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Show UBLIC nOTICES -P- c t'f - STATEMENT OF OWNER- nearest to filing date, 618. I certify that the statements SHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION made by me above are corDate of filing: October 17, rect: Signed, Wayne D. Bell, 1963. Title of publication: Publisher. 15 Cache Valley Citizen. Frequency of laaue: once a week. Mrs. Location of known office of Thursday afternoon Orris Mae Hansen and Mrs. 4. SITUATIONS WANTED publication: Lewiston, Utah. Norma Reeder attended the Location of headquarters or of social the Logan UNIVERSITY STUDENT -ngeneral business offices of the opening Seventh Ward, where Mrs. eeds Job Ironing, babysitpublishers: Preston, Idaho. Hansen sang two numbers acPublishers: Wayne D. Bell, ting, and or typing after Mrs. Reeder. school and weekends. Can 173 North First East, Pres- companied by 0 after 5:00 p.m. Ask ton, Idaho; J. Walter Ross, tor Margaret MEast First North, Preston, t filar Reeder and Idaho. Editor: Wayne D. Bell, BollscfaweOw of LoWANTED Want to 173 North First East, Pre were Sunday dinner WORK gan do typing at borne. Have ton Idaho. Owners: Wayne D. and gusto of Mr. and Mrs. Ro-- bad working experience CaU Carol W. Bell, 173 North First East, Preston, Idaho; 5. HELP WANTED J. Walter and Yvonne Ross, 1. CARD OF THANKS 64 East First North, Pres- Tractor or FARM HELP ton. CARD OF THANKS track driver tor beet harblown bondholders, mort-anWe wish to take this vest Year around work tor other security of our friends tor right party. Can owning or holding 1 after 5 p. m. percent or more of total the lovely floral offerings amount of bonds, mortgages ad AT ONCE-R- awt s WANTED many gestures of or other securities: None. in Preston and Dealer eigh that marked the beTotal number copies print Franklin County. Writ reavement of our family ed: Average number of Rawldgh. Dept IDH 4304, each Issue during pm Denver, Colo. 12 months, 850; Single Issue The Doris Atkinson nearest to fill date. 670. Good reHELP MANTED Family Paid Average liable auto mechanic, good number of copies each Issue working conditions. Guaranpreceding 12 months, tee plus percentage. Apply NOTICES. I. Issue nearest to In person at Martin and PERSONALS 568. Sales through Hone, Preston. news dealers, or ATTENTION CACHE COUNAverage number C. L. IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS. TY RESIDENTS: each issue during Checketts, Your Watkins You can make good with 12 months, 25; will be calling cm Rewlelgh business In FrankIssue nearest to filing Dealer, lin Co. and Preston. We aoon. Phone you date, 36. Free distribution, Route 1, Box 15, Preston, help you get started. No by mail, carrier delivery, or Idaho. experience needed to start ,by other means: Average Write Rawleigh Dept IDJ number of copies each Issue 3. LOST AND FOUND 4324, Denver, Colo. during preceding 12 months, 164; Single issue nearest to LOST Holstein cows, brand7. HELP WANTED filing date, 14. Total number ed 7RC on left Lost up FEMALE of copies distributed: Avercreek. Will give 625 if you Must be can tell us which creek, OFFICE WOMAN age number of copies each Issue during preceding 12 a top typist Speed not esRay Croshaw, Phone 747sential as accuracy. A good months, 724; Single Issue position to the right perso Will require about 16 to 18 hours a week of special typing and balance assisting with general office work. Write Box A, co Preston Citizen, Preston, Idaho. Clean Out Storage Areas 852-199- sana - 852-015- 5. - . d BBS kfnd-nes- 852-143- - - OW0XW.OKW! HL CAU FOR SACO Oil HSAT , SEWtCE.HEXrWEaK! WATCHDOG 11. FURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT: Modem basement apartment Newly decorated. Close In. CaU 852-133- 1. Three room FOR RENT heated and furnisher apartment. W. Paul Merrill, 97 E. 1st North. D Small FOR RENT ment Utilities except Carlson Apartments, 1 E. S. 4' 852-067- 1. 