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Show Municipal Parties Complete THE (CACHE VALLE Lewistons Rich- and monds two municipal EAUTY VOL. NO. M 1 LEWISTON. UTAH THURSDAY. OCT par- ties have now nominated their candidates for city office, leaving only the campaigning left to go before the November 5 election date. Richmond completed the Republican slate ' last week. i IT. MW - The 4. I Progressive party nominated their three candidates Wednesday night. They include Dr. C. . M. Hatch Wilcox, Willis G. Sharp and Wendell T. Hup- - ren. r Harvest In On Dll Projoci : f sugar plant So far it appears that the quality of the beets is about normal or a little bit better, judging from the ones delivered to the Lewiston plant, although it is too early for a reliable estimate, it was reported. Final payments on the 1982 crop will be j - tary. The Citizens party nominated their slate last week,-TheInclude the three Incumbents, H. Ray Gibbons, A. M. Simmonds and Ervin Van Orden. Outgoing officers of the group are Orlo Jones and Mrs. Leda Pond. Those named to head the group were Dr. D. LaMar y Utah-Idah- tbe-Bea- . Train EVACUATE BUILDING Fire Prevention Week was observed by North Cache High School with a complete evacuation of the building. Pictured above are students and faculty as they cleared the building Monday morning, October 7. Principal Robert Dahle stated, The school was completely evacuated in 80 seconds. Students are being precautioned of fire dan ger and the need for orderly evacuation of the school building during fire drills. Surprise fire ' chills are held periodically during the year as well as civil defense drills. Lewiston Navajo Receives 2WTLSSLSS and has available Call 'To Indian Mission - te tog-wit- ua--t.- Holds Hatting Eva Fae Anderson as Y The Trenton PTA held their first meeting of the year., recently in the school iMh room,' with Eth-lee-n Grant president conDlicies A booklet of school was reviewed -- by Dale Rindlibacher. by Beth Smith accompanied by her sister, A vocal solo io 1 The officers of the FHA of North Cache are planning an exdtlng and educational year. Including films, banquets, and various speakers, which include Charlotte Sheffield Maxfield; Dean of Women at USU, and Leah Dunford, at regular meetings. Urn first social affair of the year was a hayrlde and pancake supper held recently at North Cache. (Left to right) Marcia Buttars, Lewiston, Historian; Carolyn Keodell, Cornish, Reporter; Katherine Petersen, Lewiston, President; Pauline Ballard, Benson, Secretary; Meridee Bodily, Lewiston, First Vice President. Absent: Margo Hurren, Lewiston. Second Vice President. Hilly ard A bearing on file propoeed rateincrease for Utah Power and Light will be held in COVE Elder Ray t. Geddes leaves for the Mis- dtotetoii . teas The sion Home, October 28, prior, to servingatwo year misstoir mafcatthe Vtaatolto J1 ; : i ' ; 1 i grdduata Grammy, who - form-may- renfiy the repre-th- e cooked their dinner. Those participating 34 AMtate band which Wl conJunctlon 018 recent of the Education Utah Association, Edward dricks, David Pratt, Atotoy and Allstate groups consist- Bradley Bundy, Borfoey And- ed of the Band, Orchestra and Bair. " Chorus. Respectively conduct ed by Manley R. Whitcomb in the ton s literary ommuu. All-Stat- Su e A Woxlover, ' grandchildren. luL, MRg. nmsnRKN h.ri LDS church all man ker Ufe- - She wrved as prori- - Utah, died Tuesday when his car overturned as he. turned foom State Route 34 to U. 8 JO flve mile, north bm. i SZS saf-ra1 victim was was well receiver dents and visitors. for the NC performance Musicians win be USU home- - Barcalow. 