Show THE WEDNESDAY 14 1894 bolm E booth president john henry smith vice J 0 graham geo auli i r john W turner 0 D glacier J R boshard AND J M Tens sn abba 0 graham managed Mana gei at tho at brov second class matter i TERMS OF subscription BY MAIL daily edition one year parta of a year cpr month TO bemi vearin advance TO CITY daily le livered sunday excepted except cd 80 centa per month address THE co provo city total where delivery deli verv is irre enlar make complaint at the omna or h telephone no 27 THIS PAPER fi agency hi aud ca ex thanie san kranc isalo caa abere aad advert hf anade for it P NEWSPAPER ADVER li agent 21 merchants exchange Is our agit this capar Is in ills faiia haa a ha every ipek excelda that of all the other newspapers in central and southern Son thern utah combined in utan county ii has a circulation that ex of all the other territorial A sure cure lor piles itching piles are known by moisture like perspiration causing intense itching when warm this form aa well as blind bleeding or protruding yield at onca to dr pile remedy which acts directly on parts affected absorbs tumors allays itching and deflects a permanent cure 50 acts druggists or mail circulars free dr bosanko philadelphia pa sold by pyna maiben lr 1287 the english coined gold pennies which weighed l of a pound and passed for twenty pence doar to the norman conquest the britons had living money and dead money the former being slaves and cattle the latter metal SOMETHING NEW pens made from celluloid are coming into use in france on marble has been accomplished ly a london artist As attempt is to be made by a hallway N J man to ocean in a sixteen skiff buckinghamm Bucking hams dye for the whiskers can be applied when at home and is uniformly successful in coloring a crown or black hence its great popularity brain workers keep their heads clear and bowels open take simmons liver regulator grandmothers ADVICE in family ot nine children my only rn ady for couch ald and croup w onion arap it IB effective today to day an it was forty year co wow my grandchildren take ar onion syrup prepared and pleaman pl easan to tho laate sold everywhere bottled BO canto sitf no sir it thre 0 cod by hypo fe maiben i easily quickly permanently restored WEAKNESS nervousness DEBILITY and all the train d all early errors or later excesses the results ot overwork sickness development and tone given to every oreace find portion ot tho body simple been failure impossible book explanation and proofs mailed sealed free ERIE MEDICAL CO burrag o NY ceib county savins banac the attention of desiring to open aings accounts is called to the utan county savings bank which allows interest on deposits at the rate at 6 per ent per annum compounded quarterly monay to loan on approved rea estate security CAPITAL a 0 pres B pree J C W H KING W K B w H cashier PR THAT gl A J cures coughs hoarseness sore throat croup promptly relieves whooping conga and asthma tor consumption it haa no rival has cured thousands where all others failed will CURE YOU it taken in time sold by druggists on a or cheat use sm ious secta REME bV have you catarrh this remedy Is aaran teed to cure you ire JOHN A JR As old ag the hills and never excelled tried SISS il and proven 13 ane verdict bof millions S immo ns liver kegu is the 7 liver kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a 7 cure A av mild laxative and purely vegetable acting pills on the directly liver and kidneys try if sold by all druggists in liquid or in powder to be taken dry or made into a tea th king of liver medicines I 1 jiahe used spur sammons liver regulator and can say it is the consider it a medicine chest in itself azo W JACS aws tacoma wi 0 EVERY PACKAGE astl the Z stump tu red on yua can geff the finest and most durably claths cloths made at home as you can also get the best tailoring done gall and see if what I 1 say 13 not true S PETERSON tailor one door south of deseret telegraph office J street OF i aps diw A 0 SMOOT president W R vice president joan G AST GEO go Q J P R jonsson Jons soK E F D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york chicago san franciaco and all the principal of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards SALT LAKE CITY conducted on the american and european plan ms m 1 TO y m m this popular hotel is equipped with all modern conveniences in eluding electric bells steam heat hot and cold water baths steam elevator fire escapes etc JOHN MORGAN prop GOOD every patriotic citizen should give hta personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the Anie rican policy of protection it is his dufy to aid in this respect in every way possible after the homa paper is taken care of why not subscribe for the ECONOMIST published by tho american protective Protect ivo tariff league one of its correspondents says t no true american can get along without it I 1 consider it feo greatest and truest political teacher te the united states send postal card request for freo sample copy address man general secretary vest 0 H berat can tea a full line of odous fi sala AND solid walnut rosewood and burl abid coffins of al leizea white and black cloth covered SOLID OAK AIR TIGHT CASKETS superseding the metal caskets orders by mail or dispatch promptly attended to liberal discount given to the tracer street oae block north of ban way depot 0 ac 3 caveats anatra daf conducted for FECS OUR IS OPPOSITE U 3 PATENT and we can patent in less tune i ni remote araa seid model with deserio afoa we iriece if pt enable or not dreb 5 i charac due till J 1 A ow 3 obtain patents sitf cost ot same in the U S and furcina coan trie un i address bock springs lump nut castle Gate Lump castle gate nut pleasant valley an 1060 hauling