Show HIS FACE WAS HIS FORTUNE the TRl lett man in ger out of trouble in an un expected manner on the southern edge of phelps county lives beott who is considered the ugliest man in mis-souri and there are some of his neigh-bors who will bet his equal cannot be produced from any quarter who is thirty years old says the st louis globe democrat has white hair eyes like a chinaman no eyebrows a nose of abnormal propor-tions which lops over almost to his cheek bone and is ornamented at the end with a beautiful comic bulb he is lank and tall and there are numer-ous other imperfections that aci 1 to this picture of general and particular ugliness was arrested about a year ago for cutting timber on government lands in county and when his trial came up at spring-field before the united states court the prisoner was promptly arraigned while the district attorney was read-ing the judge said addressing the dis-trict attorney you may enter nolle pprroosequi in the prisoners case after a careful scrutiny of his physiognomy I1 am convinced that any man who is compelled to carry that face is pun-ished quite enough for the amount of lumber which he is charged with hav-ing unlawfully taken from government lands you are discharged mr go as quickly as you can and dont forget to take your face with you undoubtedly this decision of the learned and discriminating judge at springfield mo entitles scott to the undisputed title the ugliest man in missouri |