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Show o J 13, I , ni OunnUon, Ptsih, m VOL. VI. iiinucr. muhw Aot of (lUN'N'ISON, Forest Reserve Rules. Ephraim, uv.tn1-fU- n Comm-Mo- April 1, 1905. pro.-wote- i d per-.mit- il 1905. Any person applying for and receiving two permits for grazing of of stock upon the reserve, one of said permits being for cattle and horses and the other being for sheep, shall only be entitled to the exemption limit on one class of stock, and in comparing such stock each head of cattle or horses shall be counted as qual to four head of sheep. Very respectfully, A. W. JENSEN, Supervisor. 1, 178, l0u. AllHL 14, ed, in September 1888 while employed In the construction of tho railway in Weber canyon, this stale, by the caving of a heavy bauk of earth upon him. Sister Gledhill enmu to Utah while a little girl, having lived in the towns of Ml. Pleasant, Monroe, and then iu Gunnison where 6hohas resided ever since tho Indian war troubles broke out. On Jauuary 10th, 1877, ohedieut to one of Gods laws, she was married to our esteemed friend aud brother, Nephi 01ibi!l, from which marrir.go 12 children being the issue, 9 of whom eurvive aud are present with us T'j the Iubhc fur Unit Guidance ia ULEDH1LL tho Matter e MMi UTAH, FRIDAY, IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE. Grazing Pertaining to Manti Fure.t Keavrve, Utah, No application will bo considered from ia clast D Ftock coming from h couMderablo distance from the which h iveuot leguUrly becu grazed thereon. No application will bo considered from persons n ho have become owners of sheep eiuco May 20, 1903, aad no permit will bo gtautod to any person who has ndv owued sheep aud grazed the bluio ou the ruuge included with iu the Manti forest reserve. Holders of permits for the yttr 1001 who did notueo theBame, or the range allotted to them may be dmted permits for 1003 uuleta satisfactory to theiorest reasons are s Miporvisor. Persona receiving are expected to use 6ame. No new applications of any class will be considered after this year ud-.ta maximum uumber in limit has meen reached whioh is satisfactory to the government. No person, partnership or corporation will be granted a permit for more than the number included in their permits for 1004, except as equity shall determine their rights pursuant to the equity or exemption numbers hereinafter mentioned, and no permit shall be issued for more than 2,400 Jhead, except in the case of Manti Cooperative Stock Herding & Wool Growing association. No permit will be granted to any new applicant for more than 1,000 jhead. Partnerships and corporations will be considered as individuals and be subject to the same limit restrictions. Applicants who have owned shoep and continuously used the summer range in the Manti forest reserve for the past five years, and whose permits in 1094 did not cover more than GOO head, shall not be reduced in 1905. Applicants who have owned sheep .and continuously used the summer range in the Manti forest reserve for the past ten years, and whose permits in 1904 did not cover more than 750 head, shall not be reduced in 1905. Applicants who have owned sheep and continuously used the summer range in the Manti forest reserve for the past firteen years, and whose permit in 1904 did nob cover more than 1,000 head, shalf not be reduced in f (). School Closed. The Washington school terminated abruptly on Monday forenoon, there t)ing cases of Kirh-- fever having Died, at her home lu this city, Saturday, April 8, 1905, Sarah Jane Caldwell, beloved wife attended with a likelihood of numerof Nephi Gledhill, in the 49th year ous rxpvmrr. Another week if of her ago. school would h ivo concluded tho Deceased fell from ft laddor, which years work, but it was thought unshe had occasion to uso in reaching a safe to continue even tb it time, kuI loft over the dwelling room to proupon advice of the health board school whs at once discontinued. cure some meat for thenoou meal. On defending she turned to close it It tin ) f i m of recording that the doer and the ladder slipped side has becu followed, tho ft.inding of ways, causing her to fall iu the op pupils wil lu reached aud tho direction , a distance of somo ton determined as though tho Fchoel had gone on. Let. Her right auklo and left wrist today. Hteps will bo wero discolated and tho left side of Those who aro intimately acquaint, taken next week to have tho candithe head and body bruised. She was ed with Mrs. Gledhill knew hnr to bo dates for graduation from tho eighth also injured internally, from which a devoted wife anti mother, doing all grado cculinue their bimbo for the death insued within twenty-fou- r hours within her womanly pjwer and exnminati.n. after the accident, which occurred wisdom to reir hrr children to bo just before the noon hour on Friday, honest, virtuous nr.d Quito a number of our boys have in nuxhst her April 7th. The husband was in Salt citizens. Allhough