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Show Cm Births LOGAN October Parents Visit Son In L.DJ. HOSPITAL OCTOBER J Crisis S , d, BIr. and Bfrs. RaylghteT, Bfrs. Leona Giles and to Colorado ramQy and In Bountiful to n, Colo, to visit their visit a ami, James, when reson, Richard, who is con- turning home on Blonde OCTOBER I volute in the Army Hospital Mra. Marie Blower and after Ms accident last spring. ily of Layton spent Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Talbot, Jack Walker and wife and visiting her sisters, Bfrs. Nets girl, Lewiston. baby of Tremohtan are stay Allen and Bfrs. Buxine Raw-- Walker drove teg with the Walker children, Judy and Kent, while they OCTOBER 10 Urs. kite Christensen and FRANKLIN m tire and family Preston others visited Sunday School. were Sunday visitors of her Bfr .Plant commented on the nell, girl. Loon. BIr. Bfrs. and Ether fine Junior , School Sunday October end beautiful organ recently Mr. and Mrs. William r, Bfrs. OrulHa Richards purchased by the Sunday boy, Tromonton. two days in Brigham School, to be used In the visiting her daughter Junior Sunday School room. OCTOBER II famly, Bfr. afad Mrs. Ted Cliff Wiser and Bfr. Rawlins Mr. and Sirs. Lyle Reese, Hangaard and. helped them of TYenton were Tiie Citizen Photo move into their new home. girl. Login. Stake High Counsel members Mr. and Mrs. Calvin CarMrS. Bonnie Skidmore of visiting m the ward on SunJUNIOR HIGH OFFICERS of the UvMM Juttidt Hugh Idaho Falls and family spent day and spoke In Sacrament school include (front row, left to Studentbody officers lisle, boy, Logan. right) Bradley Carlson, Richmond; Randall Henfew days the past week dricks, Lewiston and Anthony Han, Lewiston, Blitters, ' toUiyfttiN County rapHbtttpvtt; Ann. with her parents. Bfr. and meeting. Brothers and listen who Cornish, Home Economics; Sharon Hendricks, grade Lewiston, Oris Udduti. Mid .Richard Bfrs. Alden Cornish. attended the funeral of Bfrs. hospitoL Bfourlteen, Lewiston, Boys League. (Back row) Sylmah Jttmtipal, - Beth Bfr. and Bfrs. Nard Allen Sophia Day were Bfrs. Julee Lucy Gordon Mylar, Corntsh, Historian; President; Lewiston, Spackman, Bodily, OCTOBER 10 and Bfr. and Bfrs. Gary Al- Watenon of Bfagna, Joseph vice president; Patty Buxton, Cornish, secretary, and Bfrs. Allen, advisor. Richmond, len attended teachers Institute Biggs of Draper., Alma Blffii Mr. and Mrs. William J. in Salt Like City, also Bfrs. of Franklin and Mrs. Phene Auger, girl, Prfcstan. Ethel Leavitt ana Vance Hen- Christensen of Logan, alio dricks and Bfrs. Oneta Day. many relatives an Thursday and Friday Mr. Bfrs. Francis Allen and son, from Franklin and Preston, end Mrs. Claire Fisher to Redman and family friends from HelpMj Bruce, - drove Lloyd Dunn of Georgeton, Idaho, and Integral to the family of Ogden visited his Saturday to visit her daught- er and Idaho Falls. Bfrs. Bfikelson Edris and Chairman of the Bear River future aspirations of that Ltwistai RxUfi er, Bfr. Bfrs. Owen Johnson and Parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. In also family. stopped and of Idaho Falls They Protective spent Committee, said state, Western Wyoming and Fisher. baby Provo to visit another dau- - the weekend with her a meeting that Northern Utah. following Bfr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Day. Governor Smylie of Idaho IN CONTRAST to the Bfrs. Lyman Eskelson of has fully and completely sumgreat, undeveloped water supcalled her mother, marized along the Snake River, Laretta Barnes Sunday Committee in Ms official plies supplies of Southeastern Idaand Invited her and comment to Region 4, Bureau ho of the Bear River Basin other friends and relatives of Reclamation Salt Lake City are extremely