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Show THE CmZEN, Lewistm,.Utah 4 It HA CtckiDih - October 17. 120 Ag-ricult- i: vl students, faculty,' and honored guests, Mayor and lira. Rosa Plant, Richmond, and Vaiden Pitcher and PTA President, Mrs. Pitcher, Cornish. Only 27 cento lo paid by students for thpe nutritional and cousin, MnKayaTtton-soon Thursday. innMiftHil.il - tho COVE held their Relief Society opening oocuu In tho Lauds-to- n Fourth Ward Sacrament meeting on Sunday, honorable releases were given to Mrs. Verna Bowles as chorister In tho Relief Society, and Mrs. isoa :as a visiting teach-MrBarbara Bulr was snstalnad as chorister In tha Relief Society. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Ityrw Thamp- s. am Mrs. Enid Bair, showing with faculty and students, and Mrs. Verda Peart, manager, who la dish ing up some of the food. spank ' J Mr. and Mrt. Gawfte Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Garold WUUami motored 'to Salt Lake City and Attended the show ."How.-- ' tha .Wait Was tht had :dhmor at Woa,m Maddox . Cafe ln Brigham City. Mr. and Mro. ' Garold WuUami than left for. thair ' '. FrankFartrlogo MCaMagdar' RoxeiU Hogan several months at tha homo bers of .tho wanLBIohop of Ms daugter. ber ih.a owmaa presented awards of Caldwell, Iaa., ls visiting la Lewiston with relatives and and family, the Russell MIA girlT Vickie Fqr Ruth Kent Susan Pear- - frlenra. Mr. and' Mrs. Kays Titan-so- r sprat a weekend mcentty BumrUsi fat Buriey at the home of Tttrasori parents. Usst With Fimhur Kjr, Darlene Ltyhe, Vickie Mrs. Geraldine Sorenson, Mr. and Mrs. Rulon to Afton, wyo. FRANKLIN Stanton Kathryn miaou, Susan Blair, Pad Woodward, Barbara Hendricks, Sally to attend the Amend of a Hswkes, Reed Jamison and Marlow Sparkman, Kathy Taylor, very dear friend, Mrs. Hale. Woodward attended meetings Kathy Lu Van Orden, Janet Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon In Great Falls, Mont Wednes- Hendricks, pleasantly surprised by Hendricks, Kathy day with the Secretary of Kathy Johnson, Elain Van their family at a dinner party Agricultural, Freeman. The Orden, Helen Weeks, Molly held at the home of Mr. and four men are representatives Morrison, and to officers, Mrs. Garn Bodily, In honor of the Franklin County Farm Judy Ann Taylor Woodland, of their 20th wedding anniverBureau. feroyln McKnlght, Diane sary. Present were: Mr. and Jorgensen, Ada Kent, and Mrs. Kenneth ((fend) Smith Ruby Rogers. Seven of these of Salt Lake City, Mr. and attend- Mrs. Carlos (Maureen) girls received 100 ance awards. of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Ada Kent was then asked Garn Bodily and daughter, to talk. Elder Gary Gibbons, Teresa, of Lewiston, and son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Dene, jribbons, who has recently re Drew, Brent, Kathy, turned from serving as a Grant and Paula Jean and the missionary In the Danish Mis-- guests of honor. n, Spack-motor- ed El-wo- od SALES RECORD THIS AREA HAS TO CELEBRATE HES HAVING A BIG, BIG SALE. or. i EVERY APPLIANCE ' slonwai the - KEN HAS BROKEN -- n if?K LEWISTON fun i . KNOWN Bifwfs And-arso- Tuesday with FrandiADw, president In Charge, Ossa fenders, Finif Allen," Sbumway, Bether Jeham and Mabfe Fond reviewed the coming years .work .Kaye Hendricks and Myraa Allan entertained for n half hour with stories and say ings. Mrs. LueUa Preace sang n solo, 'The Hash of Evening" accompanied by Bar-bar- s Hendricks. A lovely luncheon was served by visitSERVING LUNCH Serving lunch for the faculty ing teachers, Violet Larsen and students at North Cache Ugh school. Just like and Pern Lewis. .they will do for the public on Thursday i Lswistoa esstsxsrs Fourth Ward Makes For Dinner, Come To School 'Si'. North Cache High i School and enda at 12:25 .m. Coot NatiocalV School to a visiting willbe rook. October lftDur-- 40 centa. . ON THURSDAY a lag tfaii week parents are vttad.to