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Show V S x. A-- October 17, HU Mrs. Walter Beutler shows Mn. Ernest Beutler, Mrs. Irvin THU Mn. Perry Hendenon (back to camera) tome of tbe gifts at the gift DECORATING LOOK AT Robbins and He Cttteu suggestion day. A CAKE Mrs. Milo Hobbs demonstrates ways to office. Photo Utah- -1 - Mrs. Lucretia'Maugb- GETTING COOKIES READY an and Mn. Phenol Edgley cut cookies for the special recipe cookie boxes which wen sold at toe suggestion The Citixen Photo day. eyiqw for toe Christmas season during toe annual gift day sponsored by toe county THE CITIZEN, extro-sk- m The Citizen Photo . i "4 Ilew lime Set for Church Service! Preston Community Church the Church are alerted to athas been meeting at 9 a.m. tend a Youth Rally at toe Sundays, In order for Pastor Cottonwood Presbyterian Miner E. Bruner, D.D., Lo- church, 1580 Vine St, Salt gan, to speak here and at, Lake City, from 3 to 7 pan., the Logan Presbyterian Sunday, Oct 27. Regular Chun services at 11 a.m. Preston montly session meetLast Sunday's Sermon, en- ing will be Friday, Oct l8, titled, The Growing Mino- 7:30 p.m., at the church. rity," was shocking to mem-beIn that ft pointed out , 1 TURKEYS Hauler's Specials n 2 n, Oxford Girl that statistically, Christianity Is falling back, year by year, Honored By Colloyo challenging present-da- y church members to help to Lynda Kendall, daughter of stem the tide of athlesm Mr. and Mrs. duff M. Kenwhich is sweeping the world, dall, Oxford, has been honorsynonomous as It seems to be with the Communistic influ- ed for outstanding achieve-- ! ment at a special awards asence. Dr. Bruners topic for Sun- sembly at Stevens Henagerj day, October 20, will be Bar- - College in Ogden. riers to Belief,' with the sub- was awarded a spec-- 1 title, Help Thou Our Un- ialLynda student government cerbelief. as as tificate outgoing mem- Dr. Burner will bert of the student council. mence his week-da- y She is currently .enrolled ini a secretarial finishing course at the Ogden school of Stev- in the church, to ens Henager. The subject, Thief Religion7 will Lynda. is a graduate aof i- - - v i BACOD SWIFT PREMIUM ; i THICK . i Se r i GADDED HAHS i -- - Sally Moser and Pauline Hodges, Home economics students from the Ugh school, check the count in some of toe crocheted CHECKING THE COUNTY suggestion day. . - : .i The-Citize- n Photo PREMIUM a Lk. $2 Tirne Tender Beef BLADE CUT POT DOAST DeVerl Wit and daughter, Brenda, attendliams, Garland; Mrs. Bob ed the Norwich Bruch, of Jensen and Mrs. Nick Hydil-g-o the Central British mission of Brigham City. reunion on Saturday. They KATHRYN GODFREY, Cor were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner. rine Heggie and Ruby Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Butters of NhUey went to Salt Lake City to aee their and Mr. and Mrs. Herman S. neice JoAnn Hansen set apart Thompson spent a day visitfor her million to the South- tag ed relatives in Ogden. Newell Mr. and Mrs. A-- CIDER 10c - ROSEDALE Mrs. Ellis Gardner and dauThompson who underweu major surgery in the IDS ghter, Rita of Quincy,' Wash. hospital in Salt Lake City is Mrs. Kathryn Godfrey enreported to be well on the members of toe tertained way to recovery, before reClub at her home on Literary turning home he spent a week Thursday. Mri'RotNrta Geavisiting at the home of Us ry of SmithfleU gave a book Mr. daughter and review Excerpts From the and Mrs. Lloyd Hendricks in of Win Rogers. LunchLige Salt Lake. eon was served to eight mem-Overnight ern Australia Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mr. and bers and three guests. , Mr. and Mrs. George Loosle the home and family of Las Vegas, Nev. are spending week visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs Hilland Archibald. Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner of Quincy, Wash., have visited during the past two The family of Salt Lake recently. Norma Reeder. In the mornweeks at the home of Mr. and TRENTON Mr. and Mrs. Leland T. CotMrs. George Loosle. SATURDAY EVENING Mr. ing toe lesson was given by tle gathered at the Tropical Mrs. Reed Rawlins and Wanda Andrew, pud quilting VISITORS AT the home of Cafe In Brigham eveLula pnH other handwork was done Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thomp- ning honoring Mr.Friday and Mrs at Lott attended the lecture Dr. Brigham given by and son on Sunday were Mr. Come cm their wedding anduring the day. Mrs. Edmund Barnes of Ida- niversary. Those present were Murry Banks. MRS. LOTTIE LOU Phillips ho Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Boman of Mr. and Mrs. Card (Edith) of Johnson and Colo, children, Dorothy and Denver, Visiting on Wednesday at Lewiston, Mr. and Mrs. Aral Preston were week-en-d toe with past spent Mr. and of the home of their parents, Maughan Hymn, of Mr. Mrs. guests BroSayttura her SpencMu mother, Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson Mrs. Melvin Cottle of Ogden, and Mrs. Joseph E. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cottle, er. were Mr. and Mrs. Lyi Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hum- Tjter they all went to Clarks-- 1 Thompson and family of Gar- Steven and Eddie Lee of Trenland and Mrs. Don.Scott and ton; Unable to attend wen phreys of Logan rout Sunday ton to visit. ami Mutiny evening Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hulse of visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nathan family of Eliding. of ClarksMtsThTl. Butters Humphreys. Bart and Micheal Gardner, Rupert supper guests of Steven A. Cottle left recent- ton wereMrs. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Joseph E. At- Mr. and resume to his missionary Gardner of Deweyville, have Nola Griffin, Melva Cottle ly Union. spent three weeks at the home and Norma Reeder attended activities in Arizona, after of their grandparents, Mr. a Seventies party in Falrview spending a month recuperat-nat toe home of his parand Mrs. Dallas Goodey. They for the members of the returned home on Sunday Franklin Stake. The trio sang ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leland T. with their parents to make several numbers, accompani- Cottle. His brother, Melvin and wife took him to Flagtheir acquaintance with their ed by Norma Reeder. new baby sister. Mrs. Glendora Sidman of staff, Arte. MR. AND MRS. Jess Grif- Portland, Ore., has been here ROGER ANDREW of Rock Arthur Roberts, district fin of Pocatello visited dur- visiting her blither, James ford, Ida., spent a week re- governor, willl meet with Robson and other relatives. cently visiting with M& and ing the weekend at toe home the members of toe board of of Mr. and Mrs. Herman S MR. AND MRS. VeLoy Mrs. MerUnL. Andrew, his International In parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Preston Tuesday and with Thompson and also with oth- Griffin and family, Mr. and L. Andrew came down dur- the er relatives. Mrs. Ellis Griffin and family, general membership on Attending the Utah Sym- all of Ogden and LouisiGnf- - ing the weekend and took Wednesday. phony Concert in toe George fin of Logan were guests of him home with them. The board of directors will Nelson field house were their parrots, Mr. and Mrs. Ladies honored 'for their meet at toe home of Royce Hea Sarah Haggle, Aubrey Griffin, Saturday, birthdays in Relief . Society Fuhrlman. The Wednesday Vivian and Harold Clark, 1 where the men enjoyed the Tuesday afternoon were Doris meeting will be held at noon Eileen Butters and Mrs. Anna duck Opal Christensen, at hunting. Mr. and Mn. Butters, Pop n Fin Lease. E&ote, Thompson. Maggie Godfrey! VeLoy Griff remained over- Ruby is toe annual visit of the Rhonda Goodey who Is emIt Nola John Griffin, Hansen, night district riansen. governor to toe local Elate ployed in Brigham City visitMae Orris Ot ed with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry dub. Jean son, Lower, Read, Joyce were called to Arisons Mrs. Dallas Goodey on WedRuth the death of Henrys1 nesday and - also went to White. Purl They Pearl North Cache High homecom-lng- . cheff, JU returned. Tuesday evening. Andrew. A beautiful Burning. Dorothy Rlndlisbach-er, Wednesday visitors at toe Principal Dale What was toriugfat to be a and decorated Mrs. Joyce Lower and cake made home of Mr. and Mrs. David out of control west of lira was Atkinson cut Flossie Williams were the following Mrs. Jean Read attended the divided Preston night the Wednesday among special members of their family, Vin- UEA test week. Refreshments wan was trash burning at toe city I guests. cent Williams of Opal, Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. Reed Rawlins served by Nets Benson, Mar-b-a dump, according to the, Prat--1 Wayne Williams of Big Plney, Mentally Retarded Children at Sara, Donna Reed and ton fire department Gud-denha- m I PKG. PINK PUMPKIN AND MINCE PIES Brid-ensti- ne CAN 8 cans $1 N 5cans95s S4 HEBSHEYS CHOCOLATE 4 cans 31 MCP M-OZ- ." 9cans31 Soda SegoHdk W TALL CAN- SCase Honors Parents Family - EACH 39,. OVEN FRESH SLICED Pinappte 5 cans 89c HaigarineM 4 Lb. STANDBY ud - 8UNNYDALE lVt CAN ''ML .Vt'- 31 V,. ", - Oran901 Mnr Hahn! Heals Lb. 85c MANDARIN GEISHA 89c Toilet Tlssne 3 lor 31 ZEE - PACKS I giant BUSSETS Hoiary Head Dae Tuesday NO. - TABS - CELERY 3 'for $1 t i. r- - Lbs. 10 Fi 10 Rotary - ft Spaghelli FRANCO-AMERICA- Tnata Iritis g gallon Seacap Salmon 35c Syrup 1 4 A 39 Li. PEAS George' LooaM were Mr. qpd Mlsi, Lb. Me GDOUDD BEEF OR son-in-to- w, 't ROUND BONE . CLARKSTON la- continued. The Youth of West Side Ugh schooL Clarkston Man Undergoes Surgery: Lbs. 3 Lbs. JUMBO BUNCH I Cor-rln- e I Ato-cro- Rays ft Hu lutTraili Dup I - I , ProstonIdaho OPED FRIDAY TILL 8 P. II irt ' fi K Vi ,.t i1 it? H:Hf |