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Show Thackeray Deautlful Idea. Father Goose. Idea of motherhood Thackeray The name of Mother Gooses bus as as pretty and acceptable as any. band was Isaac Goose, and her rhrayea "Mother Is the name of God on the were first rrlnted by her lips of little children," he said. Thomas Fleet, a printer In Boston. SENATOR MITCHELL ARRAIGNED. Aged Oregonian Plead THOUGHT SHE WOULD DIE. Not Guilty to Mr. S. W. Marine of Colorado Springs Three Indictment. Began to Fear the Worst Doans Portat Judge Dellinger's court. Kidney P1H Saved Her. Mrs. Sarah Marine, of 128 St. Praia land, Ore., was crowded Tuesday when the time arrived for Senator street, Colorado Springs. Colo., PresiClub, writes; Jolij II. Mitchell to plead to the four dent of the Glen Eyrie I suffered for Of leucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful but a fpecialiati prescription, having Indictments found against 1dm by the or falling of womb, a a tingle aim the euro of disease three years with prolapsus, reriodi, by weak back, bearing-dow- n late federal grand jury. women. to c ere backpeculiar In a plea In abatement Senator Reliable dealer recommend Favorsensations, ulceration of womb, pain ache. Tho docite Prescript ion. With tricky ones, Mltchel challenge the act of the late tors told me my something else that pava them better federal specicharging by grand jury if . i Mdncya were afrK,T will probably be urged upon you a V. Ik Robertson fected and preJust at good. Perhaps it it for fically that Juror m e cl be scribed for it foreman but Some and the cant Carl original you. then; Phelps, for ire, but saving may be made by purchasing our and secretary, respectively, had been medicine in quantities. fomul that lt It you are convinced that the Fa- legally excused for the term pending only awastd is the medicino vorite Prescription the Investigations; that Jurors Frank time and and tenderness of ovaries, are almost you need, do not be cajoled into acBuffum and George Feebler had (. nu)u0y t0 tak9 always cured by a fairly persistent uso cepting something else. The attempt been sworn in some time after the of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. to induce you to do to is an insult to them, and began If in any case it should, in due time, your intelligence, Turn your back on grand jury had been empanelled, that to tear that I not seem quite adequate to meet every the one who offers the affront, Juror George (Justin was not a citizen would never get phaao of some complicated cat Dr. well. A friend of the United States; that Jurors D3. PIERCE S PLEASANT PELLETS Pierce always stands ready to offer Frank Roller and Joseph Rssner were advised me to try Doans Kidney Pills. valuable suggestions based upon years Cure biliousness, sick and bilious heador constinot taxpayers, as required by law, and Within a week after I began using of varied experience which often proves ache, dizziness, enof inestimable value. This he pation of the bowels, lost of appetite, that District Attorney Heney was dis- them I was so much better that I decided to keep up the treatment, and sour stomach, windy tirely free of charge to thwj using his coated tongue, qualified in many ways, besides being when I had used a little over two and medicines. Address Dr. It. V. Pie belching, ' heart-hupain prejudiced. C63 Main Street, buffalo, N. Y. after eating, and kindred derangeboxes I was entirely well. 1 have now Judge Alfred S. Dennett of The bowels. of ment. stomach and the liver, Dr. It V. Pixhcc. Buffalo. N. V. : enjoyed the best of health for more Dalles, as attorney for Senator Mitchah. mid revrr Hear Sir I otu-Person subject to any of these trouble tliouglii I than four months, and words can but hoolUi What a was auffcml good ajraln. announced questhat there ell. enjoy be without a vi.d of the words cannot wsprexH. should never with womb dSea-In the involved of moral tion poorly express my gratitude." Pleasant Pellets at hand. They are turpitude Had dutrwjwintf