portrote hi tblo tnrker dinner with the apodal m bo by luving lunch tonal and coconut trimminga at North Cache. The hmch caka will bo served to the period. begins at 11:45 un. hot meals, hi addition, to the UA. DspartuMut of BeO, Mro. Agstho Allen, Mrs. state the amount of Hefen SUdmors, Mrs. JuUa homemade roQs, broad, scones, chmamon mill, and servings in each of the food Bair, and Mrs. Loan UmMi However, Mrs. Verda cookie all of which have Cooperation with the federal made the North Cache cooks KS? of the North popular wKh.tbe students cafaterla, states that the Utah each mail. tsVcoroAiDy plan- requirements are higher than mooli low, stated Mrs. Mart Contracts J for, meet .mllk. ned to ueludo aipeciffci-moun- t the federal requirements. MRS. PEART has six wo- and other needed. eommoS of protein, milk, fruit men who help prepare ties am out on bids each andor jput for approximately 22 some food year ! au dents and faculty each times a week, a vttlm!a..A Working as cooks " Uwlstoa Britfi rich food is served. Federal era, cleaners, and bakers are requirements stipulated ; by Mrs. Enid Bair, Mrs. Lola Mrs. Meeria Kaysvilfetand her daughter, Mro.- Ua&n Dranoy. and twe aono of Logan, and Mioa Lora Burley vlaitedwlththoir niece Parents Host Couple At Lewiston Open House - FREEZERS Mr. and Mrs. George Wiliams entertained at an house on October 5 in Lewiston Community Build-o- f their son ng, in honor Garbkl and his wife Palma, who were recently married in California. In the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, Mrs. Lena Hendricks, grandmother of the groom, and the bride mid groom. The bride was lovely in a pink wool dress. Her corsage was roses and split carnations. Mrs. Wendell Williams registered the guests. Others helping were: Donna Jones, Williams, Louise Nedra Smith, Patsy 23 CUBIC FOOT WEST1NGHOUSE FHkKZKRS Lifetime Porcelain Gnaranteed Iaterlara Waterpmof Warranty ef Freeier Food Spoilage Warranty r. r. W. T. Westinghonse Upright Freezers - 21 FT. HOLDS 741 Lbs. Magnetic Deer Latch wttk BnUt-ILeek. AfeSweep Skdvea for fast evea Telford, Julie Jones, and Lexy Larsen. At 8:30, a program was presented by the family with George williams acting as master of ceremonies, as foliowi: Jean Shaum and Garner of Ogden a duet, Mrs. Gloria I Na-vi- i ne a novel played eral selections on the electric guitar, a dance by Lexy sen and Connie Aura of Cove, Pet and Denny Williams, Jr. of Ogden sang a duet Garold played and sang several numbers, on the Spanish guitar. There were 175 ' guests In attendance. a Fiwuhg. FOR ONLY .... 12 CU. With AUTOMATIC 19" Portable TV LARGE CAPACITY PRICES START A LOW AS r.t DEFDIGEDATOOS Sab FT. WESTINGHOUSE Wayne D. Bell, and REFRIGERATOR Walter Rom, 1HA Gnaranteed The Freezer, end We Mena TRUE FREEZER. Friday, FULLY tube; Atamlaftsed GnAUD pfetare a; Twin teleieepiag Available to charu-tenn- THEATDE coal or Oliver pewter LOW - Pest Office. rates la Subscription Caebe Craaty, fell a year. $LM astride Heading For A Wedding? - AT THIS PabHshed day by the CMira Publishing Company, Inc., Lewiston, Utah, and entered as second dess matter la the Lewiston 8oH4 Well Reftmd Year ELECTRIC RANGE ELECTRIC J. Publishers If This Freeier dees not keep W.T. AUTOMATIC OcL 25 GUARANTEED an all parts and labor, 1ft it c,' ST WESTINGHOUSE FEATURING A BIG, BIG OVEN and INI HEAT SPEEDS ON AIL Alii TIME PRICES START AT ONLY FOUR SURFACE UNITS v Many Styles To Choose From Easiest Terms Town Best Fnrnitnre And Appliances h i 'l W.T. n- W. VJ M i CACHE PBESTOn. IDAHO V. LET US HELP YOU SELECT YOUR WEDDING INVITATIONS FROM OUR FINE WEDDING STOCK Electric And Furniture Go. VALIETS LADGEST VOLUME Wa can furnish you with all the necessary printing you . will need fur your wedding. Your Invitations are just as important as your wedding gown. j.'-- r You use Gum - ; only once, so let us help you mike this Important choice. DEALEI1 Phone 8524)188 The Plreston Citizen 1 |