11 FURNISHED HOMES FOR RENT 0 FOR RENT Partly furnished small home. Close in. or see at 45 Can 852-04- N. 2 E. Preston. WANTED TO BUY 15. Small WANTED TO BUY Acreage with 3 or 4 bed- KS scaped. And Completely tanjt Owner would CaU SALE FOR Three Bed-omfully carpeted. IB FARMS FOR SALE a n Bar-geso- n, She's right! Service starts the day you call gn (and lasts all wiatar loagl) 852-080- 6. CH8-265- 852-037- Only ENCOHWatdidofll,OII HeatServicelndudes all those outstanding benefits: CO MATINS quality heating oil at regular price. make certain AUTOMATIC DILIVIRY-- Wi low. too never gets your dl supply BUDSKT PAYMINT FLAM low monthly at no extra coal ert serviceman on call SERVlCB-oxpburner all winter. day and night in 041-preml- CALL um lS TODAYS West Oneida FOR SALE Three bedroom brick home. Newly carpeted, drapes throughout and new Lenox furnace. For appointment call 5464400. New two bedFOR SALE room home with 1100 feet floor apace, double carport Natural casement. Birch throughout FHA and VA approved. See at 418 East 4th So. or Glenn CaU, 50 Wert 4th South. Brick homo FOR SALE somewhat run down. Two building lots adj. WU1 seU tor or reasonable terms. 2nd South and lit West (Chattertan Home), contact Iceland Chatterton, 1812 Gram. Boise, Idaho, or Gene Chatterton, Preston, Idaho. PROPERTY Vary nice I bedroom home with a separate one bedroom apartment both have new Lennox furnaces. Priced tor quick sale, tknal values. CaU INCOME PHONE CII FOR SALE. OR RENT Modern two bedroom hone. See at 439 South State, Proa-toor caU 8624829. TWO BEDROOM Gold HALL'S ST0DE A OIL n MU NORTH CENTER USWttTON, UTAH 2499 Ittal Electric 8524130. Beautiful FOR SALE gttconsole et and Pianos, WIU ALUMINUM SIDING save yen time and money financing. tor tiie rest of your Ufa. IS. AUTOS FOR SALE Free estimates U65 Dodge FJR SALE bdtp- - Good condition O FOR SALK Stokarmatlc, Contact Don McNeil, Renta 2. Preston or call Custom buy-an- y USED CARS 33. FURNITURE AND make, modal, Hansen Car Salei by APPLIANCES Texaco, 8524728. FOR SALE Used Frigid-ar-e Ctavrolet Refrigerator. Good con- FOR SALE-19- 53 dition. 845 Carlson Furninavy pickup, for 60S. CMI ture. Law-isto- faMTiiJM. family Bring tact iiMBMr E. mno&i M - 8521785. SALE-1- 947 Ford 1R FOR SALE Drop leaf ex- FOR Ton truck. Two Bottom tension table. Studio couch. Both in good condition. Call Case plow. Light stofll Weldon Nash, 8524410 after trailer. Good chassis and hay rack. Ralph Baird, 5 oclock. Lewiston, Phone CH 84614. FOR SALE LEAVING vi- FOR SALE 1952 Chevrocinity, must sell Westing-hous- e let ft tan pickup. Stake washer and dryer. Rack. Very dean. 6305. Very good condition. See Phone 8521333. S. 2nd Wayne Schow at East. Preston, Idaho. 36. AUTO ACCESSORIES - a 758-474- 1, 852-191- 0. NEED AN EXPERT? FOR SALE Used Philco GROUP 1 battery as low ai Record Player. Twin for new batteries. er, 30. Carlson uaranteed to to 46 months. O.K. Tve Shop, FOR SALE matUsed Phone tress, coil spring. Fkame and Headboard. 645. Cart 37. TRUCKS, TRAILERS son Furniture. FOR SAU5 1956 International S180 truck. Loq FOR SALE Two oil stoves, whed base. New tiros as one large and one small, with pipes and fittings and motor. Phone 6464430, 14 von Wickham, Franklin. tanks. Also i Can Farrell 1968 GllC. FOR SALE 1762. truck, custom cab, all steel flat bed. 1600 actual mltea. 64. SPECIAL SERVICES Call Robert G. Lowe, 642 2281, Franklin, Idaho. HOME REMODELING We win contract aU labor and 86. MOBILE HOMES materials on easy payments. Do your specifica- FOR SALE 55 by Iff wide tions or wifi design new Trailer House. Contact GriFree estimates. de Sparkman, South Staler layout Phone Preston. e. speak-Furnltur- - 852-120- 1. 