48. He was alone M the car. They said the auto Gene JdSSww Butm, W1 01 Lewto- - U5P are: Sylmar G. m B. Allen, jer, Mrs. James Manning, Mrs. Carolyn Maxfield, Reese Naegle, Mrs. Bonnie Rae Nalder, Mrs. Lolita Shirley, mim Thorn Wheeler, C. E. Wilson, and J. Vance Hendricks. TqBChem attending from the Lewiston Elementary School were: Clayton C. Nielsen, Nathan Anderson, Miss Sorenson, Miss Mae Hanson, Mrs. Anna Mills, Mrs. Annie Mcknight, Mrs. Adele M. Hyer. Rey Wiser, Mrs. Ethel Leavitt, and Mr. Hollingsworth. Miss Marcia Buttars j Miss Nancy Waddoups, and Gary Anderson 'of Lewiston, also went to the convention where In the and band. All-Sta-te cafeterias and busses will make their usual routes at the early hour. school FRANKLIN county schools win dismiss at the regular time on Friday. .With the opening of the season an appeal went out foom law enforcement officers for hunters to do possible to have a safe' Simple rules for the hunters to follow Included: KNOW WHAT youre firing at before you pull the The Elk hunting season which passed recently was just a teaser THE TEASER .for some of the. many hunters who win take to the Mila this weekend for the umiai deer hunt. Here Rlchard Jensen holds a set of Elk horns following :a hunt; at Sabo Crook Saddle camp in the Selway area. It was a four-poielk. nt . trig- ger. Never climb through or over fences without first unloading the gun. Never shoot at a flat, hard surface. Never look down the barrel of a gun to see it its loaded. And keep the safety on until youre ready to shoot , . Keep guns and ammunit--. ton away from children.. Bo absolutely sure guns carried Into camp or ' are unloaded. Remember that alcohol and guns can bo a lethal mixture. him follow fcf? sss, ffSlwSil. thl.? MkhW The a year ago at tola fonoaf time. toll WMIA, sttoa l2LJP5 An, from overhanging bars and sparks 'drift upward with heat and can start a fire In the tree tops. 2. Malta 'aura that ground area is free from expoeed roots. Fire can burn down- -' ward and travel through coming to the aurfacu w even weeks later. Before starting your fire. gcrape away all twigs and otber burnable material- - so that the soil is bare on an out ,Nt diameter. . j Bm .mu. tw. ' iEF' b. from spreading. SS, 4. Build your fire where b rr7 from.wlnd and breezes. If no fif Thomas uMmnl ayrstJ.uBa brtWT to th,,wto4wr Interment will 5. Building year' fire in u be in too Riverdale cemetery, hole belpe save wood and nre. Annual Deer Hunting Nears; Appeal Made For Safety Gary . 12 wen reprerented jg Lady ChurchuL The Intro- schools Mming ta ductioo is writtenby the late from the Dixie High In rector of Bimd. etlSSteT Eleanor Roosevelt Refreshments were served by: the hostess to 17 chib members and one guest. hu? JfSlL will wlydose at 1 p.mon Frldav to ATTEND CONVENTION open at sunrise for the MIL allow students and Madly to The teachers Saturday and area hunters LEWISTON Soma of the valley schools break trail for camps, Lunch wffibesaved at the aSmdriUEA1 craveX wIU take to thehlDs Friday -C- ache County Schoola-w-ill High ion in Salt Lake City on and Friday of last w BuU4 Stool bS2u2mb auaffested Roberts that aD building campfires' these ten common rules: She Is survived by the Mrs- J9 5r Cl SSa ,0Sr Soto 2? of Rtehmond; Nunpa; Clayter of Rexburg, Clayne Lewiston. st Logan with UDia Baker, pres- The North Cache students blent, onductlng the meeting. Mrs. Myrtle raid reviewed in the Band were the book My Dttltaf Oem- - ,mfWlg in fiM what; however, any careless-- Mr. Felix of Logan; Mrs. (Relda) Jorgensen of Logan (me brother, Howard J. Fuhriman of Logan and a foster mother, Louise R. Fuhriman of Providence, and half-tim- care-- . aUTkSX, . foStoSJd specially ssssr.srasrH married to raipm iTforSt iISlm TS1" u lheridT? by Ranger 8hd-awar- d. and Marcia Attars All three students are outstanding music stu- dents with a variety of tal-enta. Being members of the Concert, ssarphing god Pep Bands these students are kept, toy, developing their activities the Harold Goodman of Brigham NC Maiyhing recently The Iwif- Young University; and Paul performed at the e of Club met on Salamunovlch of Mwnt uw North Cache Homecoming ESnnl?Rlmfflffi all hnnters who will m tha National w. i.