pains, painful ease wherein Fenator Mitchell Is acFor sale by all dealer. Price 60 monthly i!ckne&. hacka. hr. conatlpaiion, always adopted as a household rem aJao cold hand and frt at all tlmr. Was firs-A. S. the from cused of Put trial. cents. Co.. Ruffalo, N.Y. accepting $2.oo) up in all and ihr wa nuthlng left of edy after I). Puter, and, therefore, he would me but a shadow. After had takrn ebrht glass vials, tightly corked, therefore bottles Dr. Memo's Favorite Prwaertptlon. always fresh and reliable. waive all legal tcchnicalitcs and bo Sunday In Heligoland. two of bis "Compound Extract of deis a laxative, two Ono little IMlet without to to trial proceed ready Sunday in Heligoland begins at 6 p. also aonm of I)r. PionVs Pleasant are cathartic. stake. at the Issues invigorregulate, ellets. I was entirely ruml. They lay upon m. on Saturday, when tho church bell always keep he remedies on hand now, and recommend ate and cleanse the liver, stomach and of not Is tolled, and end on Sunday at the a entered Dennett plea Judge oars truly. them to all iny friends. bowels. A a dinner pill, to proMrs. Joutf Dower. guilty for the senator in three of tho same hour. In former years no vessel To rases 838 4th Street. Rensselaer, Albany, N. V. mote digestion, take one each day. against him two for conspiracy could leave port between these hour. There is no opium, cocaine or other relieve the distress arising from overunder section MI5 of tho revised stat eating, nothing equals one of these utes, and one under section 1782, for narcotic in Favorite Prescription. it Neither does contain alcohol, whsky little Pellets. Theyre tiny, money while holding tho pogranules,' scarcely accepting r other intoxicant. sition of United State senator to ex We consume a great deal It often happens that childlessness is larger than mustard seeds. pedlto title before the land departDoctor Pierces great thousand-pagdue to conditions which may be corment of tea, but do we enjoy it? rected. Many women have found that Common Sense Medical Adviser will the vitality and vigor imparted by Dr. be sent for the mere cost of mailing; LAWYERS TAKE LONG CHANCES. More coffee; but do we enfor 21 Iierces Favorite Proscription to the stamps, 31 one has been the for womanly organs, stamps. It is a Russian thing or Attorneys in Open Deraud and useful book. Address Dr. needful to fulfill the joy of motherhood. joy it? fI. V. Pierce, fi03 Main St., Ruffalo, N.Y. fiance of the Government. This famous medicine is not a ;.;ire-alfor our Kao.ltdg Book, A ScLIXleg A Another meeting of tho Y Su pny, rrjgaFiy congress of attorneys was held in St. Petersburg Tuesday and a resoBrother Dickeys Philosophy. BID DEBTS COLLECTED EVERYWHERE I kin des keep ten yards ahead Ef lution adopted favoring the removal said and the er de devil in do new year, of the autocratic regime a en "on free fair Brother Dickey, proclamation of a democratic consti- road, whar Trouble cant trip me, Ill tution on tho basis of universal suff- bo satisfied! Atlanta Constitution. WE CAN COLLECT rage and a secret ballot. SOME FOR YOU It Is understood that it is the inWashing Blankets. Dave tention of the attorneys to conduct the ready three tubs of moderately warm water; for the first water make a propaganda throughout Russia, to eduWe collected suds by using plenty of Ivory cate the people politically and If nec- strong Soap. In this put a pair of blauketa note yesterday for $105 essary to arm them for physical resis- and stir with the clothes stick until two tance to arbitrary action on the pari clean; then rinse through the othereach. from a. party in Portin a little soap waters, putting of the authorities. stretch and hand carefully on a. by Wring no land, It is an extraordinary fact that PARKER. It. ELEANOR line. arrest have followed these meet- the client in Nebraska. I What It Says. ings, at which the words were not talks j If aumoney minced and open defiance of the As some folks tell. thorities was evident. To most of us SEND IN It saya farewell. YOUR CLAIMS. Chicago