left to Cud work iu othor parts. Lake when apprised of his unfortuu-at- urtturo she kh disposed to givo most n t n Mrs. Elizabeth Broadbont, s:ster bereavemeut, but whs assured kindly aid in ministering to tho sick that all was done that could be for whenever convinced lint her servioo of John ami Nephi Gledhill, is hero the comfort of Mrs Gledhill and death would be acceptable), finding therein from .Santaquin, the guest of her came quite unexpected to the physi peace and happim-- . sister, Mrs. Margaret Puffin. dun and those attending. Site was it it it Among her greate-- t labors perto Loan on water stock. Money perfectly rational to tho last and formed, while hero among us, was or small amouuts. F. L. least expected death , even at tho last the bringing forth into this earth Largo OortsiNc. 3Q minute. twelve souls, and out cf thi3 number ? et Funeral took place Tuesday a f sho wu.j granted the privilege of roarbetho youngest April 11th, being largely at- ing nine, Saturday ia Arbor day. There tended aDd moet impressive, Tho ing five years of ago. She was al- should bo a general observance of the membera of the Elders quorum with ways a devoted member of tho Church holiday in a manner toaeoordwlth which the bereaved hnoband was as of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, tho pi u peso intended, and in obedisedated iu the presidency attended in finding iu its labors much joy and ence to the governor's proclamation. a body as pall bearers, leading ou tatisfaetiou to her soul. We can Plant trees and otherwise beautify . the solomn cortege to tho cumo-tery- glean fiom her works that tho words your surroundings. foot, The kinging was most touching of tho poet apply us a fit tributo and n but comforting to tho beienved. finale to her earth) career: The homo of W. II. Gribble is O Lord responsive to thy call, Ilemarks wero offered, iu tho order again under quarantine, this time for In life L. or bo? F. wiutoer named, by scarlet fever, two of his children havdeath, til, Copcuing, Edriek Our for bliss on Thee lrope3 13 is depend ing the disease. There aro a couple Savage, Austin hop Thou art our Friend." of cases at titus Christensons, also, everlasting Joseph Bartholomew of Fayctto, and Sister Gledhill ha3 passed through one having been very low. It is not Bishop Joseph Christenson, .who conducted tho service from tho II. S. tho portals we call Death, and known how tho disease was contractHall. Edriek Savage offered the through which erdeal wo must all, ed. Tho school bus been closed in sooner or later, pass. Ilem was a consequence of it. dedicatory prayer at tno cemetery, The writer keenly feels his bereave- peaceful one, die not Laving to suffer it t? k for or as weeks, it days, mouths, ment. but, to Mrs. E. E. Peebles, of Draper and Therefore, lighten tho fell into of the arms her were, asleep will let Mrs. word3 tho Charles task, spoken by Ostler, of Sandy, left Elder F. L. Ccpeuing at tho funeral Makeq a3 a littlo babe fall to sleep for homo this morning, having been of Mrs. Gledhill answer as his own into tho arms of il3 mother, not even in Gunnison this week to at: and the suffering pain. funeral of their uunt, Mrs, Nephi expressions. He said : We Lavo met here this afternoon to Gledhill. 33 pay respect to the memory of Sarah H S3 Ladies Hats! Jane Gledhill, and say farewell to Mar or and Mrs. T. F. Kearns, of Have a recivcd stock new of just her earthly tabornacle which now lies this city, and J. A. Tuft, of Center-fielin the beautiful casket before us, Spring Hats. Ladies ere invited to were up to Springville Saturday Tho spirit of Sarah Jane Caldwell call and see something entirely new, at the 90th birthday auuiversaiy of Gledhill was permitted to tabernacle at my residence, opposite Nephi Mr. Kearns and Mrs. Tufts grandin the flesh ou the 5th day of Decem- Andersons place. William Mendenhall. They father, 2fe Mas. S. C. Christiansen, ber, 1858, in the oity of Burlington, returned home Sunday, haviog enDoMoines county, Iowa. After a joyed one of the be.-- t annual reunions very active and useful life here on Money to loan on good security. given by the Mendenhp.il family, earth, she answered the great sum Mas. Alfred J. Feted soy, Gunnison. et Hi mons we call death and bid adieu to the habitation she had occupied for 48 years, 4 months and 3 days, on I Lavo need CLambei Iains the 8th day of April, 1905, at her Stomach end Liv r Tablets with m osfc home in the town of Gunnison, Utah, satisfactory results, saja .Mr a, F, L. Deceased was the daughter of Phelp3, Ilousten, Texas, For i,:di fi- - Pi e Terence, Elizabeth Mien and John Caldwell, gestion, biiiousne.-- and constipation itn:.yellow monkey. who have both departed this life, her! these tablets are most exedient. Sold ' . r Lc iu. . father having been accidentally kill-(bGunnison Co op. 1: j i. :,:i I on'! po-it- e God-femin- t -- pro-nmtiu- g e tor-noo- n, -- 1 K'-'arnc- ' d J ) s ; i!- y L i - I |