2-t- on . TRUCKS For Harvesting 1953 Chevrolet $795.00 on Dual Grain Box IF TOU HEED SOMETHING DONE One Of Tour Neighbors Can Do It TYPEWRITER PAINTING AND REPAIR SERVICES DECORATING FOR COMPLETE typewriter Interior and exterior painting For Complete washing machrepair service, check with and decorating. Paper The Citizen Office Supply hanging. First quality workine, dryer or lroner service. Wa sendee an makes. manship. Rasa McKeade, In Preston. Phone 3524155. Hotel Burnham. Clyde Checketts. Maytag Shop. 24 North State!Phoiie Interior k Exterior painting 004845. Free Estimates. Hansen an We repair makee Singer Brothers. 237 East First AND DRAPERIES Sewing Machines Sales 4 South. Phone 8624368. UPHOLSTERY Service. CaU Ned M. HutComplete decorating service, chins. Phono 8624246, How-e- n free boms estimates on TIRE RECAPPING Motel draperies, curtains, Recap Your Tiros I Sara O Pita staring. percent over coat of m and Upholstery ary' tins by rocappbm with cold Window Shades cut to aba Nutt State. Phene Shop, free. Lana adsetin of rubber. OJC. too 0371. 25 Waft S52120L orion and fabrics mounted Phone South. Flint on your roller if dashed. SEPTIC TANK CLEANING M. H. King Co. Septic Tnka cleaned tor Can Lynn PLUMBERS less than 640. FUckran In Preston, FackraH, Plumbing Lynn 1323 or Ralph Bans, Smith-fielquality at the right pries. wedding invttKUo&Si dmUp JO 34257 Remodeling, now, repair. new tonus, booklets, mink Crane and Anaarirrarffand- - cants, testimonials, anyfixtures. ard plumbing thing. The Preston Citizen. CONCRET&READY-MIPhone 8624186. 882130. Phone Preiton concrete Complete Ready-Mi- x erriee. Throe trucks to For aU your plumbing needs, serve your needs, big or can Preston STORM DOORS Lumber. Phone little. Valley Paring and 8520614. We now have a WINDOWS South 0 toH time plumber tor your ond Wait Phonal Custom made aluminum or convenience. wooden framed storm dona windows. Pay no man and TV, RADIO AND HI-INSURANCE (AU Types) ready-madfar these flwi REPAIRS Travelers Insurance Co., Norcustom built expertly fitted AH makes TV and Radios re-- . man Ricks, y doors and windows at Hanagnt180at Qran-nehatred. Largest stodc of South sen Gian and Paint Phono Chevrolet, tubea and parts in Cacht fi , , ITMOBe 8621067. ofswi VaDrir. Antennas and FJL 1161. Installed and repaired. Tubes tested In our Protect your home and car WEDDING CAKES JENSEN Radio and Cancell atlra MArtgaga by AND DECORATING vieira: Insurance. See Rawana Shrives Cakes, far TVrhadld and BUT Repain, insurance. occariona. Woddtog jtflSdto. Custom Stamp HUNTERS .INSURANCE -S- all cakes a specialty. Sm Thurman Bob Aoock lnraranoo. forth Fourth Bast. or Edffa Griffith WASHING MACHINES DRYER AND IRONER SERVICE d, X Sec-85215- 1961 Corvair Rampside Pickup 1961 GMC Pickup, Wide Box $1795.00 1960 Chevrolet 6503 $1995.00 1952 Chevrolet V-- r $1395.00 2"Ton 8 $795.00 2-T- on Long Wheelbase. Cattle and Grain Box USED CABS 1958 Chevrolet V4 $795.00 Bel-A- ir Sport Sedan . '1956 Oldsmobile 88 $350.00 2Door Sport Coupe 1957 Oldsmobile 88 4-- Sedan Dr. $595.00 1960 Chevrolet Biscayne $1295.00 Sedan 1959 Ford Galaxie Sport Coupe $1095.00 1962 Chevrolet $1895.00 Bel-A- ir Sedan V-- 8 1961 Ford Galaxie 4-- Sedan Dr. 1957 Plymouth Savoy 1956 Mercury 2-- $1395.00 Sed. Dr. $345.00 Sedan Dr. 1956 Volkswagon 4-- 2-- Dr. $345.00 Sedan . 595.00 i es 1956 Pontiac 2-- Dr. 1961 Chevrolet V4 n, Ok Nairn In ea. 747-00- 1 3 8024161. 