- 1 They were Nanette Tout of Rw,ltMUtM , . wJlwB hear : " Precantions or MR. FORSGREN U a of Preston,. school BD S-m- y Students Take Rgri X0 TiUKQ IITO , Clifford Forsgren,' died who were at the hearing were th e university. He received six individual Ralph Wkkbert, chairman, UC awards and a Duty To God Frank Meek and A. 0. His testimonial will don. The hearing In Preston 111 JUI Shlffl D&lld be held Sunday. October 20, will be for representatives Nine South RICHMOND at 7:30 p.m. in the Cove, from the Boar Lake, Oneida Ward Scouts and their scout-and Franklin county area. Ward chapel, Cove, Utah, Three the southern Utah to North Cache He is the son of Mr. and The time and date will be Gr on the North end of the Mrs. Roy David Geddes announced later. Saturday. They hiked to White North Cache High School Fine Lake, .fished awhile and participated In the re- LEWISTON . .. 1 - ' Sends Dflxo To Tony Grove Three were In the mission , home prior to leaving on an IDS In TszasT North as secretary. Urged fcw Hunters ep ite. Mission Heme ! . n , On the ticket are Lorenzo Wednesday morning . of Champ Webb and heart attact about 4:45 a.m. guson johnao In the Salt Lake LDS Mis- - Hearing One ta Forsgren Scheduled Here Dies In LDS TtTaxAiJLzM -- Persons may register 19 until October 29 to vote in the city elections. THE REPUBLICAN party of Richmond met Thursday evening for a nominating meeting for. three council-mefor election on Nov. 5. In charge of the meeting was Quentin Peart, chairman, with hire. Lona Smith and Neal as FHA PLANS WFC UisstauryCAlltid i retary. v . TRENTON duction. with sec- chairman, Gibbons, V FTA served at the dose of the meeting. pulp in bulk lots as well as pelleted pulp in bulk. Eddie Toledo, a Navajo In- - the Lewiston Second ward n M dian gto boy who has been liv-- chapel at 7:30 p.m. with . the Don C. Van enter the mission ham ' on futon. October 28.. The public la in- Dykes in Lewiston, has-reFarmers obtaining bulk ceived a mission call to the vited. driedbeet pulp at the Lewis; south West fodian UJ8 Mis- - EldwToledo has been stay- ton factory were im. 'V the Van Dykes for that they should . tweyea HMerJMadq(kifcare.tefft Lffyen fir., and Mrs. Chantey W. LDS dnuch Indian f Jar their teato of eliminate wind loss. Toledo of QlfrO, New Mexico. He la a gr ' ' A farewell testimonial will Cache be held for Mm Sunday In was active lg . r. ft 25. 5 v The Richmond Lions club heard a- report of the Bear River Project Monday night during the regular meeting. The report was made by Russell G. Cranney. jxkember o Coordinatof the ing committee of ' River Project' the meeting Presiding at was Richard, Bagley, president of the club.'. FullSwing The annual beet harvest is now In full swing, according to officials of the Amalgamated Sugar company. The weather is such that beets can now be stock piled and there will be no restrictions on harvesting. The storm last week was just perfect, as the fields were drying a little too much for easy harvesting, the officials said. There was .85 Inches of rain recorded at the Lewiston ' i DURING the meeting the party leadership was reorganized with Melvin C. Gilbert being named chairman and Memn J. Bodily tary. Outgoing officers Lindsey Rawlins, chairman, and Mervin Bodily, secre- i tecta it from the wind. also ik jt the fire DEAD OUT leaving it It 'i Start four fire wltfa twigs and small sticks, and hdd larger sticks as the fire builds up. This prevents a sudden fiareup with its shower of 8-- . ' sparks. I 7. Keep your fire small. A small fire or good bed of coals gives plenty of hut for, cooking, and reduces both n. fire hazard and smoke. 8. Put your campfire DEAD OUT before leaving it Put water on it and stir.it-unti- l can SAFELY put four to it. When bou smoke and steam are gone', feel. each stick to malm sure, there art no hot coals, if .there Is no water handy, stir moist dirt or sand into the coala until they are .all DEAD OUT. 9. Immediately report forest fires to .the nearest forest a ranger or forest fire warden. 10. Leave s dean camp. motors should be careful with their cigarettes and matches, since n wnrtideriwr William A. Scholes, principal of f match or cigarette, thrown GETTING READY omvn Mr a careless North Cache High School Seminary, dou Ms '' hunting hunter, could start a forest flre. Be? In for Deer Ms rifle the clothes, sights Mg anticipation fore you ttagwjouc cigarettes Hunt which will come with the opening of the season cm or matches kway, tnalto Mma Saturday at sunrise. they are DEAD |