i couts In luyabli slmro. per iiumdlutuljr I tla fcocri tary, at hi office, residence. Dove.. upon which said first Live Slcch Offlc-- , - - GUNNISON IDVF.U oclock a. m., at th Couuty Court House, in the Court Room of said Ltah. Court, in Manti, Sanpete county, Any Stock 10 ASSliSSMS-KT- Gncotto At H. QUIBBLE W. tNotary b r,si f: For All Throat an J, Lung Troubles. A Perfect Cure: ti V ' Prl,, ri tra?5i4 UOL15U - & ); f Money hack if ii fails. Trial BoU'ee fro j. Cheated Death. In the Distrirt Com t, Irohate Division, in often ends fatullv, Yidny; troubla and for Sanpete County, State of Ltah. . In the roatlcr ci tne estate of Edmund but by cnoosing tne right meuicue, Sanders, deceased. Notice. F. H. WolMr, of Bear Grove, ..." , ch-ate- death, lie eavx; Too JOB I'JtIN N UAxLIl EXE- - ) re? . v.'Mjf, j CUT ED AT THE GAZETTi F'i rti ;' a J i CfC - , vt.- ion i - rco-l- " ! ) ro 1, - .s : ' Y i . , . r,.. cr - k 0 U , r- j s (Uo c.i O.i ttl.j ill iv ?n f; id ' a G ; UGLrM e-- r ' r K ; . . ,r ' Fg j M if 3..'0 ire t- v q Creo re:)i I .oi i f- -i U V? o Lv. v M yj s ard i U. -- I ' ny.vp U . j U. )w. , T r-f- , o -.--' .'-.re M i ohmhi W,pr.,m-1n , . u cm. "' i, oo-.- " ' a x v ; , :t ' I v'-M-i- -' I ::..s ' d u uri with the iv A U.,iuh. A. D. AhU;-O- N, Clerk. . . ' OFFICE, i ; v ' 1 r, i .. W,- - . i 'viA Vi iT!v f ii'd U, U. Rp.tcnt j-- i . .Mil ; i Ui ! L? t? 5' OE.:rc. nW |