1350.00 Sport Coupe 1495.00 Bel-A- ir Sedan 1955 Fold V--8 4 i)r. Sedan 250.00 ' : Park View Avenue in Utah. Three bedroom. WICK Electric, FI basement lot Can FOR SALE 2. - Ready-Mix,56- 33 N In North Cache Valley Easy terms. See L. E. fuU n, D sale or rent for Three bedroom home. Close 147 ONE TIME TWO TIMES THIRD TIME FREE A comJUST ARRIVED pete line of repair parts Gemco Beet Harvesters 26. LIVESTOCK. at Mountain States Imp. 22. FARM IMPLEMENTS PETS POULTRY. Co., Preston, Idaho. bar LH. FOR SALE-Fo- ur FOR SAUS Wagner Tractor Side Rake, like new; 1949 FOR SALE Meat type re Loader. Heavy duty, HyStudl Half-toPickup, tend Duroc Boars and Gilts draulic controlled bucket. Champion Engine, good ruib- - at a price you can afford CaU to pay. Mart Stuart, Clark-atober. Contact Harold RichUtah. Phone JO 2 Cornish, Ut, Allis ChalFOR SALE 5173. mond Exchange. W-45 tractor with mers Excellent condi- FOR SALE loader. Manure tion. Contact Paul Jensen, John Deere Spreader. CALVES Model H Series 50. Any reasonable offer accepted. crossHas good tires. Call Rex breds, Thrifty, fast growFOR SALE 5 at Lew- - ing. Holstein bull calves Spademan for feeding, the good steer . ABOUT ft PRICE kind. Holstein and Guern25. SEED POTATOES. sey heifer calves from 15,000 feet of 6 Inch ETC. Wisconsins better farms. aluminum Cubing main All calves 3 to 12 weeks line, 30 foot lengths. InSeed Barley. FOR SALE bid delivered on your ap cludes all couplers and Phone 8524125. Wa guarantee proval valves and valve openDelmar Seed these calves to be healthy FOR SALE ers. upon arrivaL Buy with Wheat Phone 9,000 feet of 4 inch alumconfidence from Nolan inum tubing, 40 toot 28. LIVESTOCK. livestock Co., Phone with and risen lengths Bonduel . Wisconsin. PETS POULTRY. sprinkler heads. New Idea PIPE WAGON, SOL MISCELLANEOUS 1 1961 Padfe ' Water 200 COWS, FOR SALE 5 4 Inch auction, Pump, Heifen & Heiferettes FOR SALE inch df Surge by 453 aertoa G1 milker complete cai diesel, mounted Pregnancy tested, Maone basket, 8 steel wheel trailer. jority. Bred artificially stanchions. Phone 6464422. to Grand Champion AnAD in Excellent Condition gus Bull of Chicago InFOR SALE Several very Used one season ternational Live stock good used Power Lawn Mowers. Idaho Appliance Show of 1982. All for $20,000 and Sport Shop. ABOUT PRICE Call Eldon Corbridge CARS washed and waxed, Phone AX 54810 192-at Malad, Idaho 69.50. Can Utah Lake Salt City, HOMES FOR BALE at 00c - 15 WORDS $L20 -- 15 WORDS ANGUS-HOLSTEI- spaa Tested. Bring ta. io and TV total and we wB teat them tor you. an8 852-113- 4. o 852-173- RADIO AND TV IE." PRESTON CITIZEN (IDAHO) 22. FARM IMPLEMENTS id Idaho Appliance SSP , nested. 2 CACHE VAULEY CITIZEN (UTAH) 852-11- rammer and fall werit Free pick up and delivery! - RUN IN BOTH PAPERS - Genealogical Supplies - THE CITIZEN Preston Phone 8624155 CITIZEN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE Mink Buy entire ranch or select a few mink for replacements. PhoneQulnten 'Cameroon, ekends. on Larry. Hansen Preston. WITH Two flowing wins. Large pelting shed with wauttn 760 whelping pens Automatic and females, system, terms. Contact Hoyet Whitehead, FTankln, Idaho. 852-01-55 In. AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN Acn modFOR SALE ern mink ranch. Lovely large brick home with toll And THE C1TIEN now offers yon a complete type writer pair service by an expert repairman. Phone 88201. ; Preston. CALL US NOW and let m Tha Gtttan In Preston Is The Representative For Deseret Bod; Company to This Aren Check With Us For AD Your IDS Bode Needs 4 852-117- SwlhH 9 CHURCH BOOKS From Richmond, Utah To Grace, Idaho Bath and half, toll basement, fenced bade yard. 4 tor appoint- Can f 54. SPECIAL SERVICES LDS e, 'V HUE FREE D FOR SALE COVER THE WHOLE AREA J, With Classifieds 30. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Throe year did home. Split level ed and draped, Vh 4 bedrooms, room home near Preston. and ask tor CaU 16. TDJES-THIH- IS. HOMES FOE SALE 747-321- 5, Worry-freeWatchdo- Ms Salt The Words Only 60 Cents The First Time BUU TWO , mi-Ro- THE CITIZEN. Lewiston. Utah Octoberl7.ua i ' d . 'v Ganney Cheviold Conqni Preston |