Chronicle. Workmen Endanger Inexperienced son-in-law- , OBSTINATE EASES half-doze- n d-e- s die-tre- o 1 Foster-Mllbur- t run-dow- n, n 1 .tnart-Weo- d. 1 sugar-coate- anti-bilio- TEA d, us - e paper-houn- one-ce- d I nt cloth-boun- d l, Pan-Russia- n an old Oregon, for SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF BAD DEBTS. TOP FLOOR COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK BLDG., SALT LAKE CITY. FRANCIS G. LVKE, General Manager. I222E W. L. Some People Don't Like Va, 232 Si DOUGLAS S s3 Ji& s3.2 SHOES S. ur the Dougla sellers in the world because of their excellent style,greatest and easy titling are us those supeJust as good rior wearing They qualities. that to 7.00. The only difference is the priee. cost from 85.0 XV. I.. Douglas shoes cost more to make, hold their wear longer, and are of greater value than any better,shoe shape S3. on the market tV. I,. other shoes XV. T.. .0 value by their d street station. Will Move to Oklahoma. Mrs. .Carrie Nation, who is in Jail In Wichita, Kans., signed deeds conveying her Topeka property to private parties at a cost of $7,000, and announced her intention, after serving out her jail sentence, of leaving Kansas and settling in Oklahoma, where she will devote attention to efforts to have a prohibition clause inserted in the constitution when Oklahoma secures statehood. Mrs. Nation is in prison awaiting decision of appeal to the district court for joint smashing, Carrie Douglas guarstamping his name unl price onVV.L. the bottom of each shoe. Look for it. Xake no substitute. are shoes sold SS.SO own his stores in through retail Dougins the principal cities, and by shoe dealers every where. IXo matter where you live, Wl,. Douglas shoes are within your reach. antees to-da- y. BETTER THAN OTHER MAKES AT ANY PRICE. uFor the last three years I have worn W.LDougl as $3.50 shoe and founditnot only as good, but better than any shoe that I ever had. reaardless of priee Chas. L. Farrell , Asst. Cashier The Capital National Bank, Indianapolis, Ind. Boys wear W. I. Douglas $2.50 and $2.00 shoes because they fit better, hold their shape, and wear longer than other makes. W.LDOUGLAS $4.00 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. W. L. Douglas uses Corona Coltskin in his 13.50 shoes. Corona Colt is considered to be the finest patent leather produced. color eyelets xvillnot wear rrasst fast the world W. Douglas has the largest shoe mail order business extra a in L. trouble to get lit by mail. 23c. prepays delivery. If you desire further information, write Jor Illustrated Catalogue of Spring Styles. ITo i t - w PIsos Cure for Consumption is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. S AMU ML, Ocean Grove. N. J..Feb. 17. 1900. The Poets Request When I am busy writing dont both er me with talk; If you are in a hurry, go out and talk a walk. Dont rubber oer my shoulder and my subject try to note; dont try to make a mirror of my shiny Sunday coat; I have no time for gossip, for I really need the "dough. Kmiirm-mYou wim. nn ? OVYEJty , Nation . W.L.DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS V Public. of Incompetent The employment men by the Interborough Rapid Transit company was ascribed by a coroners jury in New York City Monday, as the cause of the collision on March 7, the subway in were killed two in which persons and many injured. The verdict censured the company for employing inexperienced motormen. The accident occurred during the strike on the Interborough companys lines, an express train crashing into a local which was standing at the Twenty-thir- msh bsm$ WATE,5PE0CF OIL CLOTHING tVERUYHIRt. Die bejt Jib'-Xve- n material ytarj TuWER O TC7ZEJ ilSft in emu billed workmen and experience have mode pickers, Cfctsand Hats famous the world over Thy arc wide in black or .yellow for all kinds of wet work, and every Jarnent bearing the JIGN OP THE F DM isou arontced to give satisfaction. All reliable dealers jell them. A J. TCWI1 CO.W3TOItKk3i.ttiV' Town CAKAPUUI W,LiButUOeOITO,GX |