limited. Bfbst Hmnnlel of on their proposed project mi 0 attend the all of the productive and de ter son, Von, who leaves Bear River, and to Commisareas of Bear Lake, LEWISTON Bfr. and Bfrs November 14 for the North sioner Floyd Dominy, U. S. veloped Caribou and Oneida Counties, E. H. left by Jet plane Kemp British Mission fled. Reclamation Bureau In Wash- all of Franklin and a of last week for Bfassachnsets part Bfr. and Bfrs. Eskelson were ington. Bannock are dependent for to 1963 spend some time visiting former residents of Cove and TO DEAN BISCHOFF, Re- water on Bear River, aptly with their daughter and her 544 now are Leona most over- husband and family, Bfr. and living at gion 4 Project Engineer on described as the Dr., Ogden. stream in the Mrs. Harold Allen. appropriated the River Governor Bear FILER FAIRGROUNDS Bfr. and Bfrs. Seth Allen lie stated on Bfarch 8, world. Southeastern Idaho la Van Choate and son, Dar-ve- l, In the future, and well into drove to Salt Lake on busiof Bellflower, Calif., were , that the justifiable asness Monday. FILER, IDAHO inrecent the house guests of Bishop of becoming, of the greatest pirations people Mrs. Wavie Allen visited In Southeastern Idaho ana West- dustrial ami mining center and Bfrs. T. S. Nielsen. Bfr. Choate is a brother of Bfrs. )gden with her brother, Aseal ern Wyoming are entitled to of Idaho. SALE STARTS AT 11 A. slatNielsen. and and In her fullest consideration the Uyer family Yet continued Dunn, er, Nelda Kelson of Holly- any plan for full utulizatlon Mr. and Bfrs. Eric JorgenRegion 4 would dry up the sen have been vacationing in IN Head Registered Hereferd Balls wood, Calif., met her there of the watera of this interstate and cancel out South- Utah the past two weeks. after attending Relief Society state stream, Dunn said. 1 Registered Shorthorn Ball conference In Salt Lake City. eastern Chairman Idahos Justifiable They have been guests hi laid That, 4 Head Registered Aberdeen Angns Balls Bfrs. Rawlins and Dunn, is all Idaho JUks.but aspirationi to take water into Lewiston of - their daughter AH II to II moaths ef age children drove' Bfrs. Nellie in the plans of Region 4, Ida- Cache and Box Elder Coun- and her husband and family, Graded and Inspected the Norman Kina. lawllni of Lewiston to Sett ho is all Intent dried up Alse a geod greap of Herishn prespeets ties of Utah, with token Bfrs. Shiriene Traveller and Lake City to visit her dau- of water resources, sub For QsaHty For Dependability ghter, Janet Donkin for sev- tasting their aspirations to amounts into Oneida, and two children, Tammy and eral days. Bfaxlns and child- downstream users out of the flooding out more fine acre- Bficheal, of ItyiM, Ore., are ren alio called mi her sister, state, with no concept what- age behind tiie proposed Onei- spending two weeks at the FILER RANGE HULL SALE Its. Bferle Bfower and fam- soever of the need m Idaho da Narrow! Dam than the home of her parents, Bfr. and Bfrs. A. B. 'Smith. for Industrial waters, or for ily in Layton. SATURDAY OCTOBER 11 A. M. the protection of Bear lake, state could gain In Region 4s Bfr. and Bfrs. Clarence England and son, of Salt Lake Bfr. and Mrs. A. L. Fisher the largest lake In Southern plan. Sponsored by with their visited Wednesday IDAHO CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATION daughter, LaRue Burrup and family in Preston. Mr. and Mrs. David Bun- u Hun-uke- . - i , Smylie States Position, Says Dunn Saturday, October 26, 0. mm b - - Sulat Doling Visits - This Beantifnl 'the Ovenware HERE IS HOW TO GET IT: Yon may open a with MI or O Yen may add MM to Savings Woman ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER U Save By Octobar 2Hh, Earn From October Id. PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK RIGHT NOW ALTERNATE GIFTS G. VANGUARD riinuu SPARTUS With 1 Rell ( Film LADIES WALLET Prudential Savings ft 41 SOOTH STATE STREET Supervleed by Idaho State CUBBENT BATE PER ANNUM Bigler in LaPuente,. There Is a lister, Cud, to Welcome the new brother. Bfrs. Leo Thomson Is there assisting the famil Bfr. and Bfrs. Cyrus Skidmore are having their home remodeled. Richard Skidmore and Mi carpenter crew from Idaho Fails are here doing the work. The home la located mi West 1st South Street MR. AND MRS. Lovell Bfendenhall visited in Poca- telle with Bfr. and Bfrs. Ladle - Bin. OMU Bty-l- er wu honored guest at a birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Bishop and Bfrs. Wendel Godfrey. Those present were tM honored neat and Bfr. Btylfch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheatley had Bfrs. Bficheal Wheatley from Pocatello, Bfr. and Mrs. Jerry Hatch frten Thom as, Ida., and Bfr. and Bfrs. Leland Archibald from Claritston. Visitors during the afternoon included: Bfr. and Bfrs. Grant Kent from Ogden. Bfrs. Cedi Hoppi from Richmond and Joseph Bfyler and Flora Rich- Pitcher , Loan Association PRESTON, IDAHO of Finance Utah & -- Joan gave a demonstration, which games were High score was won JanUne. and low icon to Orris Blae Hanan luncheon was served to members and special Lois Jardlne and Gloria - Barbara Wright was the hostess for the Loyal Neighbors club, Thursday, at her home in Franklin. A plate luncheon was served to guests Gall Lowe and Joan Bennett and members, Yvonne Marshall, Rebecca Kirkbrlde, JoAnn Gloria Porter, Ktegsford, Joan Butterworth and Joyce-ly- n Perry. The evening was pent playing pinochle with iven by flie Rgllsf Sedtty Bolds UssUmt - FRANKLIN For the first Relief Society meeting Tuesday morning, President Attends Hawkes greeted stake visitors, Jennie Nbffer, Bingham and Reva WU- son, along with Bishop Floyd Robinson and member for Relief Society confaranco. Sustaining of officers was read by Nola Neelay. Be-leased was Ehna Bennett as a visiting teacher, auatalned was Lean Lowe. The visiting aching message was gtvr r Aletha Chatterton assisted. tty Lola Corbridga with Leota Owen and Ada Porter partNb-re- Pinochle chib was Tuesday night at the home of Bfrs. Brenda Harmer. A salad luncheon was served and three tables of pinochle was enjoyed by Bfrs. Ruth Ann Rasmussen, Bfrs. Patt Bridges, Bfrs. Maurine Rogers, Bfrs. Bobby Griffeth, Bfrs. Ona Carpenter, Bfrs. Bfrs. Daphyne Bergqulst. Carole Garrett High game went to Bfrs. Bergqulst and ,, . . f , . - j ) v icipating. BfarHyn AtMnaon i conducted the theology meet- ing. A special message wu riven by Reva Wilson and Bishop Robinson. Elaina Dun-kle-y gave a very fitting lesion mi foreghremenas. City and Bfr. and Bfrs. Frank Shumway ofLogan, visited with Mrs. Eva Thursday night 3 ; uveBOI Family Visits In Fairview - Bfr. and Bfrs. FIARVIEW Leslie Cole had an their children home for the week end and .they were Bfr. and Bfrs. WendeU Eames, Washington, D.C., and their son, Brent, of BYU; Bfr. and Bfrs Donald Cole and children of Salt Lake City; Bfr. and Bfrs, GarneU Sornson and daughter. Linda, of Logan; Bfr. and Bfrs. Darrell Manning and smi, David, of Pocatello and Gay Cole of gait Lake City. U.