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Show I THE CITIZEN, Lewtetae, Utah October 17, MU SEPTEMBER Funeral Prayen were offered by J. tervlcea wgrahdd In the Harold Godfrey and Darrell 11 CLARKSTON 2S1S So MaHeSB&frS IFcE ve to Clarkcton City Come- was kffledta tfuck accident on Sunday tery wu dedicated by Velden night a mile aouth of Clarke-- Goodey. Pall bearen were 111 wd SSWSSrVtofiSS! Jacobson, Dale Balls, Leon GodtWr, Don Surno. nd table udPoctlule orgra Qartu GodferUp. newer. mueb wu played b, Beme were under the direction of 0?Tcbclr ' OB . ReaDrOeenarw: Gasser.and Bishop J. WUliam Hyde- - s.u JftfSit L& 1 sfptrmrrr i?2mw M q- - S5jiStnSSl SWE&AS? JrSEPTEMBER M 10m: .. Robert CUtta Devil Awbi, CtiK; Paul Ann JacobMO, ia, Sale-- MD Bop-wort- Z7 SpJT, Cr", uSboL SSi Grace, Mark V. Talbot 39, Joylena Preston, Idaho, Yww.eiauo; R OCTOBER 14 Mf James .8. Leatham, Utah; Jana Kay Paul, U, Ogden, Utah. Uw), Gary . Iynn Cook, 18, REID INVITES THE BIGGEST SPREE OF THE ENJOY SAVING - RECEIVE MONEY Weeley D. SoluHer, U. P. Agriculture agent, congratulates Max M. Gilbert Alice J.JlcQueen looks on. YOU TO SAVING OF SAMPLE- S- u Preston Students Given Scholarship Honey At USD YEAR ON ALL YOUR HOME FURNISHINGS AND APPLIANCES . . . HERES A COUPLE Miss Alice J. McQueen, Preston, and Max M. Gil- bert, Preston were among the vocational outstanding agricultural students and dubmembere, attending Utah State University, who recent- ly received payments for their scholarship abilities. There were eight Idaho students and one from Wyoming who have elected to use their scholarships by enrollment enshaw, deu of students; Glenn Baird,' state AH cliib leader; L. R. Humpherys, Lo-2gan, emeritus professor of agricultural education; John williams, assistant deu of students; and J. R. Allred, USU new editor, 8 4-- H Clothes Dryer in; e Fully Automatic DURING THIS SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE ONLY at USU. Winners of the Union Pacific Railroad scholarships were each presented their 9200 checks by Wesley D. Salt Lake City, union Pacific agricultural agent for Utah, at a dinner in the Stu-dent Union building. Mr. Soulier announced that these awards bring the total of Utah college winners to more than 1000 with monetary value of the scholarships of $95,000 since the union Pacific started its program in 1922. Other guests of honor in- Dr. Daryl Chase, president of USU, and Mrs. chided Chau; Dr. Veral R. Smith, deu of the ollege of agri--culture; Dr. Claude J. Burt- Full Tour Warranty On And Oul The Entire Dryer O O Damp CMhea Capacity. offers fsst, safe, New HMprint Speed-flo- Giant 29-L- b. w. o O cad Safety-Sta- only let yon quickly Fabric Commend select the temperatures te eastern dry any labrie. pueh-butte- u O rt alto a e dance, sponsor-Soulieed by the Franklin Stake, will be held Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in the Franklin Stake house, The theme of the dance will a "A Deer Hunters Ball an everyone attending Is asked to wear something red. According to D. A. Nash, superintednent of the Frank-nearl- y lin Stake MIA there will he refreshments and door prises. Music win be provided by Kdth Jensens orchestra, General chilrman of the dance are Clair Egbert and Mrs. James Hoggan, activit counselors in the Stake organization. two-stax- r, Every day LAND BANK LOANS are being used fay non and mon Northwest lumen and ranchers to improve crop; farming method and to buy or build new facilities. LAND BANK JOANS are preferred because of low interest, HeriUt long term availability, and full prepayment privileges without penalty. Gann fat soon and talk it over. get your MND BANK LOAN here KDKKAL LAND BANK ASSOCIATION OP IS PRESTON 8. State Jee Gamer, Manager 852-11- 45 How many miles will it take to convince a hard-heade- d W.T. All Porcelain ! h, an-noun-ce - so, Morten- - Kevins, vocal duet, Thompson and Shlrlew Clark, first step toward? . "In the Garden of Tomor-1 row. closing song by choir, bricklayer. s. Robert ea that you began life as a poor Phillip Schvaneveldt, .. Weston, Idaho; Zefa lajmr. What was your Mdba ctiiUm, Idaho. Aduetby Am and Joe Idaho; Patricia lama Man-nlng. 1. pul , Idaho. SS,UUh. mnea, New York. SEPTEMBER liy speakers were Bish- Father, op The Clubs Mairiages Accident Victim Sorvims Held . Rangna Clark as hostess. The afternoon wu spent in playing games. Luncheon wu held served by Mrs. Cleric to Gay Variety Chib wu God-deand two DeAnn of at the home eight members JoAnn Vhterlaus wu guests. honored with a baby shower. Her baby wu a boy. Thou BABY BORN. present were Elaine Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Allan Gall Hansen, Norma of Brigham City Smith Linda Christensen, the birth of their Hone. Sharon Nancy Pearce, a girl, Jana fourth child, and DeAnn Lu Dldrlckson, JoAnn. Guests were Nancy Smith. She was born Octobar Tinaey, and Lila Rae Ben- 1 and weighted eight pounds nett They played pinochle. and eight ounces. Prises went to Nancy Pearce, Paternal grandparents are Linda Christensen, and Elaine Mr, and Mrs. Lafe Smith, Hobbs. Refreshments were formerly of Riverdale, who served by the hostess. are now on a mission hi Maternal grandEngland. CLARKSTON The HOme Culture Club of Clarkston wu parents are Mr. and Mrs. held at the home of Mrs. Detail G. Talbot, Lewiston, LaRalne Pearce with Mrs. Utah. value-lovin- g, tough-thinkin- g, allows dryer te operate door la cloud and start button pushed. Switch Giant List Screen b easily remsved hokum-proo- f, sales-resistan- t, to cleaning. fair-mind- ed quality-consciou- s, motorist like you? Famous Dupont SOI Coniinnous Filament nylon M SUPER TORQUE FORD, It MODELS, S DISTINCT SOOFUNES Expertly Weaved Dy Most motorists are sold on Ford's Total Performance '64 inside the very first mile. We dont know how long it will take you. But we have a '64 Ford waiting to give you a convincing demonstration of its exciting new ride, ruggedness, and response. Bigelow, The Quality Leader. Sq. Yard Values to &95 Its the smoothest riding, easiest handling, quietest running, best built Ford in history. . . so beautifully changed in style and performance we scarcely believe it ourselves. ROLL ENDS AND BALANCE OF BOLLS SIZES r x IF to U x IF FAXI. - " .fR II. . 39 wawwj--- M .11 north' Slate wy AT rv-v- ryv 'FORDDEALER'S ID) Plume 852-07-37 i HcCunE U) Wert Oneida Horn cohpady Phone 852-01- 76 Preston, Idaho |