per ton extra YARD TELEPHONE 17 the daily enquirer THE ONE YEAR FOR EIGHT DOLLARS the price alone of the DAILY ENQUIRER we take pleasure in informing conr subscribers that we have made with THE COLORADO SUN publishing co to club our daily paper with THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN at the very low price of eight dollars or the semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER with THE COLORADO WEEKLY foi in each case alie subscription payable in advance the colorado weekly sun has secured a phenomenal circulation and cloveres the entire field west of the missouri river it is a large eight pape paper and contains all the news of the world literary Litera rj features mining news departments for the home the farmer and the children CASH mua accompany all orders address THE ENQUIRER CO provo utah TO AND chicago for tickets and information apply to K ALEY agent E gr W prove OR W F mcmillan agent boom dooly bloc salt lake city E J WARD SONS proprietors fc skyey of comer ard 3rd and H streets telephone no 3 prove utah stands alone as the BLOC and core for rheumatism VO d e 3 endorsed by and complete each hottle aquor browna i er BROWNS ANO GINGER aged to be the best remedy for diarrhoea lyon ft irl ir l all bowel complaints it contain the active medicinal virtues of jamaica ginger Blackberry and roots combined with arc in tic t ik 11 n an agreeable safe and effectual remedy sold by all druggists atlis cupa ellla curo cure ellla cure 88 5 CURES SH n RW ss re 0 n c c 33 almost all pills bad medicine produce constipation hare la pill anat cures torpid allter pies and kidney and allter jd a tr without griping or any traca ot constipation i loo Is the ot oil backness beware ol 01 it setting and chronic vim you 1 l see to it in time these pui will cure you api ri ia rectifying RECTIFY ING alt L a in a 0 li II 11 jbf asa it Is tae only ate aad 38 ff tt alsy 5 sasa B remedy barely BEAUTIFY tha 22 3 3 S J U fo s nn 10 1 0 3 clear the and demova all blotcher blotches blot ches the faco try box 1 eee tor roar sell SOLD ONLY IN PACKAGES sa by 00 33 urah SS g mail on receipt of price is prentiss pula cure pills cure constipation plira palla care constipation 1 s riss THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years haa avea to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years afree subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce this popular agricultural magazine to the geigle of utah and will continue to send postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER and THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber ra eiding re in the states who will forward to us we have recently introduced another feature to our premium department one that is of in ohp mm III alti ulti lidell 20 viUm subscriber inthe united steles prepaid pre paid for one year and ix TV B f t J 1 entertaining become and instructive monthly magadine Maga aine that hs arkady a home necessity aaseng the of altah rf lt A we are prepared to receive orders 11 make contracts for buildings ot sll descriptions estimates furnished en application we have the facilities for the best and most durable qualities of in any samuel liddiard co UTAH the popular t louis globe democrat semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY will be given one year with the daily enquirer for the usual price payable in advance and with the semi weeley enquirer one year tor only address your orders as follows THE ENQUIRE R CO provo city lon lo n THE mm m Bal boad line of the world the only line running two through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER EFFECTIVE 19 1893 train no 2 7 00 a m salt lake a m arrive at pueblo a m colorado springs a m denver a m train no 4 leaves ogden a m salt lake D m arrive at pueblo pm colorado springs p m denver 1130 p m connections made at springs and denver with all lines eist coaches chair cars and pullman sleepers on all trains take the D R G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on the continent A b S K HOOPER traffic manager G P T A denver colo denver colo B F NEVINS general agent salt lane city ut bior over billy KEB bee nuge or yer fifty denra by millions of mothers loi thel children while teething with perfect cess it soothes the child the urai quays pain cures wind colic ana is alie beai remedy for it will relieve the pool ottlo sufferer immediately sold by la every part of the world twenty fin ieti i bottle be sure for lira ft kowt and klud low leates are detill in to eastern points via the rio grande western ky remember the R G W ia coed for the elegance of its equipment its new coaches its free chair care its tourist of colonist sleepers and it new aua artistic pull man double drawing room sleeping Slee pine care which run thrones to chicago without charge te peed safety and comfort ib its well earned motto two nisin liue fast express raina to the baat aila PRINCESS MARIA of panna is not pretty even for a royal bride she has a long lare by a very long and substantial nose arid it ia nn gallantly eaid that her face looks like eliat of a horse THE ladies of dresden have been holding a riding tournament the 1 honors of the joust being won by a young english girl ficq theresa brooks her final exploit was the driving of a pair of horses aanden while her own horse at full bleed COMPOUND 1 A recent discovery by an oil physician tuce ay ladies Is the only perfectly safe and rellano medicine discovered beware ot unprincipled wh offer interior la place ot athla ask tor bok B cotton root Compon nil ala BO 1 l tuf or 1 and 0 cents la posit age in itte cud we will send sealed fuh particular ia plain envelops enve lopo to ladles only S dirom anny so ich sold in city and ev y bf |