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Show I THE CITIZEN. LmUm. Obi 11. October The Ladies of Elk held their monthly social Thursday at the Lodge hall. It was appropriately decorated with pumpkins, witches, and goblins, fall flowers also added to the Halloween theme. A buffet table covered with a brown tattered doth was set up in the hall from which was served a delicious luncheon, on one end was a big pot of smoking witches brew served by a costumed witch. The ladies were seated at small tables covered .with white cloths, the center was marked with black and orange nut cups topped by a white ghost nDies and napkins also followed the theme. Duplicate bridge, pinochle, and bingo followed for the remainder of the evening, prises in bridge going to Leona Euan Wilcox, Chatterton, Donna Gae Hobbs and Alice Want Prises in Li- Call Us For Wedding Gilt Former Preston Han Heads Elk Ladies Use Fall Theme For Meeting d- to Taylor. SL Scouts The drawing for a free Ross J. Taylor, son of Mr. membership was won by Bon- and Mrs. Rawson Taylor of ita Oliverson. was recently named Preston, Committee for the affair scout executive of the Great Salt Lake Boy Scout Council. Since 1967 ha has boon In of scouting in the charge mid Owens, Elaine Coy, Mary Area Council Empire Orange Bergqulst in Santa Ann, Calif. He is a native of Preston GIVEN KITCHEN SHOWER a former student at Utah and liar-shaFRANKLIN Julie State University. Donna LeFSvre and Mr. Tfcylor is married and JmI tAaiAMAfl TOT GOnsOflOtSvS wWn has two children. kitchen shower given in honor of Mrs.-- - Barbara Womack Owen Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marshall. Other guests besides s the honored gueat and were Janice Gregory, ReNae Bowman, Velda Womack, Thelma Womack, Lana and Sharon Woodward, Mrs. Bertha Womack, Marion Kristy Lowe and Yvonne Marshall. The group made a brides book, ana refreshments end visit- - - ll I host-asse- Le-Fevr- e, - Roes Taylor la shown WHILE IN CALIFORNIA during a got ready session for a council dinner in California. Shown with him are Judge Harl Lynn Davis, a superior court Judge (seated), Leslie Petersen, retired first vico president of MGM, and John Boyd, president of a savings and loan association. married Mr. and Mrs. Lonls Sant announce the marriage of their daughter, Paala, to James H. Newby of Pocatello, Ida. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Newby Pocatello. They were married la Pocatello on October 4. Fnaklia Hunting Season Is Hen and Hen is the Place lo Bag the Bed Bays of the Bed Cars 1U0 Chevrolet WITH OVERDRIVE $2295 All Heady To Go I960 Damhler INI Chevrolet SEDAN WITH OVERDRIVE CORVAIR RAMPSIDE PICKUP $21295 $1295 1958 1858 $795 j '. $995 T n SEDAN FORDOR V- -l SEDAN . Ford 1958 Plymouth $750 i ' . . Plymoulh 1961 CRYSLER SEDAN V--f $995 NEWPORT HARDTOP With Rugged Man Comfort A large FRANKLIN group of parents attended a PTA meeting Wednesday at the Franklin Elementary School. Woodrow Porter, PTA president, greeted the parents and teachers. Principal LaReen Lowe Introduced the teachers and gave a few suggestions to tiie parents to aid their children. A demonstration of an overhead project was given by Tom Carlyle of Pocatello. Parents bad a short meeting with the teachers in their rooms, followed by refreshments served to all by PTA officer!, Woodrow Porter, Ada Wright knd Barham Wright ' . SEDAN THE BEST BUY IN A NEARLY NEW, QUALITY AUTOMOBILE 1IH Chrysler Plymouth $750 $995 19S Pontiac HARDTOP SEDAN V--S 1955 Plymenlh A GOOD ONE $395 M $495 ffit 1955 RATION WAGON -- A Real Goer for Heating and Fbhiag niL wim "BuHMi Comfort Quality The Elders Quo..COVE rum held their ward party Wednesday evening in the Cultural Hall with Lloyd Lewis in charge. A ham dinner was served by Mrs. Fern Lewis to a large crowd of Elders and their wives. '0. F. Rodebush was in charge of the program. The group sang Come, Come Ye Saints' led by Luella Preece with Howard Preece A guitar duet of several numbers was played by Kent Walker and Craig Allen. A omical reading was given Rodebush, duet by Sr Sherry Allen and Luella Preece. selections was Harmonica rendered by Ollle Rodebush. accom-panin- un In b JSAi Ford PTA Cov Elders Qnoraa Wild Holds Ftily 1K7 mt Have More Fun Holds Meeting Hercury MONTCLAIR WITH FULL POWER AND AIR CONDITIONING ... For Less. HUNTERS: Chevrolet SDOOR g. fftt to B and 12 D Widths FEATURING WIDOI (Non-Ski- avion CRIP! ) d, On Runet Leather Upper Oxford Briefi e Original Wednesday Mrs. Cedi Fisher went with her daughter, Lucille and Ken Franzen of Salt Lake City to Pocatello to visit her sister, Eva Harmon at the hospital. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fisher and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fisher and family while there. Two of Richards children returned home with them and Thursday the Franzens took them to. .Salt Lake to visit with than for awhile. "Sweat-Proof- " leather Ineelet USE THE CONVENIENCE OF YOUR BLOCKS CHARGE ACCOUNT BUMP Open Friday Till Preston 8 p. m. t Second Car & Hunting Season 5 Chevrolet $350 '55 Dodge $359 Gives you the warmest feeling $350 '55 Plymouth $395 RATION WAGON '53 Plymoulh otor Comany tS$ MONTH STATE SEB PHIL. GEORGE OB MELVIN $250 . JUR OVERHAULED ' - A Now's the time to order STANDARD HEATING OILfor the warmest feeling all winter long. Call your Standard Man today for dependable service ... and for the safe, warmth of Standard Heating OIL clean, all-envelo- . PHONE UB4SS7 Per any Standard Oil produet, eeS Wayne S. Evans ' MUM a |