&LFtunitaro Co. Idaho noniiomsn r and Hie DEGQO A SERMON PUBLISHED BY REQUEST OF THE LDS IN EXPLANATION DOCT- THE NEGRO RINE REGARDING AND THOSE OF NEGROID BLOOD. By Jaha J. Stewart SUPPUMENT WITH HISTORICAL By William E. Berrott The Preston Cilizon SL25 rr' noumiG : SSASOH OFEQS SATDDDAY, OCT. 19 n ab-serv- ad De Sun Tmi Ghddi Yoanr Equipment . . . And Do Doady - O JUST SOUTH OF LOGAN LIC ENSE8 DEER TAGS o o o ' - J v 7 CLOTHES -- n iVS'1 ' V DEER RIFLES 1 ; ,.,Vv, . CAMPING SUPPLIES -'- 1 AMMUNITION I . f 8K By-Produ- cts GET YOUR HUNTING $ - Co. IDAHO APPUADCE & SPOUT SHOP 1 V - .J , '? HEAD you own DUGS and DFB0LS1ED7 Profesdttially D2SQ Dead And Useless Animals PHONE COLLECT LOGAM Garrett Lona Holt the members of the Amlgod chib at: her home Thun TRENTON and Bln. Don Paul Jenkins and daughter of PHONE MHUI PRESTON Grace will make their home Alberta, Visited during the Is Pocatolle for tb winter will attend tha pest Weekend. With Bfr. and where Don Mrs. Joseph Bfyler and family and Bfr. and Bfrs. Ezra Kendall and family. Bfrs. Arnetts . Johannsen from Canada end VMa Peterson from Smlthfleld visited Sunday at the bomb of Bfr. and Bfrs. LeRoy Sorenson. Bfr. and Bfrs. George Perry and family from Tremon-tovisited Bfr. and Bfrs. Lorenzo Sorenson Sunday. Bfrs. William Hahrlg he birthday anniver-sa- y Sunday with a family dinner at the home of Bfrs. Gilbert Baku. Bishop Wendel Godfrey attended some sessions of the LDS General Conference In 1.' Salt Lake City the peat week WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT FOR HUNTING AND end. POR PROMPT PICKUP OF er OR GENTS CORNISH Emma Smith from Champion, 4 safe arrival of a Ashton and Louise Feted.Wilh Dinner Bfr. and Bfrs. Willis E. ELECTRIC CLOCK er Word wu received in town on Friday morning of the bS Accent Offer Expires Oct Mrs. Susie Nelson conduction. Prayers RICHMOND Anderson spent last week In were by President Lorraine Salt Lake City were she at- Ilulet and Bfrs. Anne Erek-soMusic was under the tended a birthday dinner for a sister. Eliza Bremer, on direction of Bfrs. Afton But- and Bfrs. Adonis Dennis. her 82nd anniversary. In at. Dennis gave the tendance was another sister, Bfrs. Emily Nelson, 90, of lesson. Bfrs. Lucille Logan. Bfrs. Anderson also Hawkes and Bfrs. Bfary Tripp genealogicU served refreshments to A meeting on Friday evening in members. the Tabernacle. The - group Mrs. Janet Tolman and enjoyed a film showing the three children of Bancroft. new storage niece for re- Ida., visited at the home of cords that has been construct- her parents, Bfr. and Bfrs, ed In .Cottonwood canyon. Glendon Bair from Friday till The Richmond Ward Pri- Bfonday. On Sunday they motmary held their regular pre- ored to Ogden where they paration meeting mi Bfonday visited with Mr. and Bfrs. Sharon Richard Thomaon. evening with n. Firehing Copperimi O 92nd Birthday ' J, low game to Bfrs. Couple Honored On Anniversary FILED RADGE BULL SALE 1 Clubs A-lie- ne Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Grov- are away, Bfr. and Bfrs. Bferle Hoffman visiter, girl, Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis of Salt LakeCityVi Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Deck- and of Bfr. and Bfrs. BfUton ors and children, Boyce week. er, girl, Loon. Lauree, drove to Pocatello Baras the past School Mr. and Bus. Paul superRoundy, Sunday to visit her father, Stake Cunday intendent Robert Dahle and girl, Logan. Joseph Armstrong who is ill. Ross Plant and Bfr. Buttan Mr. and Bfrs Earl BfcEn-OCTOBER 11 and Bfrs. Lima Stowell and 1 THE CITIZEN, Lwwteten. Ulah FRANKLIN Hostess Estelle Smith entertained Thursday evening for the Friendly Falks club at her home in Franklin. Fall flowers decor: ated the room and tables. A plate luncheon was served to Marilyn Doney, Josie Lewis, Leone Smith, Phyllis Moser, Btonta Wickham, Lydia Cornish, Zelma Cornish and Jensen. Prizes at table games were won by Leone Smith, Bfonta Wickham and Phyllis Moser. COVE Maughan, girl, Smlthfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin John-sogirl, Logan. lM - i Colorado Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Neil Little-Helgirl, Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Arland 17. f ' : ; V K-- |