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Show . Mother Honored The Sociable Citizen S Mr. Lfa$i? Darrell visitor at the Smith Layton homT i fiS.iiora Wednesday un- me of : on Saturday, October ' 12, SSX.atMthe Mtr' W1 there were six tables of Ho- d the Country ifu Mr- uL ibSEriSmlth and fam- - cEb duplicate Bridge. Thi of Salt Lake city were winners wen ArsCuyfaila jfr aJS; JLf wVW& 'I Cutler and Ida Cutler. Second, Ora Greaves and Elisabeth Bovd. Third, Fay Foss and LaRene Foss. Fourth, Lois Nash and Donna Gaye Hobbs. The next meeting of Dupllcate Bridge will be Master Point Day, October 26, at 1:15, at the Utah Power and Light auditorium. WESTON The Daley family gathered to honor their mother for her birthday. and Dell of Ogden, Twil-l- a and Bud and family of Pocatello, and alao daughter Viola attended with her sister TwlUa, Jerry and Karxen of Tremounton, Utah. Viola is attending beauty school at Pocatello. La-Vo- n HOBTHDS . Ton Hinting Make Flemre Trip WITH THE8E APPROPRIATE Elder Kenneth CLOTHES CHECK YOUR NEEDS - Sweat Shirts GRAND Bed Caps 98c to 248 THEATRE Hunting Shoes Bed Hunting Coats Bed Flannel Shirts WOOL SOX from Me to LM H WED., FRL OCT. ll-l- S 7.98 SAT., MON. OCT. 19-2-1 "It Happened aad MS Waist Overalls UBed Gloves . At The World's Fair" With Elvis J. L. Rasmussen Photo RUBBERS, SNOW PACKS S TAIIUEB'S NEB'S WEAB Marie Anderson Wed To 'Tuan Garry Outer In Local Rites IT'S BOT TOO UlTE TO START SAVIBG Miss Marie Anderson, dan- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson were married re- cently in the Weston LDS chapel, to Garry Carter. the son of Mrs. Nina CRUSHED, TIDBITS, CHUNK CHISTMAS Start Yonr Accotml Bow The ceremony was performed by Bishop Rolen Bastian. The matron of honor was the birdes stater, Romona were Porter. Bridesmaids Loreta Stone, Betsey Fred-erickio- The mother of the bride wore a beige lace sheath and the bridegrooms mother won a blue auk folwered dress. The best man was Aldan Hansen, the grooms brother-in-la- w. $50.19 or Nora and Deceive One of These Lovely SANTA - BIG TOP 3 EGGS BOXED Absolutely Free. They Are An Ideal Gift For AD Ages (PARTICULARLY GRANDCHILDREN Yonr Savings Enin A Dig Duel CANDLED Frail Juices Drinks 89c 2& MOZ. ICE CBEAH Pkg. 19c SNOWYS OR IGA GaL 79c 4 CURRENT RATE PER ANNUM ABO LOAB ASSOCIATIOB PRESTON, IDAHO - Double Crust Party Time Is Here IGA or Pktsweet 5 far SUB STARTS THE HALLOWEEN TRADITIONALLY PARTYING SEASON The refreshments make the Party . . . Oar Donta are always right for This Party Season. Order Year Sapply of these TV DIBBEBS Tasty Delights Today. FOR ALL YOUR PARTY REFRESHMENT NEEDS CAUi US Turkey, Beef, Chicken 9SB-9B- L Each BUST PASTBY SHOP 49c Nidnight Stow Spook ' FRIDAY, OCT. 21 THUR8., FRL, SAT. OCT. WALT DISNEY Preseats 9:11 atnk Feature Starts 7:15 aad A FRANKLIN shower was given in honor of Iinda Douglas by her statMON. AND WED. ers, Patsy Telford, and Julia Beckstead at the home of their mother Leona Smith in Wednesday eveFranklin, ning. Staring Richard Barton aad A salad luncheon waa servJean Simmons ed to Alfonda Hawkes, Lorraine Hawkes, Rose Hawkss hew Each Night 7:19 and Estelle Smith of Frank- Un: Colleen Stokes, Lorlne ADMISSIONS SLAB BACOB Lb. MORRELL 49c PRIDE LICED Beef Bib Boil Lb. HUNTERS: Cut and Wrap Yaw Own We Have Weston Leeher Wrap. -S- ISO Lb. 55c rt Hdl Oaly sus Green Onions Bnn. Radishes - w APPLES Large Bbe Red or Golden fe-s&risr- iS Miller and Carina Cornish of Richmond; Claudia Perkins of Smlthfield; Alike Williams and Lent Hendricks of Lewis- ton TAo group played games and prizes were given. The honored guest reemved many uaeftil guts. j-- Ddfctou-BUSH- EL Community ; lOCttllB Lewiston, Utah k. $2.98 Med. Sbe Weft CUed HERSHEYS Chocolate 50 Un. $1.19 Frail Cake IDE LYONS - 1 LB. PACKAGES Soup Hixes . . ' 59c ' ; 4 Pkgs. 38: BARS Chlekea, Chtekea Needle, Vegetable, Beef Needto Drive In Theater Plata or with Almsnds GIANT SIZE IQLK FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS BEST ACTRESS 35c la the Pkture Out made them the Honors a flash of intensely personal brilliant bolt ofl WnUsSsKnbold motion picture enter-WO?E&?tainment...a film beyond the usual! starring ANNE BANCROFT and introducing PATTY DUKE with VICTOR JORy RfiraScirama"a Prudential Savings HEAT PIES HERSHEYS The Titans" iff "Sgygin Sam Stork Shower Given For Linda Douglas Can 19c Chocolate Syrup Of VU STATE STBEET Dox- - PLUS The Carters are now living in Stone where bo la a carpenter on the Snowvffle IDS church house. - The - 49c . LARGE JAB "The Bobe 48 BOOTH V- BUTTED P-B-UT PIES TALL CANS Hagnificanl" Snf FOR For Presley WED., FRL OCT. 2S-2DOUBLE BILL MR. AND MRS. GARRY CARTER HUBBARD SHOE GREASE AND OILS S St H Green Stamps PH1EAPPLE 5 Cans SUB Hugh OBrian, Delores Hart Thermal Drawers 148 - 348 U. S. OVERSHOES, FnuiT BAG B. Fly Chips WilhNe" Chocolate HERSHEY8 248-34-8 1.M, 2.99 baisibs ASSORTED Come per pair THERMAL SHIRTS Barbank Hansen, eon of Mr. and Mrs. James Arland Hansen. He has been called to the Danish Mission and will enter the mission home on November 1 FOR THE OCCASION - - A farewell testimonial will be held October 21 In the Mapleten Ward chapel for DANISH MISSION PLUS - JAMES MASON IN ' "HERO'S ISLABD" Shew Starts at 7:11 P. M. IGA 8 lull cans ill FOOD 13 cans $1 VET- S- TBEASUBE CHEST COOKIES 2 Pkgs. SUPREME PENGUIN, Fudge Filled, Fudge Stripe, MDkidet Graham KUiran DON GREAVES Central Market LOTS OF FREE PARKING PRESTON, IDAHO DV RACK OF THE STORK GOID STRIKE STAMPS |